PVP suggestions (Full Version)

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Keanman -> PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 10:09:33)

Hi everybody,

This is my first non-bug post so please take it easy on my suggestions if they are too far fetched lol. I started playing ED during the 10 year event and I have to say the pvp is amazing. As I leveled up I noticed the matching system started making matches that didn't make any sense at all. Here are a couple of suggested fixes and the reasons for the fix:

Equipment rarity should be taken into account when matching:

I was level 27 and was constantly being matched against level 31s with full varium jugg gear in 1v1. Many people have said 'yeah but you get the other end as well'. Well I can tell you that's not the case as I have NEVER faced anyone in 1v1 that was more than 1 level below me. Since leveling to 28 I find most 2v2 battles now involve level 31 players. The opponent that is roughly my level is using comparable gear to me. Then you look at the 30-31s. One has no gun, no bazooka and has base armor. The other is in full varium jugg gear. How is this even remotely fair?

Jugg needs to be removed from 2v2 or level req raised:

Since hitting 26 all I ever see in 2v2 is juggs. Some have suggested doing more 1v1 but if you read the above suggestion you'll see a 2v2 jugg is preferable to 1v1 jugg lol. Last night I played for over an hour and in the 20ish matches I played, only 2 games were actual 2v2s. This tends to happen night after night. This is beyond frustrating for a player trying to level up. Especially at power hour as juggs tend to waste a lot of time. To fix this I think jugg should be removed from 2v2 and given it's own queue with rewards for lower level players to entice them to play. I understand this may make wait times a huge pain so a second and more realistic solution, is to raise the min level cap for jugg. Currently it's at two level 26s (52) against a level 35. This should be raised to two level 28s (56) as 26s are no challenge for a 35 jugg. Some juggs may complain about wait times to quash this suggestion but the fact is the wait times are not an issue. Juggs are getting matches in seconds most nights.

When asking around, the general consensus is that it is a living hell leveling from 26-30 because of juggs. They all say juggs pretty much go away at 31, but that's a long time to be stuck doing something that is so frustrating. It's a very good way to lose players who are not dedicated.

One last minute addition I'd like to add is to have the ally link work with 2v2. There would obviously have to be checks to make sure the level ranges work. But how fun would it be if you could easily pvp with your friends instead of having to time your queue and hope you end up in the same match let alone on the same team. Plus the aggravation of playing with people who do not know the very basics and proceed to call you noob when you try to help is a little annoying.

Bunshichi -> RE: PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 11:19:06)


Well I can tell you that's not the case as I have NEVER faced anyone in 1v1 that was more than 1 level below me. Since leveling to 28 I find most 2v2 battles now involve level 31 players

In 1 vs 1 you are paired with people 5 levels withing your range meaning 28, 29, 30, 31, and lvl 32's.

Keanman -> RE: PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 11:24:14)

Is that a static level range? Or does it move as I level up? Also is that a 5 level range going both ways or always 5 levels above?

Bunshichi -> RE: PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 11:30:25)

It can't go over lvl 31 in public 1 vs 1 or lower than your lvl.

Battle Mode Ranges


To fix this I think jugg should be removed from 2v2 and given it's own queue with rewards for lower level players to entice them to play.

By this do you mean give non juggers a record that counts of the losses or an option to let them vs juggs.

Unknown Menace -> RE: PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 11:43:20)

Hi Keanman


Equipment rarity should be taken into account when matching:

I believe this has been mentioned by other people as well, but the thing is there are not that many players to actually make this work. You have PvP games that have a million or 10 million player base in that case you could use a system that takes equipment rarity into consideration when matching players. Epicduel is a small community, so this will work very hard. Maybe not even possible.


Jugg needs to be removed from 2v2 or level req raised:

Responding to this and the explanation you gave. I can relate to the juggernaut thing. I played some 2vs2 with my level 26 alt this morning because i prefer 2vs2 and i also got frustrated of all the jugg fighting. Mainly because of the end of most jugg fights the juggernaut had 50% to 70% of his health left and we were both defeated. Really i wouldn't mind it if we have the slightest chance of winning but we weren't even close, it's just to ridiculous. This didn't happen once it was one fight after the other, every single time.

The big factors in this are: The level difference (two level 26's against a level 35). The var against non-var (we both non-var and the jugg full var) and the enchantments (again we have none and the juggernaut has all) Class being tactical mercenary 5focus/tech build with level 5 field medic combined with infernal android.. The combination of these factor's makes it impossible. Just frustrating to even want to trie and play 2vs2 around those levels.

So i support the Juggernaut suggestion, eather a level requirements raised or the juggs level lowered. Taking jugg out of 2vs2 is not necessary. If you make the level difference lower between the players and jugg it will be effective enough.

I don't support the equipent rarity requirement with matching pvp's, because we simply don't have enough players for it.

Keanman -> RE: PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 11:56:54)


It can't go over lvl 31 in public 1 vs 1 or lower than your lvl.

I think I may not be understanding. Why is it that I get matches against people 1 level lower and how is it the 31s are getting matched with me if they can't be matched with anything lower than their level?

As for the jugg comment. My first suggestion would be for a totally separate Jugg queue in addition to the 1v1 and 2v2 queue. That way people are getting the 2v2 matches they signed up for and aren't being 'ambushed' by juggs all night. The records would be left exactly how they stand now. The jugg would have to sign up to change their record via skull card. The lower level non juggs would queue for 'jugg' with no fear of building losses on their record and to further entice them to play, they could have some rewards like level 26-30 weapons you can only get by doing jugg.

The only downside I can see from this system is the possible impact on wait times for juggs as players may not take to it right away. It would have to be heavily advertised.

That's why I made the second suggestion of just raising the min level req. It will cut the painful leveling process from 26-30 in half and it shouldn't affect wait times.


I don't support the equipent rarity requirement with matching pvp's, because we simply don't have enough players for it.

I can agree with you that it probably wouldn't work for jugg as the 2 lower level players 95% of the time don't have a single varium item. However, it is 100% possible for 1v1 and 2v2. That vast majority of 31-35s have at least some if not all varium items. Also rarity shouldn't be a deciding factor if the match happens at all. ie if a non-varium and varium players are the only 2 in the queue, they should still fight each other. But if there is a choice of pairing 2 variums and 2 non variums it should do so.

Bunshichi -> RE: PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 12:36:04)


I think I may not be understanding. Why is it that I get matches against people 1 level lower and how is it the 31s are getting matched with me if they can't be matched with anything lower than their level?

I have been out of touch with 1 vs 1 a long time, but what I will assume is it goes from 26, 27 (your level from the 1st post), 28, 29, and lvl 31.

Keanman -> RE: PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 12:49:44)


I have been out of touch with 1 vs 1 a long time, but what I will assume is it goes from 26, 27 (your level from the 1st post), 28, 29, and lvl 31.

Ok, just so I'm understanding correctly. It's a static level bracket? Meaning it doesn't matter if I'm a level 26 or 31, I will never fight anything under 26 or over 31.

bestia immortalis -> RE: PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 16:08:44)

Let me help. :)

So, in 1vs1 you can fight from players that are 5 levels lower than you up to players that are 5 levels higher than you. If you are a level 26 player, that means that you can fight any player from level 21 to level 31. (26-5, 26+5) In 2vs2 it is basically the same, it only adds the levels of you and your partner. So if you are a level 26 player and you have a level 28 player as a partner (26+28=54), you can fight e.g. from a level 24 and a 25 player ( 24+25=49, 49=54-5) up to a level 29 and 30 player (29+30=59, 59=54+5). Juggernaut is something I'm not sure about how it's calculated...
Hope that helped :)

--Bestia Immortalis

Metallico -> RE: PVP suggestions (11/6/2012 16:18:14)

@bestia mortalis

The lvl doesn´t really matter in all the cases, because for example: i am lvl 26 and i get a lvl 24 partner with bionic battlegear and a good armor, and in other round i get a lvl 28 partner without armor, just his primary...

Equipment should be calculated too

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