RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (Full Version)

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TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/9/2012 21:39:43)

Glad you guys liked my zooka :D and thank you too nightwraith for making it possible. happy birthday nighty!

OmilliYo -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/9/2012 23:48:28)

I just have to say, Nightwrath is the most painful bosses i have ever fought in the history of my epic duel life. The first time i defeated him to get the achievement took me about 100+ loses. I forgot to accept the x6 mission and defeated him. I was happy that i defeated him but not happy about the mission thing. Now that i read the mission, i have to defeat him 11 times Dx. Anyways happy birthday Nightwrath :), have a great birthday.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/9/2012 23:54:44)

I can't decide which of my chars to grind credits on ;P and ofc the auxs still need enhancing :(

Lectrix -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 0:06:46)

Happy Birthday Nightwraith! I had my key from last year, so I went to the Armory Bot, saw the new Wraith Destroyer, and bought it on the spot. It beats my old Carrotic Collider in Damage and Stats, and looks great! Definitely a keeper.

Edit: Just remembered the new concept art. From the looks of it, the Class revamps should be something to look forward to. [:)]

Trizkial -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 0:10:21)

All of those hairstyles are sweet, thanks you guys! Also, grats to Trizz! Those zookas look pretty solid. [8D]

Really interested to see how the class revamps turn out!

And finally: Happy birthday Nightwraith! Have a good one, man! :)

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 0:19:43)

[8D] yeah the hair styles are great, vypie's hair style is my favorite since i like high tech stuff.
@above thnx trizkial

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 4:36:10)

I bought the key the first time, never bought anything and kept it for the rarity :D

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 4:44:52)

Lol so many praising the new hairstyles yet no one uses them. In my humble opinion they all don't look that good, except for Evil Reveals Itself ones, which are somewhat interesting. Not that my own contest entry was any better but still.

Well got Elite Big 50 that I missed last year and was hoping to get Wraith Pikes but somehow those didn't make it. Oh well.

Post edited. Please watch your language. ~Mecha

HydroMonk -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 12:03:17)

? Where are they :

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 19:02:20)

"Titan ‏@Titan_EpicDuel
Development is underway for the next HUUGE phase of EpicDuel. Before that's ready you can look forward to today's Nightwraith Bday update!"

When will the next phase begin?

Will we see three new classes with new type of skills?

What will the tree new classes be called?

Even though Delta phase brought new things paving the way for better expansion but it has been a nerfing nightmare that brought no balance to the game due to constantly listening to the minority that can't accept the concept that they will have losses so they push for suggestions that will make one class easier to beat than another.

I say end this nightmare on 12/12/2012 or bring it to an end on 12/21/2012.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 19:18:29)

Three new classes? Devs already said that they want to make evolved 3 more unique first before making another 3 classes..


Even though Delta phase brought new things paving the way for better expansion but it has been a nerfing nightmare that brought no balance to the game due to constantly listening to the minority that can't accept the concept that they will have losses so they push for suggestions that will make one class easier to beat than another.

As much as you keep telling that yourself, you expect Staff to listen to you which makes you also a minority so you're not any different to us. But funnily enough, you say that we can't accept the concept of losses yet you're the one saying BMs cannot beat anyone & push for suggestions to make one class easier to beat all the other ones. Yes, yes, yes. I agree.


I say end this nightmare on 12/12/2012 or bring it to an end on 12/21/2012.

We aren't all believers of end of the world. Let us enjoy the day like any other, there's no need to believe in some delusional dates that are apparently special, it's yet just another day.

Metallico -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 20:13:13)

@trizzentino żdont you think that 35k is so expenssive?

I don´t mean the new auxiliaries are bad but i mean that 35k is a exaggaratedly price it means that a non varium who has not same gear and fast enhancements has to win more battles to get the auxiliaries...
I´d suggest they cost 27k

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 20:22:55)

You do realise they cost that much because you get the Varium bonus? They are equal to Varium items but you pay NO Varium. There's 2 type of items, apparently VNV (called so in GD) which are these expensive Credit ones or F2P. Difference? VNV has Varium advantage for Credits and F2P is normal non-Varium item with less stats & slots than a Varium item.

And no, balance is NOT defined by how much an item costs; not literally but definitely not Credit cost per stat. Stats are allocated by the level of the weapon and same with damage, as well as weapons having damage and stat leans thus proving your example not relevant to the pricing of the weapon.

Exactly what I said in your thread, Metallico. If you wish not to pay with Credits for Varium bonus (Varium = real life money, 1K Varium = ~$9 (using 2K Points package)) so you can work in-game and get it for free (Credits) or buy them with Credits AND Varium for much lower Credit price. You get a choice. If you wish not to pay Varium then pay more Credits. If you don't want to pay more Credits then you don't want to get the item, simple as. You have choices and don't pick either one of them. Work or pay.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 21:39:06)

@metallico don't blame me blame practel and maybe titan or rabblefroth, they make the stats and the prices and im just suggesting the design.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/10/2012 22:18:29)

on twitter #blamepracteltilldecember21st2012

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/11/2012 0:11:42)

So staff not PLAYERS, what will be the time frame of the new phase?

Give us three new classes to replace the Blood mage, Cyber Hunter, and tact merc with all new skills different from the old classes and different in each new class because the Blood Mage is basically a class with only two skills that can be called their own with other skilled copied from multiple classes showing no uniqueness in that class.

What will the three new classes be called?

Also in the next phase as I have the block feature here to block some annoying disrespectful players I and the MAJORITY of the community have called for the block chat option feature in battle mode.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/11/2012 0:16:19)

They won't release any new classes until they perfect the current evolved classes.
I'm guessing for Omega phase it will be futuristic, delta was all about Sc-Fi

Rayman -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/11/2012 1:04:24)

It's Time, Happy Birthday NightWraith

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/11/2012 7:17:20)

happy birthday nighty!! here's your birthday card i made: clicky!

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/11/2012 9:40:53)

I don't do congratulations or happy birthdays but just know that I really care about you guys.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/11/2012 12:42:58)

@Hun: if they allow players to block each other in game, you will have no one to talk to...:P

Happy Birthday Nightwraith

Balance should always come directly after profits in any game, yet balance always seems to be last place and when it does get addressed,
it's a half arsed effort, poorly thought out or completely pointless because other issues are left in place. I left in June, came back this month
and all the same balance issues are here, and the classes haven't changed at all. how much longer is this gonna drag on?

Wraith -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/11/2012 15:58:18)

hbd NW.

Oh yay...more credit more varium stuff. exciting.

i feel like i should buy it...meh...

i look forward to new bounty hunter ;d

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/13/2012 20:57:21)

"Titan ‏@Titan_EpicDuel
EpicDuel Omega Launches this December! "

That is when we will see new character designs. I hope new classes with total new skills that each new class does not share and their own unique skills that will not be passed on to future or past classes.

PivotalDisorder, Last time I checked it is called battle mode not chat mode. In 2vs2 two good players do not have to communicate to let the other one know what to do and and when I get a partner that I do not have to hold their hand we win the match 100% of the time not only it is called instincts.

Also for Omega they need to make it where you can fame on the same page instead of open up a new page especially in battle.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/14/2012 2:17:05)


In 2vs2 two good players do not have to communicate to let the other one know what to do and and when I get a partner that I do not have to hold their hand we win the match 100% of the time not only it is called instincts

utter rubbish

@ hun

without communication, u would lose a 2v2 match it is not about reading each others minds. yes 2 good players might not need to talk/communicate but what if u r vsing 2 other players which are as good as you and your partner. No communication= u do not have a plan of atk, no plan of atk vsing 2 good players in 2v2= a sure lose(unless the RNG gods are with ya).

drinde -> RE: =ED= Wear Your Birthday Best - November 08, 2012 (11/14/2012 3:11:08)



In 2vs2 two good players do not have to communicate to let the other one know what to do and and when I get a partner that I do not have to hold their hand we win the match 100% of the time not only it is called instincts.

This is impossible, without a basic plan in mind, how can you know what will help your partner and vice versa?

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