Utilizing IRC with IceChat (Full Version)

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moe -> Utilizing IRC with IceChat (11/11/2012 4:44:18)

I downloaded IceChat. Now what do I do?

- Thread title edited to better describe what the question is.

Affinity -> RE: IIRC? (11/11/2012 5:02:24)

I suppose you're attempting to connect to IRC. Well, I'm not too familiar with IceChat since I'm using another client but you should have something like a Network List or something like that wherein you have a list of networks you can connect to. If you've found it, create a new network and rename it to Caelestia or whatever you want then you would want to edit that network. In the list of servers, add the channels you want to join to (#battleon, #yulgarsinn, #cr&a are some AE channels I know of) then connect. This may not be very clear, but you can always try.

moe -> RE: IIRC? (11/11/2012 5:13:08)

i'M SOOOO CONFUSED!!! OK please give me instructions From the moment I open ICECHAT!!!

Affinity -> RE: IIRC? (11/11/2012 5:38:39)

I see...just downloaded IceChat (Windows, don't know if it looks the same for other varants) to be able to explain better. Yea, my explanation for above comes from someone who uses XChat2 and now I understand why you're confused. Anyway, let's see...

1. Start with the 'Add new' button. It should ask you for the server's name and type in irc.caelestia.net
2. Click Next, do not look for the server.
3. Leave the port number as is. Click Next.
4. For channels, you have a number of options. #battleon is for general AE conversations; #yulgarsinn is for non-AE related conversations; #cr&a is for character ratings and advice specifically for AQ. There are more channels, but these are the ones I know of.
5. At the next step, select the name you want.
6. The next steps are negligible; just keep clicking next.
7. At this point, you should be connected to Caelestia already, but not to any channel yet. Type in /msg nickserv register [password] [email] and you should be able to receive an email confirming your registration.
8. I cannot recall if there is a confirmation required, but I suppose you already know what to do if there is. Once you've finished registering, type in /join [channel; this would be either #battleon, #yulgarsinn, or #cr&a].

Bah, I don't think I explained this very well, but good luck!

If my explanation does not work, you can check this guide instead: Using IRC. It should be much clearer than mine.

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