Infernal Android still a God (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> Infernal Android still a God (11/11/2012 18:36:28)

After 10 turns the Robot is still beyond all skills minus Massacre* at max level in damage. 140% of 32-36* + 30 is 87-91 damage (rounded). The multiplier could reset after using the special and the rate of increase could increase. The rate of increase would begin only as soon as the special attack has cooled down. 75-125% could be the potential damage range.

For this proposal, is an example:

Turn A: Player uses Infernal Laser, Infernal Laser RESET

Turn B: Laser at 3 turn cooldown

Turn C: Laser at 2 turn cooldown

Turn D: Laser at 1 turn cooldown

Turn E: Laser ready, at 75% damage

Turn F: Laser ready, at 100% damage

Turn G: Laser ready, at 125% damage [maximum], Player uses Infernal Laser, Infernal Laser RESET

King Helios -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/11/2012 18:57:14)

A) It is 30-34 +30, or 32-36 +30.
B) I think it is about equal to a Max Surgical (with 59 less energy)
C) Yes, it is OP.

I think it should go 80%, 90%, 100%, 105%, 110%, 115%, 115%, 115%,...

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/11/2012 18:57:48)

no not really, it helps against tech abuse builds and those builds that abuse shields when they dont need to. and strength builds can kill you before it reached its full power.

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/11/2012 19:00:58)

@ depressed void

All but massacre at the max level since at that it is equal in power.

However, the infernal bot was nerfed twice already. Plus the bot is based off the delta vault something that didn't reset unless a stag grenade was thrown at it. Plus even if you added this reset feature to the bot, it would affect game play too much. Most players I encountered using this bot use the regular attack in early turns, and save the special for either rage or late in the duel when they are about to finish the opponent off.

Stabilis -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/11/2012 19:05:41)

[reply] It is true that players might play conservatively with the Droid to hit when the most damage can be dealt, although it matters little when it can be used infinitely and is always empowering up to 140%.

ReinXI -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/11/2012 19:14:25)

infinitely? it can be used once every 4 turns special wise.. seriously thats plenty of turns in itself to take somebody out most 1v1 fights don't even last 4 turns the only time fights last that long are against uber tanks and the infernals special is great for taking those tanks out. The bot is fine

Stabilis -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/11/2012 19:18:14)

Yes. And at the same time an Infernal Android user is a tank themselves.

It takes a god to slay a god if the god is not being slayed beforehand. A 40-46 Defense 40-46 Resistance Tactical Mercenary may be taken out by IA, at the same time it could be his/her most devastating weapon.

Do you see where I am taking you with this?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/11/2012 19:22:57)

@depresses void: then he will have low dex so thats why we must atleast have some physical weapons equipped

Ranloth -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/11/2012 19:35:56)

Whilst I agree, ReinXI, that Bot is good for taking them out. Should the Bot be the only way to take them out? They use it to take us out instead. It should perhaps be further lowered to 120-125% and reset with use. Allow me to explain:
After you max it out, you'll rage it. It's about 50 damage now even with Tank defences (yes Rage ignores half of defences). 20% less is 12 damage less when maxed (before defences) and still more powerful than Gamma after 5th turn (105%). So if you rage on 4th turn then you'll deal damage very close to that of Gamma or you can stall it a turn or two longer and get stronger damage.
Next, after you use it you're down to 80%. 4th turn rage would put you at 100% damage which is ~same as Gamma Bot.

So in fairness, using the Bot 2nd time on 3rd rage (1st Rage = Gun/Aux/Primary, 2nd Rage = Bot), would give you almost same damage as Gamma Bot after it'd reset. You can stall if you want for 20% more damage which is still lower than 140% & it won't be OP with 140% now that doesn't reset.

Metallico -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 11:37:46)

Is not Oped, it only works for long battles and you have to wait 1 extra turn, in that extra turn they can kill you

Stabilis -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 11:52:16)


People can do many things Metallico! All a Fifth Focused has to do is survive, Max Field Medic and 2 health boosters! Great defenses!

XxAl PachinOxX -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 14:22:10)

just coz u cant play with infernal bot or counter it.... it don't mean it needs a nurf [>:] ...
learn how to play pal...... coz of pplz like u all the bloody bots got nurfed how much more nurf u want ?

Bunshichi -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 14:26:00)

^ He is suggesting that the laser % dmg reset . Another suggested to lower the 140%. Heck I've faced people that can outmatch the dmg of my gamma bot with 4 focus.

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 14:47:46)

At bunshichi

adding a reset will be like add a build in stag grenade to the bot every time it uses it's laser. Plus as stated before people will just wait until the duel is nearly over, on their last legs, Etc and use the bot then. I have seen this done even without the reset so even adding a reset to this won't help matters as the bot will still be a game breaker.

Stabilis -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 15:22:33)

Al Pachino,

First, I would mind apologizing to you if what I have stated insults you, I do not represent all people even though I try to understand everyone. By the way your movies are pretty cool.


Just because you do not understand how Infernal Android works, it does not mean that it needs a power nerf. Learn how it works D.V., because of people that make claims like this one results in random things receiving a nerf. Just how much more would you nerf it?

Well... looks like we gotta' tough guy hee'ya, "when asked what you were doing you said, 'I don't know nothing about that taxi cab robbery".

Al, I can honestly tell you that I know enough about IA that I no longer use it. I do not use overpowered things when I can, I appreciate a challenge and that can mean underpowered or underused things. I use Bio Borg with a Field Commander, Artillery Support build and do I ever get a challenge with these Strongmen, Casters, Androids.

I have crafted an IA 5 Focus build at 125-135 (130 average) Technology using what I have. And if it were not for my split armour, I would have 40+ Defense + Resistance. That, with IA and Field Medic and 2 h-boosters, is extreme stats. No doubt about it, 140% damage is equal to Maxaccre. For the rest of the battle, at no energy cost. Deflectable though, but deflectable is totally based on uncertainty... doubt.

Rayman -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 16:05:31)

Yes IA Is Still OP and need this suggested nerf by D-Void. This is what the bot needs.
and talking about bot's: Making the specials of some bots like Gamma deflectable was a mistake, Blockable was fine, now people dont really use dex on focus build because they have the free unblockable bot hit that improves with deflect. So they just spam tech and use the special giving them a free powerfull hit and killing dex people easily with unblockables like now the Bot.

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 16:26:42)

@ rayman

Only the gamma bot and infernal android have this which is only two bots. Plus for the infernal android it is a nerf since before it was unblockable and could be deflected. Also for the gamma bot the only reason they made it's special blockable at first was because they didn't know how to make it deflectable in the first place so they buffed the bot since it's original purpose is to be an offensive bot, and having a blockable laser when it was possible to make it deflectable hindered that. Also blockable lasers wasn't fine since it was a non physical energy attack that was going against not only dex but shadow arts as well. The pyro fly is the only bot that has a blockable laser attack (only because the laser isn't it's special) and I don't know how many times I have lost because of said laser being blockable making it even more unreliable.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 17:29:28)

@all who wants nerf to infernal android: so you guys wants to nerf another survival need for us 5 focus builds against strength and health spammers....the android already got 2 nerfs and yet you want another one....and you guys want to make gammabot the only effective offensive bot again......this is ridiculous.

robo90925 -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 19:29:41)

Infernal bot is the only offensive bot left for current players to buy.... Why nerf it again? It is too unfair....

Stabilis -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/12/2012 19:47:15)

This is part of a 6-fold balance sweep. To make as many different builds as balanced as possible in threat level to each other.

  • Strength

  • Skills (Plasma Bolt, Massacre, probability changing skills (weak Shadow Arts or strong Bunker Buster))

  • Focus Robots at 60+ damage and 30++ Defense/Resistance (also multiple other advantages like Agility or non-decaying stats (stats are too low to decay thus no penalty)) (Infernal Android at damage * 1.4 = over 9000)

  • Agility (because it can be exploited with a rage build (high offence low defence))

  • Support (severely low damage output compared to counterpart Strength)

  • Dexterity not on par with Technology

  • Warmaker04 -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/15/2012 16:39:06)

    No, Its good bot and it was nerfed thousand times and it still one of the bests.
    It justice, dont deserves more nerfs since it was nerfed 4 times or 5.
    Now its fine.

    ( Gamma bot and Infernal Android are kinda powerfull brothers, but infernal isnt op )

    So i disagree

    Stabilis -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/15/2012 18:52:00)


    Nerfed once once to charge slower, nerfed another time to be deflectable and lower total damage. 4 to 5 nerfs would be more along the lines of the Bounty Hunter.

    Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/16/2012 1:34:30)

    @ depressed void

    It was actually nerfed three times already if you put it like that. The bot has been nerfed even then any other bot. Even the Azreal borg and Gamma bot didn't get these many nerfs and they come in second and third for nerfs.

    King FrostLich -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/16/2012 5:09:16)

    This is why I complained why this robot should not be permanent when it is the destroyer of all bots. The longer the match is, this bot becomes extremely powerful capable of even killing a tank or even a heal looper if field medic and agility even gets removed.

    Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android still a God (11/16/2012 12:48:01)

    @ king

    They left it in the game because they wanted non variums to have more variety of bots. Before that all they could get their hands on was the rusted Assault bot.

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