Epicbrawlerchaotic -> RE: =OS= Personal Goals for OverSoul (12/26/2012 19:58:54)
My Goal would be to: 1. Convince Nulgath to make the Alpha Testers get the same reward as the Stress Testers (Void Knight, since stress testing was only for 3 days) or any other special reward that we DON'T HAVE TO POSSESS.[:)] 2.Rank Founder to legendary and Lv 20 it. [:D] 3. Hold ALL of Revontheus's soon to come related character's (already got Revontheus, Revonthurkey and Rudolphtheus) 4. Convince nulgath to make Miltonius a character, and get it. And that's pretty much all [;)] maybe i'll convince him for 1 and 4, most importantly 1. WISH ME LUCK!