A change in fame (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> A change in fame (11/12/2012 21:14:45)

I myself like fame for the cheevos it offers as do many people. however there are those people who hate fame for the following reasons.

1 Fame beggars who will continue to ask for f4f in battle even after the player said no
2 It is spammy and in the quote "Polluting the chat ways"
3 It service no real purpose and it not only takes away from the game but is annoying.
4 fame should be earned and not asked for.

However instead of completely axing fame like the staff did with warkills and warlord how about this.

Make it so fame is just another form of battle record that is based on your wins. It could go like this.

1 vs 1 you get one fame point if you win
2 vs 2 you get two fame points if you win
Juggernaut mode you get 3 fame if you win as the jug

However in order for this to be put into play the daily fame leader board would have to be removed since if it remained it would only promote quick kill builds for 1 vs 1 in attempt to gain rising star which is something I am completely against. (quick kill builds since most of these are OP str build or another OP build)

Now for a new cheevo it could work like the war ranks and style cheevos (meaning it updates itself every time you meet the requirement) which could come into play after you earned the final cheevo for the old system this being rock star.

With this new system in play the people who want fame will be happy since they can get their fame, and the people who hate for the reasons I listed can have peace since there will be no need to ask for fame since it will be earned in battle which is what some people were saying in old threads. So tell me what do you think of this idea?

Crimson Eagle -> RE: A change in fame (11/13/2012 0:21:38)

I do like this idea a lot, but you would have to make the fame achievement way higher than they are at the moment. Getting 100 1vs1 is a daily thing for most...
But axing the fame leader board I don't really like... No more rising star?
Although this is a good suggestion, I don't think the devs will implant this.

and the people who hate for the reasons I listed can have peace since there will be no need to ask for fame since it will be earned in battle

By this do you mean that you cannot fame another player?

Mother1 -> RE: A change in fame (11/13/2012 0:26:48)

@ mr clean

You won't have to ask for it since you will get fame every time you win a battle. In other words you will earn your fame every time you win a battle which will get rid of fame ask/begging in battle and outside of battle as there would be no need to.

Also that was why I said have a new upgrading cheevo after rockstar.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: A change in fame (11/13/2012 0:30:48)

Oh, well that part I don't like... Like for those people who don't beg and just earn their fame, that would effect them...

Mother1 -> RE: A change in fame (11/13/2012 0:48:42)

@ mr clean

The point of this idea is so that we could keep fame without annoying all the other people who hate it. if you don't have to ask for but earn it through battle what can the haters say? they can't say anything because no one is asking/begging since it is being earned through battle.

Also the reason why I said rising would become rare is because we already have a LB that promotes quick kill builds being the one vs one. If fame became the way I said it would be in this thread it would basically be rewarding quick kill builds who can go through battles fact and this is something that should be discouraged not encouraged.

drinde -> RE: A change in fame (11/13/2012 1:16:36)

This is a great way to make sure Fame is achieved realistically, since the more you appear on the leaderboards, the more people will actually "see" you.

However, around 3 fame per time you win the board is way too low. Perhaps it could be +1 Fame point at the end of each hour, provided you remain at the board's top 5? Winner of dailys and overall would get more fame, of course.

Also, me being nitpicky:


The point of this idea is so that we could keep fame without annoying all the other people who hate it.

Nobody actually hates "fame", it's the principle that causes people to say "F4F" that people hate. You may say you're earning fame, but you're not. To the other player, you would just be another random player that wants to accumulate some random point. The point of Fame is to give famous players recognition, isn't it?

willendorf -> RE: A change in fame (11/13/2012 23:56:42)

Fame is called fame because it relates to how many people visit your character page - how famous you are. changing that would ruin it.

Ferrin -> RE: A change in fame (11/17/2012 12:35:35)

if everyone gets fame for winning battles..everyone will be really famous

8x -> RE: A change in fame (11/17/2012 14:57:36)

It's too late to change fame now.

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