RE: Energy steal BM? (Full Version)

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Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/14/2012 6:21:52)

I only say that my build can outclass all the BM's out there. I almost never lose from them, sometimes with bad luck.
But i did not said anything about other classes, did i?

My build has also a weakness, and that are TM's. There Malf, and reroute is a pain in the ass for me since im a energy taker.
And for my 5 focus Malf weakens my robot.

And thats why BMs need assimilliation, you said they are only focused on dealing dmg? Well with skills do they use for that, tell me?
Bludgeon, DA, Fireball. Can you make another one up, please do?

That would mean a Att skill would disappear, then they cant only focus on dealing dmg

Scyze -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/14/2012 6:25:37)

What's your statement?
What do you want to prove?

You want Strength Blood Mages reviving?

Ranloth -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/14/2012 6:31:13)

Well done. You missed Plasma Cannon too, SC as well. I said they are focused on damage but not fully, what I exactly said was that they are better in dealing damage than TMs. Hence why you don't need Assimilate. You COMPLETELY ignore our statements and repeat the same thing. You won't get us to agree with you if you will keep repeating the same thing without answering our concers first.

BMs HAD Assimilate before, it was TAKEN AWAY for a reason. They aren't stupid enough to give it back. It's like giving Smoke back to TLMs, Diamond Blades to BHs, Zerker back to BMs, etc. No.

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/14/2012 6:32:41)

I want Assimilliation instead of Bludgeon.
Not only to make the so called 'STR BM OP' builds out there not OP, because they all are STR abusers.
I want the option to take Energy as a BM, just because all other classes have it.

It is a MUST for all classes.

And I never knew that those where there in the first place dude.

I never saw zerk on BM or Smoke on TLM's. And what the heck are Diamond blades?

And what skill exactly has been replaced for assimilite then, i would like to know that?

Ranloth -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/14/2012 6:40:18)

No, EP drain is not a must. And neither is debuff on every single class. Must skills are:
- Stun
- Multi
- Heal
- 2 out of these 3: Passive EP or HP regen, debuff, passive Armor
- Ultimate

Nothing else is a must skill so you're wrong there. TMs did NOT have Energy drain before Assimilate (it was added as 12th skill along with SA and Blood Shield). That proves Energy drain is NOT a must.
Your point with not seeing Zerk on BM or Smoke on TLM? It was still there, there's data to prove it and we remember it. It was OP. And what skill? AFAIK, Assimilate went away for Zerker; Reflex was put after Technician was taken away & Matrix was changed for Energy Shield.

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/14/2012 6:42:43)

All classes have:
Stun Option
Heal Option
Def or Res Shield
Tech or Dex Booster (Except Mercs)
And all a Energy steal option except for BM?

Well shouldnt they have it then, in my opinion yes.

And you can prove it that they were there. But still i never experienced it because i came after all those nerfs.
I never experienced a nerf, except for massive strikes reducings def ignore and IAs reducing max dmg

Ranloth -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/14/2012 6:50:11)


And all a Energy steal option except for BM?

They aren't a must in every class. Just like how TLMs don't have a debuff. Do I have to redirect you to previous page where I said it? Also, FYI, Assimilation isn't official EP drain. It doesn't work like the other ones, it deals damage and gives Energy back to you. So no, you can not has EP drain.

RageSoul -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/14/2012 8:01:12)

Like Neos , i also don't see a very good and acceptable reason why BMs should get this skill . I mean come on , it's not like it's the end of the class or even worse , the world , if they don't have this . If Energy Shield + Physical Primary = Caster TM defected , heck what's more if you add Assimilation to the mix ? Also , the reason TMs have this is that they can't rely on only Reroute forever since HP is not unlimited .

D.v.D. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/14/2012 19:57:19)


And what skill exactly has been replaced for assimilate then, i would like to know that?

Reflex boost, obviously.Would you like that gone again?

Yo son -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/25/2012 22:14:28)

for most of you guys who are saying it will be Oped, your acting like noobs that has no experience how to make builds. You sound as if it is possible to even max all of the skills at once , you will have to either choose one over the other, or divide the skill points. Also you guys are terribly wrong about a Strength Bh vs Strength BM, it doesn't matter who goes first, if a BM goes first, then gets smoked after, the chances of him missing goes up insanely, if he misses one strike, stab or even a simply strike is over; but that's the opposite when a BH goes first. smoke counters the effect of intimidate and but it is not necessary vise versa. Look at it this way, any class with ability to take away mana, specifically Bh(since it takes away a lot) can stop a BM from using bludgeon but a BM cant stop a Bh from using massacre, and a massacre packs a punch way more deadly than deadly aim and Bludgeon.

Anyways why do you guys even care that much? this is just a cycle that will never end and the more and more nerf and updates the more and more the goal of breaking the cycle becomes a dream.

arthropleura -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/25/2012 23:06:40)

._.|| some people here... x_x
I guess i support but it would be weird to have assimilation on row 3...
i mean like, its always in the corner yeah? its liek have deadly aim there... weird :/

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/26/2012 0:10:30)

Pretty sure that everyone knows this, but assim used to be on BM at the beginning. Giving BM assimilation would be similar to giving merc a defensive buff, as they both seem like vital skills that the classes should have but lack. I think the energy steal part of assim would work, but then there's the energy that's given back to the user. If you used assimilation 2 times, which can most often be done considering BM focus builds last around 8 turns or so (from my experience, that's typically when someone loses a fight with focus BM), a strong assimilation of high level can EASILY give the user enough energy to reuse a defensive buff, intimidate, OR bludgeon. I wouldn't disagree with this if assm on BM took more energy, but didn't return any, but with it returning energy to the user, it becomes a huge problem instantly. BMs already have a pretty strong resilience to str BHs anyways (Intimidate + reflex boost/resistance shield), so energy removal isn't necessary to make BM a strong class (I doubt anyone here can deny that BM is pretty strong as an individual class right now).
Adding assimilation in replace of other skills would totally crush strength builds when playing against BMs. If you'd want assimilation on BM, you'd have to either remove intimidate or reflex, so that a balance when fighting strength builds still remains.

@Trans I think you got the skill replacements wrong... but that may just be me. This is how I remember it:
Assimilation gets replaced with reflex boost
Technician gets replaced with energy shield (funny how all evolved classes started off with technician, and now none of them do)
Zerker gets replaced with bludgeon

I don't ever remember BM having matrix...

From what I've heard (this may not be accurate), diamond blades was a passive ability for BH back in alpha that was similar to deadly aim, except it was for strikes instead.

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