Lvl Cap (Full Version)

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Mysterion. -> Lvl Cap (11/14/2012 9:38:02)

Everybody knows that the Omega phase is coming up, all the testing phases will be ended since Omega is the full game.
(I dont know for sure but saw a lot people saying it)

And well, there are more then enough 35's right now,
and i am the example that you dont need a whole year to get to lvl 35.
(I started right after Bionic Battlalion Sage, and coming on power hours, and few exp boosts helps a lot for the lvl 30 to 35)

Sow well, why not raise the lvl cap too 36?
I would be perfect since all the new Omega weapons will come,
and why not introduce it with lvl 36?

I also know this takes a lot of work for the devs, but thats why it needs to be unlocked in Januari/Februari, then the devs can still celebrate christmas and new year.

What do you all think about this, because waiting one year too raise lvl cap is just a reason for some people to stop playing till it is raised?

This is just a suggestion guys, no personal attacks at me plz.
I'm probably not the only one who wants it so keep it up General, not Personal

Mother1 -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/14/2012 11:46:40)

They just raised it to level 35 a few months ago so no. Not everyone is at the top level yet in fact it is only a minority who are. The masses are 34 and lower so give them a chance to get to the top level. Besides the staff already said they aren't going to do it anytime soon.

Ranloth -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/14/2012 12:01:11)

We don't even have gaps filled in equipment for Level 34, not mentioning 35, and you want 36? What for? Making more equipment redundant and having even bigger gaps in equipment? Despite new phase, there shouldn't be a raise. We had one during the War, next one will be at least early next year.

SylvanElf -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/14/2012 13:54:15)

Trans is right, though it pains me to think of carrying my Eggzooka around for another year ><.

5rr5 -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/14/2012 13:59:00)

They raise the level cap like once every year.

Hyperion211 -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/14/2012 14:08:58)

i raised to lvl 35 in 3 weeks it isnt that hard but the level cap mustnt be increased. many people will be destroyed if this will be increased. The Balance First Must Be restored to ED before raising the Cap.

little heart -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/14/2012 21:48:04)

not now plzz

Colarndo -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/14/2012 22:12:40)

Ya raise it so developers have an excuse to have another level 36 exclusive $50 varium package:P

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/15/2012 1:02:19)

@Mysterion. Even with EXP boost/power hour, you'd have to play a few hours every day if you wanted to become level 35 that quickly. I understand games are fun, but about 1-2% or less of the population will spend that much time/effort on varium for EXP boosts. It typically takes about a year or so for majority of the "active" players to get to the level cap starting from level 1, given they take advantage of a couple EXP boosts and power hour.

Mysterion. -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/15/2012 7:03:34)

@ Above

You dont need to play few hours everyday,
I played everyday in the holidays, about 7 hours over the whole day, and if you buy a Exp-boost for 2 days.
And that for 6 days long, and with power hours. You would lvl up easily.

In the lower lvls if you win a lot it already goes fast.
But from lvl 28 to 35 its hard, your whole win record blows to pieces.
Thats why i used the Exp boosts, my win record would have been destroyed without it.

And if you go for one Daily 1vs1, you at least need more then 400 wins to get in the first 3 places. 400wins*2 (exp boosts) is already 800 wins.

So no, you dont need to play few hours everyday, if you plan it right.

Ranloth -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/15/2012 11:38:39)

The thing is, we aren't you. We don't have time to spend so long on ED nor have Varium for boosters, that's very small minority who does it. Besides MAJORITY of players are around ~30 NOT 35, no point to raise just to please very small minority and leave terrible gaps in the equipment. Take balance to account too, you're making gaps even bigger, lack of equipment, Agility could use revamp and you're just shoving more points onto us which aren't needed.

Lord Nub -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/15/2012 17:33:34)

I think they should switch it up a bit and let us go an additional 2 levels. What a surprise that would be.

arthropleura -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/15/2012 22:21:58)

What do you do all day really. Besides right now being a lvl 32 is very difficult due to lvl 35 ppl i only beat by like... 2 hp. Raising it a little more will really mess many of us up. sure you dont have anything to do all day but some of us do...

Mysterion. -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/16/2012 2:56:42)

@ Above

I go to school from 08.30 too 16.00 every single day.
I work 4 days per week.
I go out on saturdays.

I have a life, but i like playing this game so i spend my sundays and vacations on it.
And apparently its enough to get too lvl 35 in a halfyear

Mother1 -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/16/2012 3:01:12)

@ Mysterion

When I started the level cap was 34. It didn't take me long to get to that either. It took me less then a day to get to level 35 since I was playing heavy in the war and was going for two vs two. However as it was just said they just increased the level cap less then 6 months ago. There is no need for them to raise the level cap now.

There isn't enough gear for 34 yet let along 35 and you want a level 36? That is crazy. At least let them fill in the gaps and give the other characters who aren't at the top level a chance to breathe and get close to the top before asking for a level up. Personally I hope they don't raise the level ever again so they can fix the other problems in the game such as the balance issue, and add new permanent gear that isn't seasonal or limited rare to help fill the gaps.

GoldenNeo -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/16/2012 4:54:52)

It would be fun if the Level cap wouldnt rise anymore. Higher levels = Longer 2v2's/More Stats.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/16/2012 12:02:43)

I think, knowing Epicduel for 3 years, they will most likely open up the omega phase with one or more weapons, armors, or bots that have to do with the omega phase. They usually open up the level cap within a month of a new phase. I dont see it being any different then the other phases. I think they should remain in delta for awhile.

ReconnaisX -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/18/2012 22:01:48)

Trans is correct.
BTW Does anyone else think it's strange that the new Wraith auxes are worse than the Elite Big 50 and the Wraith Cannon and yet are a higher level?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/18/2012 23:48:29)

@above well their stats are a bit low for a lvl 35 aux compared to the lvl 34 wraith aux, but they are still powerful

arthropleura -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/18/2012 23:57:12)

Sorry to say I dont see how you level so fast o_O
Do you sleep?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/18/2012 23:57:52)

@above who?

Jekyll -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/19/2012 0:02:23)

@trizzy Actually, it is indeed a step backwards. For varium users, they are better off buying the original auxes because of the extra stats and lower cost. For non-varium users, this aux is a tad over-priced considering that the Mecha auxes from the Infernal War cost only 14,000 credits, and have rather similar stats and damage.

However, these auxes are good for people who have missed out on the above-mentioned items.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Lvl Cap (11/19/2012 0:10:44)

@above and its got the exact same stat point and the enhancement slots as the caterpillar bugzooka! so its good for those that didnt get the caterpillar zooka

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