Mysterion. -> Lvl Cap (11/14/2012 9:38:02)
Everybody knows that the Omega phase is coming up, all the testing phases will be ended since Omega is the full game. (I dont know for sure but saw a lot people saying it) And well, there are more then enough 35's right now, and i am the example that you dont need a whole year to get to lvl 35. (I started right after Bionic Battlalion Sage, and coming on power hours, and few exp boosts helps a lot for the lvl 30 to 35) Sow well, why not raise the lvl cap too 36? I would be perfect since all the new Omega weapons will come, and why not introduce it with lvl 36? I also know this takes a lot of work for the devs, but thats why it needs to be unlocked in Januari/Februari, then the devs can still celebrate christmas and new year. What do you all think about this, because waiting one year too raise lvl cap is just a reason for some people to stop playing till it is raised? This is just a suggestion guys, no personal attacks at me plz. I'm probably not the only one who wants it so keep it up General, not Personal