Retrain (Full Version)

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DestruRaGe -> Retrain (11/14/2012 10:30:14)

Hi. Heres my suggestion towards retrain system.
Let players save their 3 build schemes.
They will have to pay only for creating or modifying their build schemes
but they wont have to pay for switching between them.
I think that would be great. The reason is lets say when you wanna play some juggernaut
in the moment instead of 1vs1 so you would have to pay for changing to jugger build
and then pay again to change back to 1vs1 build. With new system you would just switch
scheme and fully enjoy every game mode anytime you want without becoming
a bankrupt or a sad player who cant fully enjoy every battle mode.

Everyones who agree replay with /sign so we can make that happen!

Mysterion. -> RE: Retrain (11/14/2012 10:35:48)


But how will it be with Class change?
Do i have to pay those times again, or can i install it before paying?

Mother1 -> RE: Retrain (11/14/2012 10:37:14)

Not supported.

It only cost 500 credits to retrain your build which is really cheap and isn't hard to gain. It isn't like back in early delta and gamma where the prices would change. Besides unless you are doing a lot of retrains or just spend your most of your credits on something it is really hard for you go bankrupt

DestruRaGe -> RE: Retrain (11/14/2012 10:55:17)

Cmon it can easily be done cause we already have something like that with hairstyle system.
It would be great for those who like to jump from game mode to another game mode like every hour.
Maybe its not such a big deal for a full varium players but would it hurt you if we implement this system
and make some players experience better? I think not.

Mother1 -> RE: Retrain (11/14/2012 11:06:38)

It also promotes making it easier to jump to OP builds within this class at cheaper prices as well. We already have it easy enough to go from one build to another with 500 credits.

Also unlike the hairstyles retrains don't cost varium.

DestruRaGe -> RE: Retrain (11/14/2012 11:13:26)

^No it doesnt... Ill repeat you must pay for creating new build scheme or modifying 500 credits.
People always will use OP builds if they exist. Its not a topic about balance.

Ancient Drawer -> RE: Retrain (11/14/2012 12:59:07)

Yea, you should have 3 Saves.
It could work like this: each save costs 5000 credits to unlock.
After you unlock 1 Save u can but 1 build there, lets say you but into Save 1 jugg, into Save 2 2v2,1v1 or some NPC build.
Mayby the unlock prices is too low or high?
Anyway, i Support this!

Maqximus213 -> RE: Retrain (11/14/2012 15:36:17)

I already brought up something akin to this with my "Auto-Build" Suggestion.

fhiz -> RE: Retrain (11/14/2012 18:49:32)

Not supported.

I enjoy trying new builds, but you're providing a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. It takes 16 1v1's,8 2v2,s or 8 2v1's to get 500 credits.(rounded up of course.) The only way you could go bankrupt is if a build doesn't even last you 8-16 battles which isn't even long enough to see if it's a good build or not.

Another problem I have is that I have more then 3 builds. You can't tell me it would still only cost 500 credits to change a preset because then I could freely switch between, or back to, one of two good builds and only have to pay for my trial builds which would be unbalanced. The price would have to be raised to compensate for this meaning it would cost more for someone like me who likes to use a lot of different builds.

Lets say the price to change a preset is 1000 credits. I try ten builds in a day, don't like any of them so I go back to one of my presets for the next month. That's 10,000 credits I've spent changing builds this month. Now in the current system, I try ten builds then go back to my original build for the rest of the month. That's only 5500 credits/month. In the new system it would be better for someone who only has three builds but would penalize anyone with creativity which is something I am strongly against.

^please note that the above statement is based on my suspicion that the price to modify a preset would be more then the current price of changing builds. If you can convince the devs to give us these presets and keep the price of modifying a preset at 500 credits, then I would be on board with it as it would lower the overall cost for everyone and not favor a certain play style over another.

arthropleura -> RE: Retrain (11/15/2012 22:49:00)

uneccessary. i change builds like 4 time s a day between str, sup, focus, and sc mage just to play around and i really mind...
and also, you will not feel motivated to adjust builds

Ferrin -> RE: Retrain (11/16/2012 23:30:45)

why change stats when changing battles?just curious. i think my stats are okay for both 1vs1 and 2vs2

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