RE: Lack of creativity (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> RE: Lack of creativity (11/17/2012 15:59:40)

@ angel

When TLM merc had smoke CH did have plasma armor. Remember when they lost smoke? They both also lost a point of the their respective armors which makes my point valid. I know CH got the armor later then TLM but at a point in time CH did have Plasma armor while TLM had smoke. Also your point about BM still being OP around this time also disproves your point about one class being OP at a time. If I am reading right and correct me if I am wrong what you are saying that BM was more OP then CH at this time since they could do insane damage before you could heal which made them OP. TLM had smoke and abused Str builds because of this which made them OP. Lastly CH back then could tank well, use little to no energy because of the OP static, and still cream just about any other class which made them OP.

Now with all this back then the evolved classes were all OP at one point and time together.

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