Demon Warrior (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Demon Warrior (11/15/2012 2:04:52)

Demon Warrior

«Fully-Offensive Fire/Dark armour. Mastercraft; has a Darkness Skill.»

Location: Given automatically to players who purchase the 20,000 Z-Tokens Package. The version of the armour is based on the level of the character. Buying the promo item also gives access to the Demon Warrior Wardrobe Shop.
Element: Darkness
Player	0-64	65-84	85-104	105-124	125-139	140+
Armour	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	58 MC	78 MC	98 MC	118 MC	138 MC	153 MC	

Price	1840	14523	116788	941270	7588511	36307750
Sell	920	7261	58394	470635	3794255	18153875
Melee	39	42	45	49	52	54
Ranged	33	36	39	43	46	48
Magic	33	36	39	43	46	48
Fire	71	63	55	49	43	40
Water	82	82	82	82	80	75
Wind	91	86	86	86	85	85
Ice	95	95	95	95	95	95
Earth 	75	73	72	70	70	66
Energy	82	82	82	82	80	75
Light 	95	95	95	95	95	95
Dark	71	63	55	49	43	40
Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	138.5	167	197	227	257	279.5
Stat%	244.7	307.4	373.4	439.4	505.4	554.9
BTH	7	9	12	14	17	19
Rate: 100%

NOTE: It has a different attack animation depending on whether you're using Ranged or Melee/Magic. Both have the same stats.

SKILL - Darkbolt*
Hits: 1
Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
Element: Darkness
Damage	89-271	127-381	168-508	220-657	268-807	315-945
Stat%	855.64	1084.81	1308.76	1557.22	1762.12	1953.55
BTH	14	19	24	29	34	38

SP-Ran	127	171	222	279	342	392
SP-Mag	159	214	278	349	427	490
NOTE: This is treated as a spell. You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SP cost for the Ranged (SP-Ran) or the Magic (SP-Mag) attack**.

**A powerful built-in Darkness attack! This Darkness skill costs «» SP.
**You need «» SP to call forth that power!

  • You receive Armour Lean x1.25.

    This armour will allow you to tear your enemies to shreds or blast them with a powerful eye beam depending on your weapon type! It also has a powerful Darkbolt attack!

    Demon Warrior without helm

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
    PowLvl	58	78	98	118	138	153
    BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
    Stat%	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BTH	7	9	12	14	17	19
    With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    Skill starts out with:
    Damage	51-155	72-216	96-290	124-371	154-463	179-537
    Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BTH	14	19	24	29	34	38
    EleComp	1.74835	1.76449	1.75249	1.77198	1.74329	1.76027
    Skill is multiplied by the listed EleComp.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    November 9, 2012: The armour was released.
    March 4, 2013: The armour became rare.
    April 27, 2017: The armour returned and was updated to the most recent standards. See revision for older stats.

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