Auxilary Deadly Aim (Full Version)

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cool preston -> Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 4:32:18)

Mercs have no use for adrenaline passive why dont we replace it with Auxilary deadly aim.

Basically auxilary deadly aim would be extra dmg to aux instead of gun. I know the devs did it once and it was UP. Maybe try it again and rework it so its worth the 3 turn cooldown. Example max would be +9 to auxilary and 10% rage gain.

My suggestion would be to add reduced percentage of rage gain to the aux deadly aim.

Also I think a good name for the skill would be Destructive Sights.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 4:57:26)

I once thought that Mercenaries were UP... But when you think about it, they really aren't. Let's see:
Beserker + Bunker + Surgical Strike + Tank or 5 Focus build is pretty deadly if you know how to properly use it!
What about the famous Illuminator? He's a Mercenary, and he's darn good at it too!

Adrenaline actually does give more rage. It helps Mercenary get rage in 2-3 turns! Where as others is 3-5.
Having this new ability "Destructive Sights" isn't really necessary. Mercenary's are pretty powerful already! Giving them +9 aux damage and 10% rage gain would make them a little too powerful!
As I have explained; Mercenaries are perfect at the moment, no need to change them... Yet!

Not Supported!

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 5:04:53)

definately not supported, 5 focus or tank mercs are hardest in 1v1 and 2v2 and you want them to have a skill that add +9 damage to the highest damaging weapon ingame and also have a 10% rage gain?! this is ridiculous

Wootz -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 6:06:40)


Basically auxilary deadly aim would be extra dmg to aux instead of gun. I know the devs did it once and it was UP

Umm...they didn't. Maybe your thinking of Diamond Blades which passivly increased Primary damaged on Bounty Hunters.
Mercenary had:
Iron Skin
Tactics - Support Buff
Personal Shield - Passive Energy Boost
Enhanced Attack - ???
(taken from epicduelwiki)

And no, they aren't really under-powered. Its just that no one plays the class as everyone is the class that always wins the most and the fastest. (currently Bounty Hunter & Blood Mage)

cool preston -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 6:52:53)

You can't say their not underpowered go look at my thread in epicduel balance.

Mages get deadly aim which you can use 3 times in 6 turns why cant mercs get aux da for 2 times in 6 turns. Despite what you think adrenaline barely does anything ask any merc. Sp perhaps take out the adrenaline part. But really mages can get their guns to +10 with a 35 dmg wep thats 45 dmg on gun alone every two turns. The best aux's are 39 dmg 39+9=48 3 dmg higher than the gun and thats at max. Plus barely anyone uses support.

So mages get +10 we would get +9 and we have 3 turn cooldown mages would have 2.

Seems pretty fair to me.

You guys were right about the rage gain take that out since it also increases with support
Thank you.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 7:27:00)

still overpowered, you just lack the logics to think it in real situation

cool preston -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 7:32:29)

You know no one is going to max it out. Mercs have other skilld they need.

Tell me how is it OP a tine bit more dmg than mages gun. So how is it OP??

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 7:40:04)

mages don't have passive armor and they can be weakened with intimidate and they are built to be offenssive not the opposite.

cool preston -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 7:46:09)

They have technician, reflex boost, res shield and defense matrix!!! Not defensive my butt.

Uhhh hello? Reroute and bloodlust this makes up for more than enough hybrid armor wise which is UP. two of the best passives and tech mage and blood mage have deadly aim. You can use intimidate if your a merc. Or another blood mage. So that weakrns their gun. Slightly but still aux has a 3 turn cooldown.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 8:11:15)

I agree, because maybe Merc would become a viable option

cool preston -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 8:19:06)

I'm a merc and replacing this withrage gain would be a really good thing to do. For one it opens up a whole new support merc. So you wouldn't spam support but maybe with field medic support mercs would come back. Artillery though nerfed would still be ok to use and intimidate increases with support as well as blood commander.

If this skill come Destructive Sights and field medic is buffed to support is would makes merc more on the playing field. Plus HA needs a buff to 7 def 6 res. Just throwing that out there.

zion -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 10:34:03)

If it adds 1 point of damage for every training point, I don't see why it would be OP. Mercs automatically need to max hybrid and there aren't so many points to go around...
Of course, get rid of adrenaline, because ppl would complain about 3 passives!
"Technical Support" BTW


Ancient Drawer -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 11:11:58)

Not Supported!!!, Merc would be OP then...

Stabilis -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 11:28:54)

Can we think of a skill that does not involve damaging the opponent in an attack please?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 15:29:14)

now we already see mercs max adrenalin, so it wont be a problem for them to max this skill. a techmage can be beaten easily by a merc if used correctly but bloodmage is OP so they would put up some challenge. anyone here who says mercs are UP are either bad build makers or dont know how to use the class properly. not many ppl use it bcus its a slow class in general so the battle will take longer. so i do not support this ridiculous suggestion

Ranloth -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 15:32:06)

There are many ways to buff Adrenaline to the point where it'd be very strategical skill to have, especially coupled with SS. What's with all these offensive bonuses? Mercs already have a lot of offensive skills and suck in defence. -.-

Metallico -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 18:33:45)

Guys focus mercenary pretty sux because they depend of an assault bot, a malf is deadly for this builds, @trizzentino, seems like you donīt play as merc since a lot of time ago, auxiliary has a lot of cooldown so i think is pretty fair for us to do that itīd also nerf strenght builds, and merc has not something to counterstrike malf and smoke..
ŋwhat do you have to say?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 20:02:12)

@above i have changed to merc a month ago for fun and really it is powerful with 5 focus and none of its skills is useless i won 7/10 battles against other lvl explain how that is weak, you just need to max out the passives and put the rest of field medic, intimidate and atom smash.

arthropleura -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 22:54:41)

all ur posts seem to be wanting to boost ur own class
adrenalien works fine the last time i tried it. rage on third turn, what more can you ask?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/15/2012 23:00:16)

@above yeah they are all greedy ppl

Tri Phoenix -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/16/2012 14:32:24)

absolutely not this will totaly op the game aux is already the most powerful weapon in game.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/16/2012 17:28:47)

I disagree

I like how the adrenaline works.
I get to rage before anyone else!!!!!!!!
In 2/3 turns!!!!!!!!!
I like it how it is ;)

Mother1 -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/16/2012 17:45:08)

@ Blaze wing

Not true. Mercs don't get rage before everyone else with this. If you add blocks, deflection, and crits into the equation, any class under the right circumstances can rage at turn 3. I never seen anyone rage at turn 2 though.

Ferrin -> RE: Auxilary Deadly Aim (11/16/2012 21:58:09)

i think it sounds good, it'd be nice if bounty hunters could have it too. +9 damage to cake launcher on somebody smokescreened=destruction

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