The 30 Day Art Challenge (Full Version)

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Clyde -> The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 2:58:56)

The 30-Day Art Challenge

Rules and General Info
  • This is meant to challenge the artist to create something based on the criteria for that day.
  • Who can enter? Anyone who wants to take this challenge.
  • You may use any medium(traditional/digital/film/photography/craft/etc) that you want, does not have be the same one consecutively.
  • The art must be made on that day, however; since there are holidays/school/whatever I don't mind if it is late because this is supposed to be a personal challenge.
  • When you are done post them, as well as provide a link, when this is done I'd like to put together everyone's work.
  • More importantly, be creative and have fun. This is not meant to stress you out at all so enjoy yourself.
  • These rules are as well, obviously.

The challenge will start November 26th, 2012 and will be every day until January 1st, 2012*

Here is the list -

1. Your favorite super power
2. A person in the wild
3. An emotion
4. Something you're afraid of
5. Your favorite snack
6. An inanimate object
7. Your favorite game character
8. Least favorite season(Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer)
9. Your favorite holiday
10. A room
11. An animal in the city
12. Something you can't live without
13. Your favorite animal
14. Two people talking
15. Your favorite villain
16. Something you don't like
17. Your favorite cartoon/anime character
18. Something with your favorite color
19. A one-page comic
20. Your favorite food
21. A scene from a movie or tv show
22. Something or someone from mythology
23. Your favorite outfit
24. A group picture
25. A character from a book
26. Your favorite weather
27. A celebrity you like
28. Something that represents your favorite song
29. A group of people
30. Wild card

[Day 1] - Your favorite superpower
Starflare - Jean Gray/Phoenix
PyroPuppy - Chronomancy
Clyde - Laser Vision
flamingknight11 - summon energy swords
coolboypai - mind control

[Day 2] - A person in the wild
Starflare - The Hidden
coolboypai - A person in the wild
flamingknght11 - Escaping the Beast
Jecht Dracopyre - It's a Jungle out There
Clyde - Day 2

[Day 3] - An emotion
Rukia15 - Silent Wind
PyroPuppy - Emotion
Starflare - Malifacent
Clyde - Think of me when you go
coolboypai - Happy Emotion

[Day 4] - Something you're afraid of
Starflare - Memories of Childhood.
Clyde - Fear of Heights
coolboypai - The fear of the unknown

[Day 5] - Your favorite snack
Starflare - Anata mo watashi mo Pocky!
flamingknight11 - Treetop Apple
Clyde - Chocolate Covered Pretzels
coolboypai - Kit-Kat

[Day 6] - An inanimate object
Starflare - Pooh!
Clyde - Rock
coolboypai - My trusty pencil
flamingknight11 - Plane model

[Day 7] - Your favorite game character
Starflare - Milotic
coolboypai - Neku
Clyde - Clank

[Day 8] - Least favorite season(Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer)
Starflare - Slinky

[Day 9] - Your favorite holiday

*I know having it till January 1st is not 30 days, but this works better since this will give everyone a chance to enjoy their holidays and catch up on any days they missed. Also exactly 30 days from now is Christmas...

All credit for this idea goes to, that is where I saw a few other artists taking this challenge.

drDOT -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 3:07:52)

I'll make this challenge awesome.

Ronin -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 3:19:48)

awwww..wish I really had the time for this..this looks -so- interesting and I want to get back into vector art :/ Sadly, there's this thing called 'exams' -____- All the best to all the participants! :D

PS: Don't mind Dot's ego. He's like that.

PyroPuppy -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 6:20:27)

Of course I'll attend. Maybe I'll miss a day or two because of the mentioned exams, but of course I'll try to create as much art as I can!

Arthur -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 11:58:03)

So when exactly will we be assigned the days?

I am definitely joining.

Starflare -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 12:07:47)

Definitely yes.

Although, I have a limited access to a scanner, and my computer from home is down, so it's very likely that I won't be able to scan/photograph them on the excact day I draw them, and I'm clearing this up to you, Clyde, because it's likely that I'll miss a LOT of days because of this. I'll draw them and follow the guidelines, that's for sure, though.

I'm so excited!! XD

drDOT -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 15:04:56)

We're not assigned days, Arthur, everyone does every theme of every day.

Smalls -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 15:35:04)

Oh wow I'll try to do this
No word on how quality each day will be but I'll try to put something in everyday haha

flamingknight11 -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 16:30:34)

Cool, sounds fun. I'm in! [8D]
Just hope that I can squeeze this in with holiday visits, several projects, and whatever else all coming up as well. (prabably will be missing quite a few days of this [:(])

Clyde -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 17:30:25)

Just changed/added the following:


The challenge will start November 26th, 2012 and will be every day until January 1st, 2012*


*I know having it till January 1st is not 30 days, but this works better since this will give everyone a chance to enjoy their holidays and catch up on any days they missed. Also exactly 30 days from now is Christmas...

@drDOT: Obviously you'll make it awesome.

@flamingknight11: Awesome! Yeah, I figured which is why I kind of extended the deadline a bit leaving a few extra days for any catch up that needs to be done.

@Smalls: Great, can't wait to see what you make. :)

@Starflare: Do whatever you can, like I said to flamingknight I've added a few more extra days for catch up because of school/holidays/etc.

@Arthur: Like Dot said, you try to make the art each day for 30 days, no assigned days.

coolboypai -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 18:18:30)

How curious.
I was already doing a 100 Days of Sketches commitment for myself but it wouldn't hurt to do even more :P
So count me in

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/16/2012 20:26:34)

Why does the fun stuff always happen when I am in exam season ;_;

Crescentkid -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/17/2012 11:05:11)

Awesome Raven is Ready[:D]

Mr Popcorn -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/19/2012 1:13:31)

Really nice idea, though i wont join since i have my own little challenge ;)
Good luck to all!

Rukia15 -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/19/2012 9:47:37)

I may Enter Since my Exams end :)! But I'll be skipping Days for Sure xD!.
Good Idea , My first challenge In the forum >.>!!.

Starflare -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/26/2012 14:33:02)

Here's my first piece: Jean Grey | Phoenix

It was made using highlighters, markers and coloring pencils, for the face. The face was very rough, so, thanks to my school's PS CS6, I smoothed it out. Blur, smudge, blur, smudge, I like it so much, I was gonna edit the rest of the photo, but I didn't have time to. I will do it sometime, lol!

So this is a portrait of Jean Grey, from the X-Men, a character I always wanted to be a telepath, if I ever got superpowers.

PyroPuppy -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/26/2012 14:44:30)

Man, if I ever got superpowers, I'd love having the ability to manipulate time.
Some will say that laser eyes or shooting fireballs out of your fists would be more awesome, but nothing is as useful as time manipulation. Visiting the past, unlocking the secrets of the future, skipping those boring classes you don't like... So many things you can do!

Chronomancer Banner, inspired by AE's chronomancers.

Getting comfortable with those one day deadlines will be harder than I thought... But this is what the challenge is all about!

Clyde -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/26/2012 21:05:22)

@PyroPuppy: Time definitely seems to be the ultimate power. Good design! And yeah, I am also wondering if I can do this, but I'm going to definitely try.

@Starflare: Good piece and one of my favorite X-men characters! :P

Laser Vision

Really quickly made in PS CS3 because I have some homework to do, but I had a lot of fun.

Of all the options, why did I choose laser vision? Honestly, it's the only power I cannot justify why I like it. XD

For other powers like telekinesis, ice, etc., I know why I like them, but this one eludes me so. Which is weird because Cyclops is my least favorite X-men. >.>

flamingknight11 -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/26/2012 23:26:16)

summon energy swords

It is basically the ability to create matter from energy and control the objects you create, in this case the swords. I can think of a couple other ways to use this power, but the fear and awe factor of seeing thousands of floating energy swords fly at you from all directions at high speed made me choose this one for the picture.

Its kind of a basic picture I whipped up at the last minute, so the shading, lines, positions, etc aren't the best. Hopefully my picture tomorrow will be much better.

Glais -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/26/2012 23:31:54)

Only found this today but...I really need to kickstart my art again, would it be ok for me to participate even though today's the 26th?
I have no scanner as of now, but I can probably take pictures to at least get the general point across. It's the exercise that's important anyhow.

coolboypai -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/26/2012 23:49:03)

well here's my sketch for today:
I've always thought that mind control, telepathy, telekinesis, mind reading and whatnot are the most useful in modern society

Clyde -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/27/2012 0:17:39)

glaisaurus_x - Of course, this is a personal challenge. I do not mind.

flamingknight11 - Very cool. Nice power and I like that you even gave your guy a costume. XD

coolboypai - I like it. Simple, but nice execution. Definitely get a Professor X kind of vibe from it.

Today(or for some of you tomorrow)'s one is pretty interesting, it will be a good chance to work on backgrounds/environments that I usually avoid like the plague. >.>

Added to the first post!

[Day 1] - Your favorite superpower
Starflare - Jean Gray/Phoenix
PyroPuppy - Chronomancy
Clyde - Laser Vision
flamingknight11 - summon energy swords
coolboypai - mind control

Eleganta00 -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/27/2012 15:17:58)

AAaawwwww. I wont be able to do this :o 1. Im not really sure how. 2. I may not have time cause of school :o

Starflare -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/27/2012 15:49:05)

Here's my second piece, for the theme "A person in the wild": The Hidden.

I'm not the best with scenery at all, and I'm only learning point perspective, so I tried to keep the focus on the figure. Hope to see more great pieces, like the few posted so far. XD

coolboypai -> RE: The 30 Day Art Challenge (11/27/2012 18:17:16)

@starflare I like the concept and the way you've executed it. Good job :)

Well here's my sketch for today:
My version of the wild maaaay be a tad different from the rest of you :P

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