=ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/16/2012 12:25:39)


November 16, 2012
Patch Notes - 1.4.10e
    • Rabblefroth has appeared in the Barrens! Be warned, he's a little...different. Defeat him for his achievement and vote in his poll.
    • Added Wraith Pikes to the ArmoryBot's inventory

    • Mort and a Shadow Guard incorrectly had "Missions" buttons
    • Potential fix for map to the left of Snork
    • Character creator now properly shows all 10 starting hair styles

Tags: Titan Patch Notes


November 16, 2012
Rabble Duel
Birthday Wishes

Sorry for the delay in the DNs, but this has been an exceptionally busy week as we go headfirst into Omega development. Before I get to the meat, I would like to start off by thanking all of the EpicDuelists who made my birthday this past weekend extra special. I did not expect the outpouring of complements and birthday wishes. You guys rock!

Minor Tweaks

Nightwraith's Wraith Pikes will be returning since I forgot them last week. Sorry for the inconvenience, but at least you have an additional week to get them!

Meet Rabblefroth!


The great and powerful numeromancer Rabblefroth has been sighted in the Wastelands of Delta V! Carrying his massive satchel of arcane tomes, he searches the planet tirelessly for answers to the secrets of the Universe like "Why are we here?" and "Can ghosts be used for fuel?"

Not usually prone to fighting, Rabblefroth is nonetheless not to be trifled with. His mastery of the arcane arts is so great he has been known to summon weapons from the ether and turn is ancient tomes into projectile weapons. If you defeat him, you will be rewarded with an achievement and perhaps some long division homework.

Be sure to check back with the mercurial mage from week to week as he will periodically ask the citizens of Delta V questions to help improve their livelihoods. Your participation will be greatly appreciated.

Ongoing Omega


Charfade and I have been working hard on improving one of the fundamental elements of EpicDuel -- the character model. This element is one of the oldest parts of EpicDuel and it doesn't wear it's age well. We've learned a great deal in our time working at Artix Entertainment, but we needed some fresh perspectives to breathe new life into our characters so we assembled Yergen, Samba, and Cysero to assist us.


After an overwhelmingly informative session in which we acted out possible EpicDuel animations with Nerf weapons, we gathered the notes and set about tearing down basic character animations and poses to make the model more dynamic. This is a change that everyone will notice. It will make the game look more appealing to new players, while making battle feel fresh and exciting for veterans.


Going forward, you will not see much content being released with each update until we have launched Omega. There are a lot of changes happening on the Dev database that make it very challenging to introduce a ton of new content until after Omega is live. We have a tentative release deadline planned for December, but there is more to do for this phase than any yet to date. This also coincides with our big Winter release, which will bring us back to Frysteland against new and familiar foes.


Stay tuned for further Omega updates with a complete breakdown of the features we intend to introduce with this massive update.

Tags: Omega Bugs Animation Characters Samba Cysero RabbleFroth Nightwraith

Tagged. -- SMGS

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 - Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 12:34:27)

Everything sounds great. Especially the upgraded character animation. Keep up the good work you guys. [;)]

DestruRaGe -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 - Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 13:24:22)

Cool cant wait for those refreshed char animations. Rabblefroths NPC looks awesome.

Mother1 -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 - Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 13:25:24)

I wonder what Rabble cheevo will look like? Oh well only one way to find out and that is to beat him for it.

Digital X -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 - Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 13:31:18)

It's rather cool ;)

zer00x -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 - Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 13:43:12)

That was all the update?, just defeat Rabble or there is something else?

Mother1 -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 - Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 13:52:09)

They added rabble's NPC and a cheevo for beating him. He also has a question for you to answer.

zer00x -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 - Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 13:55:04)

kind of poor release, i know they are working on omega but... oh well

Cookielord12 -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 - Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 14:11:23)

I haven't got an achievement from beating an NPC for ages and it feels great :D

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 = Patch Notes - 1.4.10e & Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 14:34:03)

Just added to the first post:

November 16, 2012
Patch Notes - 1.4.10e
    • Rabblefroth has appeared in the Barrens! Be warned, he's a little...different. Defeat him for his achievement and vote in his poll.
    • Added Wraith Pikes to the ArmoryBot's inventory

    • Mort and a Shadow Guard incorrectly had "Missions" buttons
    • Potential fix for map to the left of Snork
    • Character creator now properly shows all 10 starting hair styles

Tags: Titan Patch Notes

SMGS -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 = Patch Notes - 1.4.10e & Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 18:45:48)

Sooo.. does anyone else find it most interesting to duel as an artichoke out of the 7 choices? :P

drinde -> RE: =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/16/2012 18:57:32)

Dueling as an artichoke takes skill, self-control and discipline.

And Rabblefroth was a bit easy to beat :p

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 = Patch Notes - 1.4.10e & Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 19:06:08)

I love Rabbles weapons lol. That book gun is great. It shoots an actual bullet that goes out to get you. I don't think that's been done with guns before. The animation with his primary was great. The 1750 cheevo got me 81k ratings. I got 3000 tokens so I'll be able to get the Christmas slayer, and whatever achievments that come back with the frystland war might get me very close to a blue star. Excited for Omega. Dream big devs!

Metallico -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 = Patch Notes - 1.4.10e & Rabble Duel (11/16/2012 23:44:42)

Aqw mods?, i recognized their style in the rabblefoth´s book

Lectrix -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 = Patch Notes - 1.4.10e & Rabble Duel (11/17/2012 0:08:50)

Yay, Rabblefroth! I love the concept of his spellbook/gun -- any chance I could get one? [:)]

Also, why would Artichoke be an option on the poll? It's not like I've been an artichoke disguised as a Blood Mage this entire time... *looks away and whistles*

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 = Patch Notes - 1.4.10e & Rabble Duel (11/17/2012 1:09:49)

Overall it sounds fun, but i was expecting Froth to be a little more challenging ...

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Design Notes November 16, 2012 = Patch Notes - 1.4.10e & Rabble Duel (11/17/2012 3:40:54)

To the people that think rabble should be more challenging:

You have to consider that Rabble is a dev NPC and the other dev NPC's are lvl 30.

If they made rabble level 35 for example that would mean that they would need to buff the other ones. It doesnt make sense if one dev NPC is stronger than the other IMO.

They should all be about the same.

drinde -> RE: =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/17/2012 3:45:38)

Ah, but compare the power level of these two LV30 NPCs.

BigTuna vs RabbleFroth.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/17/2012 3:58:59)


They're not that different, actually. It's just that Tuna has a much higher crit rate. Take away the crits and Tuna's a dead fish. Besides, Titan is significantly weaker than Nightwraith for the same reason.

drinde -> RE: =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/17/2012 4:01:47)

Tuna is weaker than Wraith? I must have ignored any and all NPC changes since I defeated them like a year ago xD

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/17/2012 4:15:04)

Appeared in Barrens(by the DN's), placed at MineTower. Anyone noticed?

SMGS -> RE: =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/17/2012 11:27:59)

^ Well, technically the area he's in is a barren or wasteland type area. You don't necessarily have to be in the Barrens Outpost to be in a barren area. But yes, I had first impressions he'd be in the Barrens Outpost based on that. :P

HydroMonk -> RE: =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/17/2012 12:09:05)

Nightwraith's Killer Pikes ,
Yeah .. Wraith Pikes !


Midnightsoul -> RE: =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/17/2012 15:27:17)

We need new moves for the evolved classes before Omega starts...

Digital X -> RE: =ED= 1.4.10e: Rabble Duel DNs and Patch Notes - 11/16/2012 (11/17/2012 15:38:36)

Not a BH, but anyone else like the simplicity of the Wraith Pikes over more detailed daggers? There's just something about them.

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