Yo son -> RE: RabbleFroth's Polls (11/23/2012 18:31:01)
I voted for tech mage; but can someone please tell me why BH won? it makes absolutely no sense, when it comes down to it BH is one of the most mindless classes as of right now; it use to be a really strong class with a lot of builds back in beta, but right I don't take any Bh that uses a sword seriously ( because the are just going to lose no matter how hard the try), nor do I take a BH that has less than lvl 4 massacre seriously. My average typical experience fighting a BH is smoke, attack, attack, massacre ( and if I happen to survive massacre) then rage strike. I don't have anything against BHs, as a matter of fact every idea class should be like BH, in the sense that the class never went out of season, it had its moments of opedness, but it was never a medico class, it always just hung in and always manages to sprout to the spot light after a series of googleplex updates.