Loads of new ideas Part 1 (Full Version)

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Baydraze -> Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 9:07:11)

1.-Omega bot: A new type of bot with a special attack

2.-Mission Battle Mode: You fight with your partner in 2 vs 2 against mobs(monsters/npc's)
At the end you got a boss. If you kill him you get a drop(credits/battle tokens/items)

3.-Lottery (suggested before) People can buy a lottery ticket for like 1000 credits. At the end of the week the jackpot
which has been filled by the tickets(1000 x lottery tickets) There are like 1-100 winners
Prizes can me 1000 credits till 100.000 and maybe some item drops like bikes

4.-Faction war: Two factions fight each other in 2 vs 2 modes. At the end the winners steals influence/BT/credits etc
and has a chance to drop an item

5.-Teleporting anywhere(you can choose the location first like Central Station, after that you choose the npc
you want to jump to

6.-World full sign(when a world is full you will know this and you will know which one is not, so you
dont have to get angry about a message like: the world is full, wait before jumping again etc.

7.Fame Bank: There is a bank where people can press a button: Fame(1000 credits).You can do this each day
Everyone can do this for 1000 credits(or less) This means everyone will automatically fame each other
This means you dont have to waist hours of time to get like 100 fame

8.-Did you know bar: This bar will be on the top of the game screen. Each did you know sentence will
get change every 5 seconds(or if you choose it with an arrow button)

9.-Coloured names: As example: Someone got 5 stars. His name and stars get an orange colour. (Do you spell colour
as colour or color :P?) If he or she gets 6 stars his/her name will change to a new colour.
Of course mods will get unnoticed. Thats why they would get epic colours which nobody has
(or with a neon light under their feet/bike)

10.-(Robo)pet: Not sure if this is a good idea. To avoid laggy gameplay people would only have the choice to choose their pet or their bike.

11.-SUPER Boosters: These ones can heal for like 50 hp and cost like 300+ credits each. You can ONLY use this against Npc's/Bosses

DemiosTheHunter -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 9:10:01)

Great ideas Baydraze.

Skulll X -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 9:15:14)

Hey Baydraze, its me. Lol

Yeah, great ideas, hope they get approved.

Mysterion. -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 9:44:50)

I like most of them except one.

No. 5.
I mean come on, thats just the lazy. You can already go with the Vendbot. And also with world map.
Then you can just delete all the Vehicles because no one will ever buy it again.
Pointless idea, just laziest on its highest level. Cant get worse.

xyzman -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 9:46:32)

1,2: supported
3: supported but isnt 100k a bit too much, back to when there was arcade the highest price is a house/bike/10k cred so i think 10k ( or 15k) is enough.
4: not supported as i dont think both factions can be all online at the same time to do it
5,6,7: supported
8: supported but there should be an option to turn it on/off or else it would be irritating after a while
9: sounds funny but i dont think it would be implemented becuz isnt it a bit colourful XD? cuz it wouldnt be nice seeing a lot of name, each with a different colour.
10: well, i dont think the pet idea is necessary cuz this isnt a game to show good-looking things XD, many ppl wont move around to see other ppl's pets because battle mode is wat they focus on.
11: supported

Baydraze -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 10:38:53)

Ty guys. Plz everyone keep saying if you like the ideas or not and give feedback on it.
Loads of new ideas Part 2 will come soon I think:p

8x -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 10:50:23)


1.-Omega bot: A new type of bot with a special attack

I'm sure that we will get it in omega, but I hope that we don't.


2.-Mission Battle Mode: You fight with your partner in 2 vs 2 against mobs(monsters/npc's)
At the end you got a boss. If you kill him you get a drop(credits/battle tokens/items)

Devs might be already working on survival mode, or at least have it on To Do List.


3.-Lottery (suggested before) People can buy a lottery ticket for like 1000 credits. At the end of the week the jackpot
which has been filled by the tickets(1000 x lottery tickets) There are like 1-100 winners
Prizes can me 1000 credits till 100.000 and maybe some item drops like bikes

No items, only credits and at the end of a week one ticket is chosen. Ticket should cost 100 credits and you can buy 10 tickets at maximum.


4.-Faction war: Two factions fight each other in 2 vs 2 modes. At the end the winners steals influence/BT/credits etc
and has a chance to drop an item

Stealing stuff would just make players unhappy and this would probably take too much time to code.


5.-Teleporting anywhere(you can choose the location first like Central Station, after that you choose the npc
you want to jump to

Too much work for devs and since NPCs move around quite often they would have to keep changing the code.


6.-World full sign(when a world is full you will know this and you will know which one is not, so you
dont have to get angry about a message like: the world is full, wait before jumping again etc.

It's kinda unnecessary and just a waste of developers time.


7.Fame Bank: There is a bank where people can press a button: Fame(1000 credits).You can do this each day
Everyone can do this for 1000 credits(or less) This means everyone will automatically fame each other
This means you dont have to waist hours of time to get like 100 fame

Buying fame? No.


8.-Did you know bar: This bar will be on the top of the game screen. Each did you know sentence will
get change every 5 seconds(or if you choose it with an arrow button)

We already have this, no point in changing it.


9.-Coloured names: As example: Someone got 5 stars. His name and stars get an orange colour. (Do you spell colour
as colour or color :P?) If he or she gets 6 stars his/her name will change to a new colour.
Of course mods will get unnoticed. Thats why they would get epic colours which nobody has
(or with a neon light under their feet/bike)

This would just confuse people, staff members are the only people with colored names.


10.-(Robo)pet: Not sure if this is a good idea. To avoid laggy gameplay people would only have the choice to choose their pet or their bike.

This is not AQW, we don't need pointless items (we already have bikes for that).


11.-SUPER Boosters: These ones can heal for like 50 hp and cost like 300+ credits each. You can ONLY use this against Npc's/Bosses

25 hp boosters are enough. And besides, people are already complaining that NPCs like Rabblefroth aren't strong enough.

Mother1 -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 12:10:51)

1 Ok that sounds cool
2 Already in the works
3 only credits when the arcade was active people would spend their tokens hoping for an item only to not get it most of the time.
4 Faction war itself yes. Drop items itself yes. Stealing stuff no never! not in this lifetime it would tick off the losing faction big time
5 We already have starting points, and teleporting to any place from the map. We don't need to be able to teleport to any spot on the map it will promote laziness.
6 Would save some problems since I do get this happening to me sometimes.
7 Buying fame no? Then the fame LB would become Pay to win like warlord was and those who gained huge amounts of fame already would be walked on with this.
8 no change is needed
9 I have to agree with 8x on this one
10 No this is epic duel not AQ we don't need another pointless item in the game. at least bikes increase our movement speed.
11 No this would be abused by the people who use stall builds for the infernal android and make things even worse. Plus that is even stronger then a level 6 heal an max so no.

Tri Phoenix -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 14:09:55)

i realy like those ideas i always love games like that and i Support This idea its realy cool. Nice Ideas

Metallico -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 22:20:34)

3#I support, but iŽd like that ticket could be also bought by battle tokens and also a chooseable reward, or a coupon that allows you to get a 50% to 70% discount in a item, a free credit item, it would help non variums to get ultimate gear.
2# Supported, i like it, it would be like a exploring space mode
1# Supported, sounds cool

all the other suggestions are not supported by me

ReconnaisX -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 22:24:03)


1.-Omega bot: A new type of bot with a special attack

Hmm, sounds good.


2.-Mission Battle Mode: You fight with your partner in 2 vs 2 against mobs(monsters/npc's)
At the end you got a boss. If you kill him you get a drop(credits/battle tokens/items)



3.-Lottery (suggested before) People can buy a lottery ticket for like 1000 credits. At the end of the week the jackpot
which has been filled by the tickets(1000 x lottery tickets) There are like 1-100 winners
Prizes can me 1000 credits till 100.000 and maybe some item drops like bikes

Not supported, it does not go with the story. Besides, it just reminds me of some certain Facebook games- a way for people to get rich quick without the hard work.


4.-Faction war: Two factions fight each other in 2 vs 2 modes. At the end the winners steals influence/BT/credits etc
and has a chance to drop an item

That's a great idea!


5.-Teleporting anywhere(you can choose the location first like Central Station, after that you choose the npc
you want to jump to

Us Duelists are pretty much lazy already, no need to make it worse. Bikes should actually be used.


6.-World full sign(when a world is full you will know this and you will know which one is not, so you
dont have to get angry about a message like: the world is full, wait before jumping again etc.



7.Fame Bank: There is a bank where people can press a button: Fame(1000 credits).You can do this each day
Everyone can do this for 1000 credits(or less) This means everyone will automatically fame each other
This means you dont have to waist hours of time to get like 100 fame

No way, fame itself was a horrible idea.


8.-Did you know bar: This bar will be on the top of the game screen. Each did you know sentence will
get change every 5 seconds(or if you choose it with an arrow button)

Yes, then we can jam more facts into the heads of noobs so they know how to fight.


9.-Coloured names: As example: Someone got 5 stars. His name and stars get an orange colour. (Do you spell colour
as colour or color :P?) If he or she gets 6 stars his/her name will change to a new colour.
Of course mods will get unnoticed. Thats why they would get epic colours which nobody has
(or with a neon light under their feet/bike)

No, stars are enough.


10.-(Robo)pet: Not sure if this is a good idea. To avoid laggy gameplay people would only have the choice to choose their pet or their bike.



11.-SUPER Boosters: These ones can heal for like 50 hp and cost like 300+ credits each. You can ONLY use this against Npc's/Bosses

Is this to make it easier to fight bosses?

willendorf -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/18/2012 23:16:50)

Supported except for the Lottery one and the teleport anywhere one. There should be a return of the Arcade Bot instead. Just no to the teleport one.

XapApp -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/19/2012 1:14:42)


1.-Omega bot: A new type of bot with a special attack

Sounds like something for the Omega phase. And did you mean suggest what kind of special attack?


2.-Mission Battle Mode: You fight with your partner in 2 vs 2 against mobs(monsters/npc's)
At the end you got a boss. If you kill him you get a drop(credits/battle tokens/items)

Though I didn't know, the others said the developers are either already working on this or will in the future.


3.-Lottery (suggested before) People can buy a lottery ticket for like 1000 credits. At the end of the week the jackpot
which has been filled by the tickets(1000 x lottery tickets) There are like 1-100 winners
Prizes can me 1000 credits till 100.000 and maybe some item drops like bikes

Pay 1000 Credits, 1 to 100 winners will receive 1K to 100K credits.
How does that make sense? Way too extreme. Too many players receiving too many credits and maybe drops.
And I don't support the suggestion itself, not in for lottery.


4.-Faction war: Two factions fight each other in 2 vs 2 modes. At the end the winners steals influence/BT/credits etc
and has a chance to drop an item

So two members of the same Faction challenges two members of another Faction? This itself is alright.
Drops are also fine. The losers don't get any BT or Influence if they lose so what's there to "steal"? And no for "stealing" credits.


5.-Teleporting anywhere(you can choose the location first like Central Station, after that you choose the npc
you want to jump to

Not really needed.


6.-World full sign(when a world is full you will know this and you will know which one is not, so you
dont have to get angry about a message like: the world is full, wait before jumping again etc.

You suggested it quite recent in a different thread, Changing between worlds. I supported it there so I support it again here too. And addition to this would be how much space is left.


7.Fame Bank: There is a bank where people can press a button: Fame(1000 credits).You can do this each day
Everyone can do this for 1000 credits(or less) This means everyone will automatically fame each other
This means you dont have to waist hours of time to get like 100 fame

I don't understand everybody will automatically fame each other. Who is everybody?


8.-Did you know bar: This bar will be on the top of the game screen. Each did you know sentence will
get change every 5 seconds(or if you choose it with an arrow button)

Not necessary. Could be unwanted by some. And 5 seconds is way too quick. We already have it after battle.


9.-Coloured names: As example: Someone got 5 stars. His name and stars get an orange colour. (Do you spell colour
as colour or color :P?) If he or she gets 6 stars his/her name will change to a new colour.
Of course mods will get unnoticed. Thats why they would get epic colours which nobody has
(or with a neon light under their feet/bike)

No, it would be confusing. As Reconnais said, stars are enough.


10.-(Robo)pet: Not sure if this is a good idea. To avoid laggy gameplay people would only have the choice to choose their pet or their bike.

Do you mean people would be able to show either their bike or bot outside of battle? Or something else?


11.-SUPER Boosters: These ones can heal for like 50 hp and cost like 300+ credits each. You can ONLY use this against Npc's/Bosses

Nope. Overpowered.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/19/2012 1:21:13)

Support suggestions:

@xap app
Your suggestion for suggestion 6 is a bit hard, it would have to be constantly updated causing server lag.
People changing worlds quickly would be too hard to keep track of

Ancient Drawer -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/19/2012 7:54:19)

Supported: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11 but not 5.

XapApp -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (11/20/2012 0:51:04)

@Mr. Clean XD
Can it not just update the way the number of players in a server updates?

The berserker killer -> RE: Loads of new ideas Part 1 (4/21/2014 15:34:33)

I love your idea of the fame bank.

--Ghost God--

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