For the Epicduel forums to have a "delete" button. Sometimes you might post something, then wanted to take it off... All you can do is edit...
Some sort of forums app? Not too fussed about this, maybe a bit hard to make...
SMGS -> RE: 2 ideas! (11/23/2012 19:26:59)
For the first suggestion, you should be able to delete posts that haven't been replied to yet. That means the delete feature is only open to the newest post on the thread, anything older is stuck there forever (unless someone with higher power deletes it, of course). This feature should be available in most forum sections, including the GD.
zippy2010 -> RE: 2 ideas! (11/24/2012 4:13:20)
Also some forum sections do not allow to delete your posts yourself. What powers you have on particular thread is given at lower right of that page. Something like this with check marks or crosses to its left.
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