Athena's Stories (Full Version)

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theathenaflame -> Athena's Stories (11/24/2012 17:23:20)

Official Founder Log

Everybody in Oversoul is getting ready... I guess we are "The Protectors Of The Land" as what they say... But on the inside, there is something more evil. Something unimaginable. A corruption. Anyways, The Evil Overlord, Dage has found our portal, somehow he got in. Heroes across the land of Oversoul are trying to fight off the army, if they reach Oversoul, everything is lost. The borders are at 40% max, I don't know how much longer it can hold. I'm scared. It's strange though, I never felt like this before. I ju...Oh..~Bzzzrpt~

~~~The following storline will skip Days, Months and Years maybe Unknown Dates~~~

(More entries to follow)

theathenaflame -> RE: Oversoul Stories (11/24/2012 17:25:23)

Official Founder Log

So im new to this stuff.. SO let me start out with my name.. My name is ~INVALID~. -Bzzzrpt-

theathenaflame -> RE: Oversoul Stories (11/24/2012 17:26:27)

Official Founder Log

My first battle was today, everyone was so encouraging, although I was close to dieing, it was a fair fight, Now tomorrow hopefully will be my first fight with a real live person! I wonder what it is going to be like -bzzzrpt-

theathenaflame -> RE: Oversoul Stories (11/24/2012 17:28:06)

Official Founder Log
-bzzzzrpt- The walls, down, I can't just believe what happened, Drakath.. I don't understand, how? How did he..-bzzzrpt-

theathenaflame -> RE: Oversoul Stories (11/28/2012 20:31:06)

Official Founder Log

NO, NULGATH -bzzzrpt-

theathenaflame -> RE: Oversoul Stories (11/29/2012 21:34:43)

Official Founder Log

I have reached checkpoint. Main goal -bzzzrpt-. I am the remaining survivor. It has been ~INVALID~ years since Dage reached the portal. Drakath controls half of this world. Dage, prepare. He shall see the power of the Founders. Next, Drakath.

theathenaflame -> RE: Oversoul Stories (12/2/2012 0:43:06)

Official Founder Log

I don't know how but I ~INVALID~, ~INVALID~ it's like these new genetics, evolution. I don't know how ~INVALID~, but I can control ~INVALID~. -bzzzrpt-

theathenaflame -> RE: Oversoul Stories (12/2/2012 22:57:58)

Official Founder Log

Initiating Phase 1. Destuction to the army. Founder Status: -bzzzrpt- Soul.. Chaos.... S-bzzzrpt-

theathenaflame -> RE: Oversoul Stories (12/2/2012 23:00:06)

Official Founder Log

Yay, I battled my first real live person, I won, I got this feeling like I was in a different body, Like I was something new, Like in a new soul. it was Epic. Can't wait ~INVALID~. -bzzzrpt-

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