RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (Full Version)

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Rayman -> RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (11/28/2012 18:53:29)

No cheevo, theres already one, we are getting something we dont know and after we get it, gamma testers will get something else too.

Sympleton -> RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (11/28/2012 18:54:29)

I don't really care either way if we get rewards because I can understand both points, but Trizz I would like you to know that

1. Founder armor was during beta. I don't THINK it was during alpha but I bought varium like the day beta started so I can't really say much about founder armor before that.
2. Beta phase was MUCH more productive than Alpha was. (my main character is not alpha but my alt is) I can honestly say that the game pretty much sucked until about mid beta, and (at least I personally felt that) nothing really happened until then. While Alpha may have come before beta, I would say the latter is just... More important.

PS: I'll just be happy to be able to make my old weapons worth using again with Omega :D. I think this is the only way to fill old player's "respect lust" without imbalancing the game.
Good work devs!

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (11/28/2012 21:15:26)

Youre getting the option to make youre requirement less weapons max level
If that is not enough, I don't know what is

goldslayer1 -> RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (11/28/2012 21:19:15)


i think iv'e had enough of people with rare stuff keep getting rewarded.
betas shouldn't get a reward, and neither should have founders. the only ones who deserved a reward were alphas who were actually promised things by the devs.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (11/28/2012 21:44:52)

@above totally agree with you, these guys from betas just use the reward that the DEVS gave founders as a excuse for free stuff, they deserve a weapon thats lvl 35 with 5 enhancement slots 28 stat points 35 damage and its a mutating weapon, now they can walk around showing off that they are beta players thats got a cool looking reward but they need to use skills in battle with it :p

Stabilis -> RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (11/28/2012 21:57:08)

Since nothing in life in business terms is free (we have to pay to get the improvements), and that the Beta weapons are largely Dexterity + Technology... aside from a broken stat called Focus and a massive stat inventory called enhancements, the largest advantage is still from paying. We phase players are promised by the developers to receive some phase-related gift. So this is something everyone minus Founders can anticipate.

goldslayer1 -> RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (11/28/2012 22:00:34)

and we did receive something.
founder was only a promo (not available ingame either)
so was beta. if they are going around giving more things to people who bought promos a long time ago, then i want things too, for purchasing the azrael promo, the frostbane promo (twice), the stun guns, the eggzooka, the halloween zookas promo, and several other promos large packages iv'e purchased.

Teufel Hunden -> RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (11/28/2012 22:02:53)

There is no "beta armor" and as for your suggestion on weps. i disagree. im a beta player without beta weps and i would feel too OP, also it is better to use weps others have and make awesome builds then have OP weps and not be creative. it is too generous of a gift to be that much better than the founder gift a little while back (bike) if we should get anything i think it should be a bike as well or a robot.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: New stuff for people who bought Beta (11/28/2012 22:21:51)

Just to spell this out as the Dev's have if you read your Cheevos. Post Gamma, meaning Delta to infinity, is when the game is out of testing. Gamma phase was the final testing phase as the devs thought one more round of testing would be fine for their game. Some games end at alpha others at beta this one ended at Gamma if you read the cheevo descriptions.

Awarded to players that participated in EpicDuel's first public testing phase
Awarded to players that participated in EpicDuel's Beta testing phases
Awarded to players that participated in EpicDuel's Gamma testing phase.
A reward for those brave individuals who participated in EpicDuel Delta!

It was all the same, minus the last character and phase listing, until Delta came along

So all testing phases are equal no one bash anyone else and no one gets an extra reward unless the Dev's feel giving

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