The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (Full Version)

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megakyle777 -> The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/27/2012 6:14:58)

Okay, as we all know, The Slugwrath Family has a a part to play in both AQ, DF, MO and AQW.

In AQ, we have seen one of the Slngwraths in the far past, when Drakovia was not as it is now. I don't know ther details of that, but I seem to recall Dhows finding him important...

In DF, Drakath betrays Seppy, and somehow uses the Ultimate Orb to fuse with the dragon Flufffy to create what was described by The Myserious Stranger as "The Ultimate Weapon" that he decided to fuse himself to. What is it about Drakath's involvement that made it so powerfull? And at the end it is implied that for some reason he is visited by a... thing... of chaotic nature...(Please don't argue about if it's realated to DF or AQW) Also Drakath's Father was once king. WHY?

In AQW, Drakath has become the Champion Of Chaos, a being of immesurable power, able to kill Seppy, coruppt powerfull beings and even to in some circumstances alter reality itself. (Doomwood part 2) Why Drakath however? Why is he the champion instead of ones who would appear to be more powerfull?

In MQ, Kingadent Slugwrath was once in charge of the planet, and pretty much allied with The Shadowscythe to sell out said planet. That went poorly for him, as now he is a head on Mr Z's desk last time we saw. But why keep his head there? Is it merely for decoration as we thought? Or is something else at work here?

Either way The Slugwrath family have had a HUGE part to play in almost Every AE game to date and spanning millenia in them, and I'm curious as to why. If anyone has anything to add to this discussion, like the exact situation to do with AQ, please post.

geopetal -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/27/2012 12:39:43)

The original text I wrote with Artix for the relevant cutscene in The Dragon Drakath:

//Drakath falls. Sepulchure strides over and thrusts the NBoD into the dragon's chest.

Sepulchure: Better then what you deserve, traitor.

//The Mysterious Stranger ports in in a cloud of black smoke. Sepulchure actually takes a step back in surprise.

Mysterious Stranger: Finally! It took you long enough.

//The Mysterious Stranger extends an enshrouded arm over the NBoD stuck in the dragons chest. A darkness gathers around the blade and then lifts off and goes into the robe's sleeve.

Mysterious Stranger: I've been infiltrating this world since the elements first formed it. Since they first polluted the perfect darkness that existed before. Now, thanks to you two, I can finally restore it.

@name: Wha... what?

Mysterious Stranger: There are two ways a creature of pure darkness can survive in this... <i>polluted</b> world. They can bind themselves to an object... a weapon... or, through pure will and patience, gather in the shadows and slowly accrete. The second provides more... raw power. More freedom to move. More time to think. And plan. Unfortunately, it almost comes with a price. A vulnerability to the other elements, Light especially. A vulnerability that didn't allow me to gather the orbs myself.

//The Mysterious Stranger moves closer to Drakath's body and lays an enshrouded hand on body.

Mysterious Stranger: You two took care of that for me though, with very little prompting. You created the Ultimate Orb and then, our little princeling here, combined a heart full of malice and revenge with the Orb and your dracolich and created the powerful weapon this world has ever seen, the ultimate darkness dragon! Hahaha, a dragon so powerful you have to team up with your greatest enemy to kill him... and now... now I have a weapon worthy to bind myself to!

//The Mysterious Stranger melts into dark smoke and it flows over the body of the dragon. It stands as the Super Ultra Mega Darkness Dracolich.

Sepulchure: But... but I am a creature of the darkness! I was promised this world!

Super Ultra Mega Darkness Dracolich: You were a puppet.

Sepulchure: <b>WHAT?!</b>

Drakath's father was the King before Alteon. Alteon overthrew him and took the throne.

megakyle777 -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/27/2012 13:20:00)

I thought that Drakath was a prince but I could not recall if we had any evidence to that. A fail on my part I guess. While you are here Geo, do you know anything about why the Slugwrath Line is important, or is that strictly under wraps?

geopetal -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/27/2012 13:25:23)

Let me see if I can track down and tackle the bossadin, to see how much I can reveal. I don't want to get locked in the HeroMart room again... D;

Edit: He's in a meeting. I stood in the window and made a sad face and everything. I'll see if I can update later.

megakyle777 -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/27/2012 13:32:05)

I understand if you can't reveal much, but a little would be appreciated. Just for discussion purposes.[;)]

Alternativly, I can make sure you get heating and food in the Heromart room...[:D]

Edit: Okay, cool. I hope that goes well.[;)]

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/27/2012 13:32:59)


I thought that Drakath was a prince but I could not recall if we had any evidence to that.

@megakyle777: Robina tells the player that.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 4:17:22)

I think Drakath is a very good champion of chaos. But don't forget, in the alternate mirror world Drakath was one of the good guys.

And also don't forget that just because he's powerful, doesn't mean others cannot battle his power. (in aqw) alteon has yet to fall to his power, Ioda has been battling against the chaos, The female troll vision-bearer (whose name at this moment eludes my memory) has not fallen to his chaos, The hero has yet to truly battle him and every battle involving the lords of chaos has seen us victorious.

So Drakath isn't without his limits. Even chaos theoretically probably has a limit as to how much exposure or how much power in can exude. This isn't to say that I know outright, it's just a theory that there may be a limit to how much something is effected by chaos depending on will, depending on the individual power involved, etc.

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 10:31:23)

IIRC Drakath wasn't able to kill Ledgermayne...And both LEdgermayne, Kimberly, Khassanda and Iadoa wasn't/isn't under Drakath's control, so that show Drakath's power isn't unending. He can't control all of his servants...I'm still curious as to how he became the Elemental Champion of chaos, but I guess we well get that answer later...

Artix -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 20:13:59)

Greetings and salutations!

I love this post megakyle777. It is a enormous topic that would take books to properly explain. (Note to self: Write books.)

Because this particular plot thread has become convoluted between the games... and only one spoiler is left outstanding in MechQuest (known as "The Reset") which is coming during the next two months... I think it is fair to confirm for you the things you have already figured out.

I.) The Slugwrath name
This is not actually the correct surname... the actual name is never allowed to be spoken. The real name is a secret and merely speaking the word would bring about unended horrors. As a venomous joke, a word that is similar to the actual name, "Slugwrath" is used throughout the games.

II.) Order of the Games
Remember, we build our games backwards. Mostly to be crazy and odd. Here is how the timeline goes
1st MechQuest (5000 years in the past)
2nd DragonFable (5 years in the past)
3rd AdventureQuest (Current)
4rthish-itgetsweird.... AQWorlds (All of the timelines merged into one due to Galanoth slaying the Eternal Dragon of Time. So, also current.)

III.) Drakath's Story
Drakath is by far the most interesting character in our universe. His Father is indeed the evil King/Kingadent Slugwrath who was overthrown by the warrior who is now known as the good King Alteon. As a deposed Prince, Drakath was bitter and believed the throne was rightfully his. So he formed the Darkwolf Bandits and attempted to take back his Kingdom by force. His terrible acts lead him to serving the DoomKnight Sepulchure. This made for an exceptionally odd combination if you know Sepulchure's backstory. Sepulchure used Drakath as a tool to recruit a cast of villains who previously served Drakath's Father (Xan, Sekduat, the Ospray Cove Pirates, etc.) Let it be known that Drakath had many opportunities to give up his thirst for power and side with good -- and destroy all of the forces of evil in the process. One of the many chances he has included the missed romance between himself and the Ranger, Robina. There is no small irony that if Drakath had followed his heart, and it had lead to marriage... he would have likely ended up as King due to Robina's secret double identity as the Princess Victoria. (I do not think this story has ever been told... if not, I hope it is one day.)

Ultimately, when victory was in the grasp of the evil forces, Drakath betrayed Sepulchure. The horrifying sequence of events that followed turned Drakath into Dragon of Darkness (which was supposed to line up with his role as the Darkness Dragon in the classic AdventureQuest) Drakath was killed. Well... he should have died. Something else happened. You will not find out exactly what until the end of AQWorld's overarching storyline. But he was "chosen" and became the Champion of Chaos.

Immediately seeking revenge, he went to Castle Swordhaven where the final battle between the forces of Good & Evil.... the final battle between King Alteon and the DoomKnight Sepulchure was taking place. He perma killed Sepulchure and mortally wounded King Alteon, infecting him with some sort of chaos corrupted disease. It is obvious by his show of power that Drakath could destroy every city in the world. He could possibly destroy the entire world. But his actions indicate he is following some sort of seemingly illogical rule set and is attempting to achieve a larger goal. He created 13 Lords of Chaos, who were granted lesser powers. Each one of them inevitably raised a Chaos Beast. Every time a Chaos Beast is defeated a new rune glows on Drakath's portal. Pray that we never find out what is actually going on.

The DoomKnight Sepulchure's death left the evil side without a leader. Sepulchure's Daughter, Gravelyn took charge and claimed the title of Empress of the Shadowscythe and the rightful heir as the leader of the forces of Evil. There is no question that she is hungry for revenge against Drakath. Without question, Drakath's #1 enemy outside of the players is Gravelyn. Off subject, Gravelyn's backstory... as revealed in AQWorld's DoomWood: Part 2 is one of my favorite "gotchas" in all of our games. The only gotcha that could possibly be bigger is when the player or "Hero" of AQWorlds finds out what they really are. Gives me goosebumps every time I think of it.

Battle on!

P.S. On the subject of the "Laws of Chaos"... Drakath has not always been.... as chaotic as a Champion of Chaos should be. This was not done by mistake.

Glais -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 20:23:47)

Nice thread Kyle.

Since Artix is here...your summary brings up some weird things that I'm curious about, if you could answer it would be fantastic.

Now, you state AQW is a merged timeline (there's been a bit on this back and forth for ages) which would mean basically, it is the canon future of all games. With The Span, I'd thought it was stated AQW was another random Timeline that gained aspects of the other 3 Universes due to Galanoth, thus not affecting them at all and keeping the games separate.

Secondly, you seem to imply DF Drakath goes on to become AQW Drakath. Which (I had thought) had been stated to be false in the past (I hope it is anyhow, DF's is, in my opinion, a far more interesting character and I'd hope for AQW's to not take over him).

That's all.

Also I would seriouspy like to know that true name for...reasons :P

Baron Dante -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 20:34:18)

Okay. This post by Artix raised far, FAR more questions than answers here.


This made for an exceptionally odd combination if you know Sepulchure's backstory.

Firstly, this. The backstory was never explained in DF, but it was explained in AQW. Certain statements led me to believe it's supposed that the AQW backstory does hold canon to DF (Parring parts that inevitably contradict this), and this goes onwards to further point in that way. (You know. Having a confirmation on this would be simply amazing)


Sepulchure used Drakath as a tool to recruit a cast of villains who previously served Drakath's Father (Xan, Sekduat, the Ospray Cove Pirates, etc.)

This bugs me, as Sek-Duat did not work with Drakath's father, nor did the pirates. Xan didn't either, exactly. Xan owed him a favor which Drakath later called.


One of the many chances he has included the missed romance between himself and the Ranger, Robina. There is no small irony that if Drakath had followed his heart, and it had lead to marriage... he would have likely ended up as King due to Robina's secret double identity as the Princess Victoria. (I do not think this story has ever been told... if not, I hope it is one day.)

Not something that bugs me, but this is... interesting. Very. So, Drakath has "interests" towards Robina?


Well... he should have died. Something else happened. You will not find out exactly what until the end of AQWorld's overarching storyline. But he was "chosen" and became the Champion of Chaos.

Okay. This is by far the biggest thing bugging me here. When the Finale was originally revealed, people assumed that this was indeed what will lead to the whole AQW storyline, and frankly, people were angry over it. Sometime later, we had the Birthday event in AQW where we saw something completely contradicting this, a "seed of chaos" planted to Drakath's heart after the kidnapping by The Collector. It was a very boring night, so I made an incredibly convoluted theory that was supposed to somehow prove something via logic that made no sense. I even felt the need to make a thread over this. To my surprise, coming back to it the next morning, there were replies by, I believe, Alina and Geo, at least.

The thing is, that Geo confirmed that the ending of Book 1 of DF is NOT related to AQW story at all, yet that Drakath would not play any major role in DF again. People who knew of this went with this as the simple truth. Now, this happened.

I'm going to pose a simple question here: Which is the truth?

Alina -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 20:44:30)

AQW is a merge of all 3 timelines, but the creation of the AQWorlds universe did not destroy the other 3 games. When the sands from the AQ/DF/MQ hourglasses in the Dragon of Time's heart-chamber mixed, so too did all the people, places, and creatures of the original three games, and those mixed sands created AQWorlds.

We've got a fun situation with AQWorlds' storyline.

Inside the game, AQW's existence is NOW a mixture of the AQ, DF, MQ timelines. But as the cutscenes showed, the physical planet AQW is on existed before the merge at the same time AQ, DF, and MQ existed. (That is how the world could be destroyed, compelling Galanoth to slay the Dragon of Time and bring his loved ones back.) After the Dragon's death, new elements were introduced into the AQW world from AQ, DF, and MQ as you've seen throughout the Chaos storyline.

Outside of the game, you guys know and love AQ, DF, and MQ and see them updating alongside AQWorlds each week. AQW's canon does not necessarily determine the future of AQ, DF, and MQ's storylines, as each game has writers who wish to take their games in directions which may differ from what AQW does.

It requires a bit of a disconnect to wrap our minds around the fact that in the game, AQW blends together AQ, DF, and MQ. In reality, that isn't necessarily true.

Regarding Drakath in DF: Geopetal said she has no plans to touch on the Chaos storyline in DF, so it's not very likely you'll see a Chaotic Drakath appear in DragonFable.


Okay. This is by far the biggest thing bugging me here. When the Finale was originally revealed, people assumed that this was indeed what will lead to the whole AQW storyline, and frankly, people were angry over it. Sometime later, we had the Birthday event in AQW where we saw something completely contradicting this, a "seed of chaos" planted to Drakath's heart after the kidnapping by The Collector. It was a very boring night, so I made an incredibly convoluted theory that was supposed to somehow prove something via logic that made no sense. I even felt the need to make a thread over this. To my surprise, coming back to it the next morning, there were replies by, I believe, Alina and Geo, at least.

This will be explained before the AQW main storyline ends. I can't wait until this reveal; it is too much fun!

Glais -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 20:44:27)


AQW is a merge of all 3 timelines, but the creation of AQWorlds did not destroy the other 3 games. When the sands from the AQ/DF/MQ hourglasses in the Dragon of Time's heart-chamber mixed, so too did all the people, places, and creatures of the original three games, and those mixed sands created AQWorlds.

I...don't get it. That's quite similar to saying it's a mix, but at the same time is not a mix. If it used the substance of those universes, then those Universes should have thus become a part of AQW making AQW a realigned verse.

Now the second part makes a lot more sense, that the timeline basically adapted parts of the others which is what I and several others had thought. Thus leaving all old timelines/games intact but allowing AQW to in a sense be a mix.

Or maybe I'm just missing something.

Regarding Drakath in DF: Geopetal said she has no plans to touch on the Chaos storyline in DF, so it's not very likely you'll see a Chaotic Drakath appear in DragonFable.

Consider me relieved ;>_>

That new thing makes it even more confusing though, I can only hope it doesn't affect DF's Drakath.

Baron Dante -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 20:53:13)


This will be explained before the AQW main storyline ends. I can't wait until this reveal; it is too much fun!

The story is going to explain how we have two extremely conflicting statements by the staff about wether Chaos Drakath hails from Book 1 ending of DF or not? :P

Alina -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 20:59:38)

It will explain why what you saw in DF's finale differs from what you saw in AQW's birthday event. They're not as mutually exclusive as you might think, on a first look.
That's all I'll say about that, because: "Spoilers!"

Mordred -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 21:01:14)

Wait, don't we know that already? The reason being different timelines?

Baron Dante -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 21:02:58)

@Alina: Eh, it's not as much about the whole differing. It being somewhat contradictory back then just led to the very interesting shenanigans with Geo claiming one thing and someone else (You?) something else.

Though, I take it the truth is indeed that the ending of Book 1 led to Chaos Drakath in AQW. Well, that clarifies things.

Glais -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 21:10:41)


Though, I take it the truth is indeed that the ending of Book 1 led to Chaos Drakath in AQW. Well, that clarifies things.

Hoping the timeline explanation finally works in its favor...

MasterInTheMaking -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 21:15:32)

Ok ok.... so we have the mix (Yet not mixing...?) of the universes. This makes a bit of sense due to the reoccuring elements from the other games into AQWorlds...

But, I have to ask... What about the 'Good' Drakath? In the mirror 'Battleoff'? With those 'Lords of Order'? If all universes were mixed, where did that 'alternate' universe come from?

*I wasnt here for that event. Just stumbled across a page from the wiki.... and now all this talk of merged universes... *prepares for headache*

~ MasterInTheMaking

Glais -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/28/2012 21:17:39)

Didn't mix all Universes, just aspects of those three. Good Drakath is from a parallel world to the current AQW Timeline. There's...well, many parallel timelines as AQ/WF have shown.

megakyle777 -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/29/2012 3:15:03)


This is not actually the correct surname... the actual name is never allowed to be spoken. The real name is a secret and merely speaking the word would bring about unended horrors. As a venomous joke, a word that is similar to the actual name, "Slugwrath" is used throughout the games.

This IS interesting... So, clearly the Slugwrath heritage for some reason has the power to bring about great evil, however, I find it curious that even in his most evil moments (Like being the Champion of Chaos or betraying Seppy) That Drakath never speaks the true name. Does he not know of this? Is it a Doctor Who kind of deal where he can only speak the name in the right place at the right time? Does it have any ties to Chaos? Or is it that such tnings are even WORSE the Chaos, that even in his darkest moments Drakath dare niot speak the name? It may well however explain the intrest Dhows has in him... could such horrors be tied to the secrets of the Shadow Universe? And even though the King (I assume) knew of it, he did not briong horror to all when he failed?

TOO MANY QUESTIONS. (Brain explodes)

This thread needs sticked or archived or something.

entidadpunk -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/29/2012 7:51:07)

wow so many storyline references,this could be used to explain a new player the whole AE storyline in 5 minutes :P

MasterInTheMaking -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (11/29/2012 11:28:56)

Maybe thats what is needed. Until I completed the newest releases at The Span in AQW, i was confused as to what was going on.

I never played AQ or WF. Nor did I play DF. This is really helpful to understanding and putting pieces together. Just saying :P

~ MasterInTheMaking

Joerte -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/2/2012 12:51:57)

Wow, this thread is an amazing source of info. However it brings up many more questions than it answers due to what the staff have told us. [:D]

truevillianofworlds -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/2/2012 23:04:17)


P.S. On the subject of the "Laws of Chaos"... Drakath has not always been.... as chaotic as a Champion of Chaos should be. This was not done by mistake.

That is what makes hi ma very good Champion of Chaos. The notion that Chaos is unpredictable is confirmed by Drakath, who seems to not want to burn everything. He is very clever.

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