RE: Masters of Fate (Full Version)

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Vanyeban -> RE: Masters of Fate (1/11/2014 5:09:59)

Hi! my name in aqw is Ethan Padua and this is my character page..

Azurite -> RE: Masters of Fate (3/4/2014 3:37:58)

Is this guild still active? I'd like to join if it is.

Savious 23 -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/9/2014 20:53:18)

this guild is still looking for new members if anyone wants to join... pm me, Savious Faythe or Armornox on the forums or in game if u wanna join the guild. I am usually on Evil SirVer, Sir Ver, or Safiria.

Lordul Nimicitor -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/11/2014 9:12:50)

I'm desperate and want a guild
I have level 36 slayer chaos class thief
Meaeste power of 3456-2000-1000 only when using powers give an extra 100-200 dmg without them so I do not have the appropriate level

And I like pvp

Anamar Keth -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/11/2014 15:36:31)

That's nice. But you seem to be interested in character power and damage output. That is not what the Masters focus on. Have you read the main post? (First post, first page....) You may want to read it again. If you're still interested in joining the Masters after that, PM me or Savious, and we'll go from there.

rakoonberry -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/13/2014 6:24:03)

I'd like to join your guild.

Lordul Nimicitor -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/17/2014 14:16:04)
My dates

Anamar Keth -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/18/2014 17:53:10)

Are you requesting to join, Lord?

rakoonberry -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/19/2014 15:16:29)

Anamr, you told me to meet with your accomplice yet I sent him a message to meet with him and no response till now.

Lordul Nimicitor -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/21/2014 12:34:42)

Mean Anamar keth i am benginner

I am have version of blind light of destyny(Chaos version)
Blade of awe(Chaos version)

I am need a guild to seriously leaders
(I am romainian i not speak english)

Savious 23 -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/21/2014 16:14:19)

i have been very busy so i will be on safiria or pop into other servers if possible...

XyleamThe Black Mage -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/27/2014 7:58:23)

Hiya, as my name says I'm Xyleam (That's my game name to)

Anyway time to start, I would like to join this guild because of the good cause it goes towards. I am only level 15 right now but hope to level up soon, I get on fairly regularly. I understand if there is no room in the guild and accept that I can not join if that is the case.

I too would think the path of LAKHESIS would suit my character most as he is a Healer. (Hopefully getting membership soon and evolving him into an Acolyte). If you have any question, queries or doubts feel free to PM me.

Regards Xyleam, The Black Mage

(Char Page:

snakemasters666 -> RE: Masters of Fate (9/30/2014 22:08:38)

Evening, my name is Nu Voltar.
I'm interested in joining for multiple reasons, but the first and foremost is your desire to help others.

I would be most interested in an interview as soon as possible to see if I may join.
You can normally find me on the Artix server, my goto and pm settings are always on. If you would prefer I find you then I would love to organize a time to meet.

With regards,
Nu "Snake" Voltar

Anamar Keth -> RE: Masters of Fate (10/2/2014 21:03:02)

After this latest batch of interviews, I'm going to be closing this round of inductions. We had lots of good people pop up..... Thanks!

AceMaster -> RE: Masters of Fate (11/4/2014 18:11:46)

Hello, my name is AceMaster, and I have been searching for a nice guild in game for a while now, but to no avail. Thus, I decided to test my luck here, on the forums. I came across your guild, and after reading what you guys are about, I decided that this is something that I want to be a part of.

I would like to know if you are currently looking for new members to join you. I know you said that it is closed, but considering that was a little over a month ago, I'm wondering if that statement still stands. If it does not, then please inform me because I would like to join your wonderful group.

Either PM me, or find me in game (usually between 5pm and 9pm server times on the Safiria server).

Thank you, and have a nice day!

P.S.: Everything you need to know about my character is under my avatar. Enjoy!!

fidd1er -> RE: Masters of Fate (5/12/2015 18:30:13)

Can I join? :P

toon: Luna Moonbeam
lvl:33 leveling quickly

I like doing just about everything in the game, it's not a hard game so i can do everything (the map and /join is so convenient).
hmu in game or pm me if you're willin' to take me in, new to guilds, they weren't around last time I played AQW

Lthwnt -> RE: Masters of Fate (5/21/2015 5:56:19)

Can i join? heres my char

anyway the reason i wanted to join is because i dont want to be a lone wolf anymore i want to play
with a group rather than take on bosses on my own because its hard.And i also want to help some people
in their quests or farming

Hope you accept me


KuroNekami -> RE: Masters of Fate (10/6/2015 21:39:46)

Hey, I don't know if your guild is still active, but if so, I would like to join you guys! =P
Here is my char page: Kuronekami

I want to join you because I'd like to help others, play with people rather than alone. Also, I like the way this guild is managed, with three different paths.
Anyway, I connect mainly on weekends, my week being filled by IRL stuff.

Hope I get an answer,

And have a good game mates =D

KasiMMO -> RE: Masters of Fate (10/6/2016 7:33:07)

Hello, I really would like join your guild ( if it's still active )
I've never been a part of a guild, but it seems really fun and I'd really like to have some people I can play/ chat with.
I did not see or find any requirements to join this guild, but I really like the goals of the guild and I like that the Guild has different kinds of roles/ classes. It brings something more of an elemant of RPG to it, which I really like [:)]

This is my character page:
I play AQW everyday mostly, atleast 5 out of 7 days a week
I hope this Guild is still active, and that you will accept me into your guild ^_^

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