AceMaster -> RE: Masters of Fate (11/4/2014 18:11:46)
Hello, my name is AceMaster, and I have been searching for a nice guild in game for a while now, but to no avail. Thus, I decided to test my luck here, on the forums. I came across your guild, and after reading what you guys are about, I decided that this is something that I want to be a part of. I would like to know if you are currently looking for new members to join you. I know you said that it is closed, but considering that was a little over a month ago, I'm wondering if that statement still stands. If it does not, then please inform me because I would like to join your wonderful group. Either PM me, or find me in game (usually between 5pm and 9pm server times on the Safiria server). Thank you, and have a nice day! P.S.: Everything you need to know about my character is under my avatar. Enjoy!!