Weapon Damage Ranges (Full Version)

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Xendran -> Weapon Damage Ranges (11/28/2012 17:14:53)

All primary weapons should have an average damage of playerLevel. ALL of them.
Removing damage in exchange for stats flat out does not work well, because of all the other forms of damage and benefits you can gain from them. If you want to continue raising stats in exchange for damage or vice versa, you really need to consider every single part of the formula, averages of player interactions with a large sample size, etc, to really know how much benefit/loss there is to doing this.

Otherwise, i propose that you simply lock average damage and give a range to all weapons. Things like maces would have a wider spread.

In regards to guns, they should be weaker than primaries, but maintain the lack of damage range. Auxiliaries should have an absolutely massive damage range.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Weapon Damage Ranges (11/28/2012 17:36:32)

completely not agreeing, guns are just as powerful as a primary if you can be logical and the power of auxillary should never be increased to a extent becuase it is already a powerful gear. and if you make the weapons have a damage range it would be disastrous for some builds: 30-35 damage for a lvl 35 gear for example. and i would only partly agree if they set the damage range for the lvl 35 gear like this: 35-40 weapon damage range.

Stabilis -> RE: Weapon Damage Ranges (11/28/2012 17:50:19)

That makes sense Xendran, but about Auxiliaries having massive damage:

"Speed" can be balanced with "power" if the damage rate in comparison is close. Strike that can be used every 1 turn at 25 damage is equal in damage rate to an Auxiliary that can be used every 4 turns at 100 damage. Include Defense and Resistance, both of them at 20 for example, and Strike now does 5 damage per turn but the Auxiliary does 80 per 4 turns (20 damage per turn).

Xendran -> RE: Weapon Damage Ranges (11/28/2012 18:38:36)

Trizz: Those numbers are wrong... A level 35 weapon with a damage range like that makes no sense since neither of those ranges average to 35...
Aux weapons would have massive ranges like 15 - 55. Guns should be extremely consistent and accurate damage at the cost of power.
Nothing in this post increases or decreases the power of anything except guns, which are decreased.

EDIT: Def/res will be addressed in another post. Flat def/res is the problem there, not the speed of the weapons.

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