Vegafire -> RE: Block Rate Nerf (11/28/2012 23:58:21)
Actually any primary weapon and physical robot attacks get blocked, and yes because once class is blocking way to much it is unfair as its OP that class type and it will lower the block rate for all class's not just BH's and CH's, you are obviosly one of the two, it just means battles arent as long and its more down to skill than luck as the game is intended to be, making it nearly impossible to hit a class is just unfair in my oppinion. And its not the fact that you's have shadow arts its the combination of abilities put together is overpowered as about 90% of players including BH's would agree , Smoke Screen, Shadow Arts, Masacre and Bloodlust is just to overpowered, i dont see any other classes that have 4 skills that work with eachover in such a way so why should BH have it? Just my oppinion but why should Bounty hunters be so powerfull in comparison? so yeah removing shadow arts and replacing it with another passive or lowering the initial block rate (dexterity side) sounds good to me.