mer skill back (Full Version)

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Onlythestrong -> mer skill back (11/29/2012 18:17:14)

i think mer should have blood sheild

Rayman -> RE: mer skill back (11/29/2012 19:30:36)

It had BS, But It got replaced by Adrenaline since mercs only had 1 passive.

Betabot. -> RE: mer skill back (11/29/2012 21:54:10)

@Rayman I think he knows that it had BS and was simply requesting it to be back how it was. See the title of the thread "back".

On Topic: I don't believe merc should get it back sorry, then merc would only have 1 passive skill as Rayman has said. But I do have concern that merc doesn't have any buffing skills (dex or tech), but that could be due to the fact that everyone regards mercs as tanks.

Rayman -> RE: mer skill back (11/29/2012 23:04:01)

When i posted the tittle was just merk skil.

Mother1 -> RE: mer skill back (11/29/2012 23:35:34)

@ Betabot

TLM, and CH are also both tank classes yet they both have defensive buff skills as well. While they are suppose to be tanks they are at the mercy of BH CH and TM since these classes can malf and smoke them. Also to add injury to insult their only form of protection from this was nerfed because the staff considered them too useful. (AKA the Assault and rusted assault bots.)

Every other class has one buff defensive skill or two regradless off weather they are tanks or not, so why not Merc's?

Metallico -> RE: mer skill back (11/30/2012 15:31:43)

I support this idea, mercs need something for buff their tech/def, i am a merc and yeah i have a tank focus build, i would use a infernal android which is a bot with a very good attack but i have to depend of my assault bot so i can only debuff one time each four turns, it is bad if i am facing a tech mage and a bounty hunter...

I would suggest to give mercenaries their old skill tree with blood shield and old school hybrid armor or also give them reflex boost and more improved by dexterity skills...

you said hybrid armor must be hybrid ŋor not? but why do they have their most powerfull skills improved by technology, it doesnt sound hybrid for me..

Ok you gave us blood commander which is a good skill but we canīt strike or shoot our enemies when we are debuffed and our ASSAULT BOTS have been used already..

Also i suggest a hybrid extra protection shield, if we are hybrid we need a hybrid shield

If blood shield is usefull why give it to tactical mercenaries? they are one of the most powerfull classes i have ever seen in the game, they can heal +42 5 or four times in a battle, they are defense tanks who can have more than 45 defense and a blood shield +10 makes them very hard to beat...

A lvl 35 tactical mercenary can easily jugg 2 lvl 33 players, i have seen it

Pallosalama -> RE: mer skill back (12/2/2012 18:27:58)

^ I would like also see some kind of Hybrid shield added for mercenaries. Adrenaline isn't very useful skill if you don't base your strategy on raging faster.

Ranloth -> RE: mer skill back (12/2/2012 18:40:33)

I'll have you know guys that Blood Shield was taken away because players said it's useless; HP cost, no HP/EP regen thus useless. Now you want it back? Oh irony. >.>

Mother1 -> RE: mer skill back (12/2/2012 19:47:42)

@ trans

Funny thing they took it out to give mercs a second passive as well since mercs were the only class with one passive and not two. Plus if you think about it Adrenaline is suppose to make mercs rage faster right? But at the same time I am only seeing high support mercs rage at turn three with the passive, while I am seeing high strength builds and other builds with low support rage faster then merc's without it Especially if a move gets blocked, deflected, or they crit.

While I never complained about blood shield, with the rage gain bug fixed with blocks, deflections, and crits Adrenaline isn't all but useless with the exception of support builds.

Cyber Dream -> RE: mer skill back (12/2/2012 20:20:07)

In my view, Merc is almost perfect. The only things wrong with the class are the skills that improve with support. The hybird needs a little buffing also. Replacing adrenaline with blood sheild is a bad idea. Merc is a tanking class, we need our rage. Blood commander would be the best skill to be replaced since str is not a big importance. Most mercs i see have the same exact build almost, the 5 foucs build and they complain about merc being up. Its not up, just stop relying on the same build to work every single time. Try a MORE complex build, explore. I would like to see bs combe back, but only if it replaces bc.

arthropleura -> RE: mer skill back (12/2/2012 20:45:54)

@Rayman offtopic: BS sounds kinda... weird
and no, because the class has no hp regen, or very little when blood commandered

Metallico -> RE: mer skill back (12/2/2012 22:00:13)

idk cyber. blood commander has saved my life too much times, for me is a decent skill, i donīt always like adrenaline, since not all the mercenary builds are based on support i think extra shields like reflex boost would work better on mercenary, why not a hybrid skill, combination of reflex boost and technician? it could be improved by dexterity

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