Anniversary Achievement (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 1:18:05)

So another achievement idea ^.^

"Newbie" 1 year of being in Epicduel-1,000 rating points
"Veteran" 2 years of being in Epicduel-2,000 rating points
"Elder" 3 years of being in Epicduel-3,000 rating points

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 1:23:32)

Well... Epicduel did start 6 years ago... Where are the other 3?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 1:58:43)

@above actually its 4 years ago

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 3:00:45)

I know, but it's says on the tips, after a battle: [quoteDid you know? That the earliest versions of EpicDuel were in 2006![/quote]

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 9:18:05)

Well they arent going to make an achievement worth 4k :P

RageSoul -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 9:27:08)

Hmmm , a cheevo that increases / gives you more RP via more cheevos the longer you play ? That's legit for me .

Stabilis -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 9:54:24)

Those earlier versions of ED were Titan's high school project.

SCAR -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 11:36:21)

Absolutely not, This idea is more bad than the "Personal Influence Achievement's" Rookies would be High Lighted in stars, achievement's are suupose to be hard to get not easy.

Besides we already got achievement's in the past, Alpha achievement, Beta Achievement, Gamma Achievement, Delta achievement, and soon to come, Omega achievement.

Edit: Why want more?

Unknown Menace -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 12:26:23)

There is nothing wrong with this idea and nothing wrong with the influence one. It took me 2,5 years to get a blue star so i don't know where you get the impression that everyone gets stars as easy as that. From a certain point on reaching a higher amount of stars is harder anyway.

I can support the idea, though the rp could be alot lower because the point is to show how long you joined ED and the additional rp could be a small reward there is no effort being delivered after all. Time is passing by all by itself so it doesn't deserve alot rating points.

Shadow Slayer 2 -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 14:50:16)

I support this idea.


achievement's are suppose to be hard to get not easy.

How can this possibly be easy to get when it will take you A WHOLE YEAR to get the first achievement.
Also, Oz (I think its him) has a mission which takes two minutes and can be turned in for 750 rating points.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 17:53:05)

not supported, we already have phase cheevos each year or so that already give 1k+ ratings and this suggestion is the same as the phase cheevos.

SCAR -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 18:29:48)

@Trizz: Atleast you see what I said.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (11/30/2012 19:02:49)

@above i didnt even read any of your post or others post XD, just read the title and bang it just came to me :D

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/1/2012 11:23:26)

What about 4? December 23rd will be my 4rth year.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/1/2012 16:03:38)

I think making an chievement thats 4k would be too much poits lol

robo90925 -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/1/2012 23:53:39)

Ehhh.... It really should be the hour's you play. I mean, what is the point of getting free cheevo for not playing.

Though, really i dont really support.

Rayman -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/2/2012 1:49:30)

Supported and make it:
2500 ratings

theholyfighter -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/2/2012 3:03:29)

I support this.
How about tweaking it a bit?

3000----more than 4 years
2500--4 years
2000--3 years
1500--2 years
750----1 year

Then every year, 500 rating points are added. How about that?

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/2/2012 5:21:29)


Ummm, bit of a typo...
4 years is only worth 300 Rating Points...?

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/2/2012 5:41:24)

I think he means 3000

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/2/2012 5:49:43)

I know he means 3000!

Deiselman -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/2/2012 7:51:12)

it would be great imo[:D]

theholyfighter -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/2/2012 7:53:27)

Yes, I mean 3000...sry 4 the typo~

SCAR -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/2/2012 8:17:54)

As me & "Trizz" were saying, we already have "Achievement's" that you can get every phase, such as the Alpha achievement, Beta achievement, Gamma achievement, Delta achievement, & coming up will be the "Omega" achievement. Why want more? We already get a free achievement every phase.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Anniversary Achievement (12/2/2012 17:45:54)

@above yes phase achievements are already the thing that proves that we have been playing often and with this it would be unfair to some of us because there are others who hasnt played for ages since beta and they get free cheevo depending on the time they started joining epicduel, rather than playing it.

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