Summon Plant Dragon VIII (Full Version)

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Balu -> Summon Plant Dragon VIII (11/30/2012 7:12:18)

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Summon Plant Dragon VIII

Also see Summon Plant Dragon I, Summon Plant Dragon II, Summon Plant Dragon III, Summon Plant Dragon IV, Summon Plant Dragon V, Summon Plant Dragon VI, Summon Plant Dragon VII

Level: 150
Power Level: 153
MP Level: 152
Price: 22,004,697 Gold
Sellback: 11,002,348 Gold
Location: Harvest Festival 2012

Element: Earth
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Plant Dragon (150) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss.

Serenia has "harvested" a plant dragon and given you the power to summon it!


Stats thanks to In Media Res.

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