Support Buff (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> Support Buff (12/1/2012 13:02:58)

idk what they have planned for balance in omega, specifically for support.
but how about taking out the diminishing returns on the support stat only to buff support builds?

basically, what this would do is, give the aux about 4 extra damage at the high end.

NOTE: things such as criticals, first turn, etc aren't affected by diminishing returns, so taking it out would not affect these aspects of support.

what do you guys think?

Vegafire -> RE: Support Buff (12/1/2012 13:05:03)

Supported, would allow 2v2 support build mercinary's to be returned aswell as giving all players more damage on their auxes and their buffs and debuffs would be more affective making it easyer to combat these overpowered builds such as tank builds or high damage builds

Mother1 -> RE: Support Buff (12/1/2012 13:06:09)

I can dig it even though they do plan on putting healing back with support but on a much slower scale.

Vegafire -> RE: Support Buff (12/1/2012 13:07:53)

But i dont think they will make the mistake they inititally made with supp/ feild medic again, because support builds were able to heal insane ammounts and it overpowered loop builds to much :)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Support Buff (12/1/2012 13:12:15)

an "insane" amount isn't really much considering ur average support build had little defense, and only the aux as offense (not including class skills) a lvl 1 field medic (for me anyway) use to heal about 65 HP (i think 63) but once again, only every 4 turns.
and the damage u were receiving from str builds just about nullified it.
keep in mind that this is the old support where they still had deflections

Vegafire -> RE: Support Buff (12/1/2012 13:20:07)

But most players that need to heal have about level 5 + currently, loop builds 10 meaning that they would heal insane ammounts in comparison if the Feild Medic, support ratio went back to the way it was, and also due to rage increasing with support would it not overpower those 5 focus infernal android builds even more? i mean if they can heal even more and surive longer the damage % keeps incresing on the bot

goldslayer1 -> RE: Support Buff (12/1/2012 13:22:48)

yes, while that seems like alot, ur wasting a turn (less rage), ur using energy (unless ur an energy regaining class, u most likely will only use it twice at best)
and a lvl 10 FM would limit ur builds diversity even more as u have less skill points to use on other skills.

Vegafire -> RE: Support Buff (12/1/2012 13:46:37)

Im not saying dont introduce the Feild medic/ supp link again im all for it, just not to the same standard where people can heal nealry 100 ect, about +1 on feild medic for every 7-10 support?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Support Buff (12/1/2012 13:51:26)

if im not mistaken the old scale was +1 heal every 5 support.
every 6-7 support should do the trick. (in the high end support, u lose 5-8 hp)

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