Sir Nicholas -> RE: Your Stereotypes Thread (12/3/2012 4:20:19)
It must be remembered: Tropes are not bad. Stereotype Nicknames: Genius Bruiser. Mighty Glacier. Big Good. Large and in Charge. Blood Knight. Build Type: Tank. Sub-Type: Swordsman, Mace, (AKA: Carry a Big Stick) bare-hands. Overall Description: Plate wearing badass that stand a head and a half taller than everybody else, seriously kicking the crap out of the bad guys, acting as either as the Hero, or as the Big Guy for a five man band. Also genius bruiser, capable leader and tactician. Great strengths, but a select few, glaring weaknesses that can (and often are) exploited. Your Characters Following this Stereotype: Sir Jameson, Lord Draconir, Sir Roland, Archangel Uriel. ____________________________________ And one for my bad guys too. Stereotype Nicknames: Lightning Bruiser. Evil Counterpart. The Rival. . The Only One Allowed to Defeat You. Worthy Opponent. Archenemy. Black Knight. Tin Tyrant. Build Type: Tank, but also serious damage. Sub-Type: Swordsman, fighter, Black Magic. Overall Description: In this case, I create a Villain (Or in the latter's case, an anti-hero) who is in many ways my heroes' polar opposite. Their negative. They provide the balance to the equation. The fact is as well that at some point or another, the Hero has to face the mirror, look at themselves, and see what they have become - and what they might become. In the case of my toon's nemesis/friendly-rival, Vegalok, this is more of a "what my life might have been like, had it been different". Case-in-point: Vegalok (originally created by a dear friend no longer among us) is a powerful Vampire, wields black magic, is a total badass, and he is also a tragic figure that has failed in his previous endeavor whereas Jameson has succeeded. It also becomes obvious they do really respect each other though - as they are opponents who enjoy battle, and thus far the only one that either has failed (consistently) to defeat is the other. Literally, they are too similar in skills, fighting style and power. If they were to go all out, nothing held back - then what would follow would be an eternal stalemate. ________________________________________ Draconir is really more of an archenemy character. The one that has caused the Hero no small amount of grief, simply because he's proven an adversary that won't back down - does not give in to fear, and cannot be swayed to the side of evil. It becomes pretty obvious early on they really do hate each other. While Jameson and Vegalok maintain a sort of friendship and truly consider each other equals, Draconir is pure evil. He believes he has no equals. A megalomaniac, he doesn't mistake his enemy as a threat, but ultimately believes he will triumph no matter what, and this overconfidence therein lies his downfall. Your Characters Following this Stereotype: Lord Draconir. (To a more rival-tuned extent, Vegalok)