Item price Balance/Changes (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> Item price Balance/Changes (12/2/2012 22:04:32)

With enhancements leaving, and now the new addition of varium caliber weapons being sold for credits.
i came up with a few changes.

Items should no longer charge 2 different currencies.
meaning varium items, such as items and armors, should either cost VARIUM or CREDITS. not both.
with the new non var caliber weapons being credits, theres no need to charge credits for the varium weapons.

since enhancements are leaving, the prices for non var items should go up, as they no longer have to pay for enhancements.

what do you think?

tgod -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/2/2012 23:28:49)


Btw isn't this suppose to be in the suggestions?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/2/2012 23:51:27)

its technically price balance/suggestion
it could go on either one.

gangster a -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 6:34:29)

enhancments arent leaving or they would have to give us refunds and i support your idea

Vegafire -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 6:35:27)


Drianx -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 6:38:32)

Supported, items should be sold either for credits or varium, not both at the same time. This as always annoyed me, as it defeats the 'varium as a shortcut' concept.

Ranloth -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 6:38:38)

That's the plan for the pricing, using Varium or Credits. It was discussed quite a while ago on Forum and few people even had a chance to speak directly with Rabble via IRC.


since enhancements are leaving, the prices for non var items should go up, as they no longer have to pay for enhancements.

Wrong. They aren't leaving but are revamped + there'll be compensation for those who enhanced before the change.. <.< But price for F2P items should go up? Same for Varium weapons then. F2P weapons could be enhanced with Credits or Varium, so can Varium items so why penalise F2P? They are getting rid of the gap, once and for all NOT trying to keep it under any circumstances. It's all in DNs if you read carefully.

gangster a -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 6:42:55)

^ what i would rather have enhancments then this new system and a compensation

Ranloth -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 6:45:32)

Enhancements ARE staying and WE as players will get some sort of REWARD for enhancing before the system came out to COMPENSATE for the change, so players get something from the Staff as a reward (or compensation if you wish to call it so) for it.. <_> Yeah, you'd rather not get reward right?

gangster a -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 6:48:03)

^ well considering how much var thats gone down the drain with enhancments you would understand why i dont like this idea and if the reward is something like a bike i dont really see the point . btw not blaming you

Ranloth -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 7:06:10)

Who said a bike..? Compensation is usually even return of Varium spent on enhancements or perhaps something along of upgraded weapon and such.. Varium is real currency that we used in fights (enhancements) and Bike as compensation is illogical. <_< But of course you'd prefer nothing + new system, right? >_>

gangster a -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 7:12:10)

^ thats what i was thinking well we will wait and see

goldslayer1 -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 9:58:22)

meh, all i keep hearing is everyone saying enhancements are leaving.
since these are suggestions any, it all goes by assumption.

Stabilis -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 11:25:16)

I would suggest that the maximum cost of all 4 pieces of equipment fully upgraded costs no more than the highest varium pack. Such, if I or someone else is required to buy 2 large packs to get a full set, something is up (the price).

And then we need some credit:varium ratio. What do we use? Weapons? Class change? Enhancements? A split of these?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 11:33:29)

credit to var ration IMO should be the one i always suggested, 100 var = 10k credits. (thats how it was for war cannons)

Stabilis -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 11:44:14)

I was thinking similarly, 1V:100C.

Ranloth -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 12:11:09)

Class change for 90K Credits? How fun would that be. Perhaps 1V:50C would be better, much more stable price and isn't too steep, whether you're using Varium or Credits.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 13:39:05)

good point trans, class change should be free after u purchase the class :D

but in all seriousness, im just going by how the war cannons were set up in terms of value.
doesn't have to be that. could be a lower one, but not too low.

Ranloth -> RE: Item price Balance/Changes (12/3/2012 13:55:20)

Indeed, Cannons are good example but then Class Change shows it's 1V:56C which could go either way with what ratio should be. I guess they will take care of it as Omega is released and have universal conversion for everything (isn't balance great?). So pretty much what you're suggesting in the thread will be likely done in the Omega release.

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