G Man -> RE: EbilCorp (10/30/2013 18:53:45)
Been looking for a more active fun(ny) guild, and I know a pretty fair amount of you guys, and I like hanging with some of you (Some as in, I have not really met any others.) So; I am curious, can I join up? Of the people that probably know me the most: Holy you know me. Chik knows me. Bunker knows me. Alpha knows me. Tsume knows me (Well, should know me...). There are a few others that know me to various degrees, like Gira. Vyo (probably) kinda knows me. (Same with Bert). As for my 'active-ness' I do work, but mostly days. However, I am usually on most nights. I am usually on from 6PM(ish) to 11PM(ish) (server time) depending on when I have to work the next day, and depending when I get off of work. (Hence the italics) On non work days, I am usually off and on from 12PM (ish) to any time really depending if I work the next day. (Hence the italics) If you don't want me, or are full, I understand. You should know who I am in game, but for formality's sake; I am G Man 007 in game. [Currently, I am doing the whole 1 man guild thing to make it so I don't get any invites from random guilds like "Legion Rules," (seriously got several invites from guilds with "legion" in the name...)]