The Toy Makers [AQW] (Full Version)

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Ninjaflame -> The Toy Makers [AQW] (12/3/2012 17:03:41)

Hi, my name is ninjaflame96 and we are 'The Toy Makers', searching for allies and workers to defend Battleon with crazy toys! If you are familiar and active in AQW, then fill out this form in this format on this post and I will surely get back to you. *On a side note, I've been playing since Adventure Quest came out. I am widely familiar with and have played all Battleon games, so ask me anything.* *Non-Members and Members eligible!

The Toy Makers is currently [Accepting new members].



Guild Website: (Don't forget to make a webs account!)

Guild Picture:
Guild Image was removed as it violates the image rules ~ Theo

Guild Focus

Our focus is to create mad toys to protect Battleon, using our STEAMPUNK MAD TOYS!!! (sorry got carried away...)

Reply to this post by using the forum

In-game name:

Time you began playing AQW:

Time/day online and how long:

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW:

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events):

*Last part for Co-Leader (extra credit)

Tell me why you would like to be a Co-Leader:

Other Requirements:

1. Must be level 1-50!
2. Must be ACTIVE!
3. MUST MUST MUST not be a cheater.

+-+Guild Rules+-+

1. No fighting
2. Talking about politics is prohibited.
3. No account trading or Real world trading to take place.
4. No begging for ranks, they are appointed by achievement.
5. No trash-talk.
6. No bragging.
7. No botting or you will be flushed from the guild.


*The Co-Leader will work with me to start a Youtube and help with events and the guild. The Co-Leader must also be trust worthy and polite to other guildies.

Our Goals

1. Have our own guild website
2. Fill up our guild
3. Help new players
4. Become a popular and well-known guild in Battle on!

We hope to help new players and professional players enjoy AQWorlds and participate in future events and everything it has to offer.

Guild Ranks
1-5: Newbie
6-15: Goblin Maker
16-30: Dragon Maker
31-40: Blacksmith
41-50: Hero (This rank is the requirement to become an Officer, but guild participation and trust will appoint the Officer position.)

[Allies]- ShadowScythe Elites

<Enemies>- None (lets keep it that way)

Groups: Groups will be the placement of each person and how they will benefit the guild.

Here are a list of groups you can join and their description:

Event Holder: This group will help prepare events and control the event as it hold out.

BattleOn Knowledge: This group will help to answer questions, if needed, for new players and players still not 100% familiar with AQWorlds.

Website Management: This group is in charge of handling the website the guild will be constructing.

Guild Criers: This group will announce news to the guild if it is urgent. (Only a small handful of people will be in this one)


Current Guild Members

Aiesha rules
lilcuty pie
shadow master2015
random mage 3

'The Toy Makers' Signture(s)

Thank you very much and if you'd like to contact me, reply to this post, forum message me, or ask me in-game. (Galanoth is the guild server)

EDIT: Fixed font size.~Theosenia.

Ninjaflame -> RE: The Toy Makers (12/22/2012 17:33:13)

This post will be checked daily and will approve you for the guild ASAP, unless it's a holiday and such.

Upcoming Events will also be posted here.

If you'd like to be a website moderator, put that in your application!

We will also be doing PvP tournaments in the future!

Website News


arecio -> RE: The Toy Makers (12/26/2012 17:24:00)

In-game name: Arecio

Time you began playing AQW: right after beta

Time/day online and how long: 2-3 years

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 9

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): Yes

Teamextreme737 -> RE: The Toy Makers (12/26/2012 17:46:02)

In-game name: Teamextreme737

Time you began playing AQW: 3 Years Ago

Time/day online and how long: Anytime for however long

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 10

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): Sure.

Ninjaflame -> RE: The Toy Makers (12/27/2012 14:28:34)

arecio: Accepted, please come online or let me know in the guild website.

Teamextreme737: Accepted, please come online or let me know in the guild website.


spikeyler -> RE: The Toy Makers (12/31/2012 12:53:12)

In-game name: Megenhos

Time you began playing AQW: 2 years ago (3/9/2010)

Time/day online and how long: Depends on my free time (school).

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 9

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): Yes.

Group interest:

BattleOn Knowledge

Kpac -> RE: The Toy Makers (1/1/2013 12:23:09)

In-game name: Amguil (AM-gweel)

Time you began playing AQW: Not sure exact time but during Sandsea.

Time/day online and how long: Usually Saturday at any time. Also on holidays/special occasions.

Scale of 1-10 of how familiar you are with AQW: 7-8

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future? YES.

Group interested: Battleon Knowledge (or whatever helps players who need it).

A few extra thoughts I wanted to say. This is the one guild that I felt comfortable asking to join. All the others either I couldn't or they made me uneasy. Also I don't trust going to a foreign website to sign up for a guild, but with you let us do it this way.
By the way I love the idea of defending Battleon with mad toys! If you want surprise defenses, go with some Jack-in-the-box! Oh, and the rule prohibiting political discussion must be the best rule i have ever heard. I am an active user.
I hope you accept me. If not, I'll understand.

Ninjaflame -> RE: The Toy Makers (1/1/2013 18:14:10)

Kpac: Accepted! Please check your PM for more information.

spikeyler: Accepted! Please check your PM for more information.


Lord Thanatos -> RE: The Toy Makers (1/1/2013 20:51:25)

Interesting guild. An alliance could be considered.

Ninjaflame -> RE: The Toy Makers (1/10/2013 0:06:34)


torchic17 -> RE: The Toy Makers (1/11/2013 4:38:13)

In-game name: torchic17

Time you began playing AQW: The year 2009

Time/day online and how long: Depends on my time (School)

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 9

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): Yes.

P.S I am willing to join this guild.

Group Interested : BattleOn Knowledge

Ninjaflame -> RE: The Toy Makers (1/11/2013 7:18:20)

torchic17: Accepted! Please join our website and send me a PM to set up a time to meet up and add you to the guild.


LightingPyro -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (1/21/2013 4:14:14)

In-game name: LightingPyro

Time you began playing AQW: 2011

Time/day online and how long: Often

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 9/10

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): Yes . Of Course

LightingPyro -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (1/25/2013 13:36:53)

Answe please !

kokakola1234 -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (2/21/2013 10:01:21)

In Game Name: kokakola1234
Time you began play AQW: 2008
Time Day online how long : 2-3 hours on day
Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW : 10
Last quesrion : Yes I interested.

Best class:Alpha Omega+Necromancer
Classes:Alpha Omega,Necromancer,warrior(rare),healer(rare),Paladin,undeadslayer,shaman.
Age : 12

Crisis Hoarder -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (2/22/2013 8:52:05)

I dontthink the shdowschyte is in an allince with u :3

Pokemonhuntersbc -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (3/18/2013 16:52:13)

In-game name: 17myershj

Time you began playing AQW: I have been playing AQW since it came out in 2008

Time/day online and how long: I'm normally online around 5 days every 2 weeks because of school, but at this moment i have 2 weeks where i'll be online almost every hour of every day.

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: I'll give myself a 9 since I know enough about it, but don't have much knowledge about rare items.

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): I would love to help improve the guild, and could help online but not in person.

Raxiir -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (3/24/2013 2:51:16)

In-game name: Raxiir

Time you began playing AQW: Just a couple of days ago (new account) , but I had an account, 2 years ago something.

Time/day online and how long: Its vacation right now in my country (Philippines), so basically everyday if I'm not doing chores.

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 7

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): More than willing. Helping New players will be fun.

dark321 -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (5/1/2013 1:23:42)

In-game name: DaRk_LoRd05

Time you began playing AQW: year 2013

Time/day online and how long:Always but at schoolday night time

Scale of 1-10 of how familiar you are with AQW:5-6

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future?YES

P.S i am very willing in entering this guild

Group Interested : BattleOn Knowledge

Ezreal -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (5/8/2013 11:14:19)

In-game name: KnightL1ght

Time you began playing AQW: 12/7/2011 is when I created my current account, however I have played

Time/day online and how long: I usually play from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM on and off for roughly 30 minutes to 1 hour at a time.

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 10.

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): It's fine with me.

*Last part for Co-Leader (extra credit)

Tell me why you would like to be a Co-Leader: Why not?

botquestworlds user -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (5/28/2013 23:30:50)

In-game name:ArtiksTheHero

Time you began playing AQW:after the grand finale

Time/day online and how long:1-4 years

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW:7

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events):Yes


HomicideHippo -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (7/8/2013 14:30:37)

In-game name: HomicideHippo

Time you began playing AQW: On this toon, yesterday, however I played on a different toon 2-3 years ago

Time/day online and how long: at least 5-6 days a week for 4-5 hours

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 8

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): If I'm given the chance yes

BrianTurtle -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (11/12/2013 18:10:46)

In-game name: BrianTurtle

Time you began playing AQW: Since 2008. :3 but my old account got disabled.

Time/day online and how long: 7 days a week, at least 3 hours a day. Weekends usually 8+ hours.

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 8

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events):
I'm willing to do anything asked of me if it's not out of my way.

Drako_Silva -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (1/16/2014 19:55:59)

In-game name: orckiller

Time you began playing AQW: The day after beta

Time/day online and how long: afternoons and weekends 5-6 hours

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 8.5

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): yes

cOOkiesandRAinbows -> RE: The Toy Makers [AQW] (2/25/2014 1:58:27)

In-game name: Xx shOUlda xX

Time you began playing AQW: since 2010; quitted for a while bec. I got hacked

Time/day online and how long: june-nov 3 days,10 AM-5 PM; march-april and dec,everyday, 8AM-PM

Scale of 1-10 how familiar are you with AQW: 8

Will you be interested in building the guild in the future (as in improving and hosting/participating in events): yes

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