Mother1 -> RE: Balance Changes? (12/3/2012 19:02:54)
BH's: I think the HP from masscre is a little excessive, being you can be doing about 50-60 damage reguarly and get back 20-30 HP, so I'd say keep Masscre how it is, but make Blood Lust not apply to your HP when using it. Not supported the only reason health gain is an issue with this is because they get a lot of damage out of it. A nerf to strength will not only reduce this problem but the health gain that comes with it. There is no need to nerf all builds that use massacre because one build is powerful with it. quote:
BM: I think Intimidate needs to go, the reason being it's not fair they can put up a 25+ shield then lower your damage by alot, so I'd say that would need to go. So before you guys have a freak attack on me, let's replace Indimidate, with Smoke Screen. By doing this we change Bludgeon to Plasma Bludgeon and it will improve with Tech or STR if you guys still want that. The same thing as the orignial only energy, to keep things balanced, now this may OP fireball, but it was nerfed a tad so I think that will keep it balanced, so were not doing crazy damage. The next thing we'd do is replace DA with Explosive Expert, this is a passive, but instead of gving extra damage to your gun it'd give extra damage to your aux, and the damage bonus would be some where from 5-8 whatever you guys think is reasonable. You see it's a little more balanced so they won't go crazy with the SC and DA+ the STR builds because deadly aim has been replaced so this should lower the damage output. Now this dosen't matter too much, but since it's blood mage It'd be a nice touch, make Super Charge do physical damage and improve with STR instead of Tech. so you see it's like the oppisite of tech mage, Super Charge is physical instead of energy and fire ball is physical instead of energy, and fire has been nerfed so it isn't as powerful as Plasma Bolt. Not supported. Strength blood mages would have a field day with this one. They will have smoke screen Bludgeon, Physical deadly aim, and any other physical attack. You chance to block will be lowered while they can deal even more damage to you. This would only push strength BM back on the masses. Also you want to make supercharge physical? ABSOLUTELY NOT!. Smoke and supercharge both work wit tech meaning that Tech spammers will have a field day with this one. They will have Smoke, and the phyiscal supercharge both powered with tech which will be extremely deadly since supercharge will ignore 20% of your defenses and it being physical? It will sync too well with the superpowered smoke which will make this attack even more powerful then massacre plus they will gain 30% health back to boot. Not trying to be funny, but this is something I would expect Hun king to think off. quote:
TM: I don't think the caster is that OP despite what everyone thinks, but reducing the progressive rate of PB to 4 would make it a little more balanced, but I'd leave everything else the same. I can support this. even at level one I can sometimes get massive damage out of this even with only 93 tech. It is slighty OP so that would be good. quote:
CH: Make SC what is was before I don't think it was neicessary to nerf it, because this gave CH a disadvantage, so I'd say bring SC back to what is was or more like 60-70% of energy gain from damage. Not supported. CH are not UP in the least as Rabble already said they were doing well after the static charge nerf. Also Gaining 11-15 energy for a strike that might only deal 3-7 damage just because you have the potential to deal X amount of damage is OP. Static before the nerf was better then reroute which is a passive ability. quote:
Mercenary: This is a good class, but it's missing a few thing that's stopping it from being complete and being a good class. This sounds maybe too much, but make Berserker unblockable (Maybe not on this one). or make Maul unblockable (Again feel free to rage how stupid I'm being). And I'm not sure what to do else with merc it's still missing something what else guys? Are you serious with this one? This would OP strength Merc big time. We already have people complaining about chairman's fury being a free unblockable hit for strength builds yet you want to give merc 2 more free unblockable hits? Strength mercs with the platium pride will have 3 super power unblockable hits that will destroy balance, and send the Merc class to the nerfing table. So not supported and never supported. quote:
Surport: Shouldn't increase the chance you have of getting first strike like "You have 40 surport you get a 30% bonus chance to go first," No if you have more surport you go first even if you have one more then the other guy you go first. Also make Field Medic increase with surrport by a little by a noticiable amount. Field medic is going to go back to support, and making support grantee you go first? Sorry but no. This would OP extreme support builds especially support merc and tech merc. All in all most of these would OP these classes and destroy balance.