Co-Leader/Co-Founder (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/3/2012 20:38:25)

Why not add one more spot to factions and have 19 spots by adding a "Cofounder/Coleader" bar above the officer section? *Credit Idea to Bomb Expert*

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/3/2012 22:05:32)

I think they should keep at 18 still. but as stated above it should be:




XapApp -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/3/2012 22:12:02)

If a Faction does not have a co-leader/co-founder then that section shouldn't show in the Faction member list.

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/3/2012 22:19:43)

you would appoint someone there.

XapApp -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/3/2012 22:20:19)

But you shouldn't have to.

SCAR -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/3/2012 22:26:01)

Xan: I don't think you see the concept of this idea.


XapApp -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/3/2012 22:28:58)

I'm just giving some notes in, I'm understand it and I'm not against it.

And it's Xap, not Xan. :P

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/3/2012 23:01:54)

There doesnt have to be a cofounder or coleader just like you are not forced to have all 6 officers

Mysterion. -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/4/2012 4:19:33)

It should be optional. And when the Founder wants too leave the co-founder can take over the faction. That way the faction wont be deleted when the founder wants too leave

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/4/2012 4:28:08)


If you would want that to happen, the "Co-Founder/Co-Leader" would have to pay the Credit/Varium price for a faction. Players could abuse that big time! Someone could buy a faction, make a player "Co-Founder/Co-Leader", then just leave the faction. That would give the "Co-Founder/Co-Leader" a free faction!
If the "Co-Founder/Co-Leader" was willing to also pay for the faction, then I could agree with your idea, but with what you have said, I can't...

ashtonsdad -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/4/2012 6:08:38)

what if the person that founded the faction didnt have a co-founder and doesn't want to be forced to name one? Besides there is only one founder, and people usually add those titles to players to make them feel better and make them more likely to stay in the faction.

Mysterion. -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/4/2012 7:27:33)

Mr. Clean,

You got me there, i forgot that part.
I dont join factions nor make one so i dont really think clearly about it.

So yeah, they should then pay the same price for it.

But still, then the real founder wasted money so one of them still suffers.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/4/2012 8:52:57)

@Mr. clean
i disagree, that faction was still paid for at some point.
and if a founder appointed someone as the co leader, than obviously the co-leader is a trusted person.

Supported, I've been suggesting this many times before.

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/4/2012 11:07:32)


It should be made optional, as latin said above, to appoint a cofounder/coleader. Just like u have the option to appoint officers but dont need to

VIX -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/4/2012 12:03:30)

Faction co-leader/co-founder
heres a picture to show you what i mean

i have suggested this before, and i just wanted to add this one as an improvement.
keep in mind that appointing officers and co-leaders is an optional thing. you dont have to do it.
so if you dont like the feature, you could simply not make anybody a co-leader/co-founder

other things could be added, such as the permissions of things the co-leader can do.

as it shows here, you can
promote and demote officers
kick members
change tittles (for co-leader and officers only)
recruiting members
and changing the flag


Image tags removed. -- SMGS

SCAR -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/4/2012 13:29:13)

Vix: You really put this idea into place! I like how you would be able to give the "Co Founder" premission's.

Now that you made it this much more clear, I fully Support this idea.

But you would have to put the "Premission's" somewhere, like it would show "Co Founder Premission's" in an option menu.

legion of souls -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/5/2012 0:12:41)

Seeing as this would just add a lot of work just to implement a very very minor feature, i suggest the developer's focus more on releases than stuff like this.

But otherwise, supported.

I happen to be a programmer myself and I KNOW the delicacy or how annoying it can be to mingle around with the code to make features like this available.

tpain -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/15/2012 16:57:10)


ninja.fighter -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/16/2012 8:53:16)
read this

XapApp -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/17/2012 0:17:46)

I don't think New faction ranks was in that list when this thread was created.

ninja.fighter -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/17/2012 6:09:05)

its from a long time that's why they banned these issues

Stabilis -> RE: Co-Leader/Co-Founder (12/17/2012 7:59:34)

This is fine for me, also, why not allow all members or all officers? Just because people like being officers, it would not hurt much if all members could be officers, right?

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