How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/4/2012 17:28:42)

How do you think we can increase the importance or impact of strategy, decision-making, challenge, and distinctiveness of EpicDuel?

I think we should increase the size of the skill trees while adding more skills (Rabblefroth: Challenge accepted).

goldslayer1 -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/4/2012 17:38:25)

if u really want to increase the importance of build strategy and things like that.
then there would need to be a system overhaul (IMO) and change alot of things.

for starters, custom skill trees.
being allowed to pick whatever skills u wanted.
with limitations of course, so u wont have plasma armor, mineral armor, bloodlust and reroute in the same skill tree.

of course, i already have a set system for doing something like this. however its like 2 pages long. and IIRC Xendran has one too.

or, you could add another row for possible skills in the skill tree, and those can be customized. (Var perk?)
the skills would be purchasable and could be equipped from ur inventory, so u can change them depending on ur build.

another way would be to not allow players to check other people's builds in ED outside of battle. (this stops build copying to some degree, and makes players focus on THEIR builds and not others.)

the next part should be by making retrains free.
nothing is more annoying than trying to test good builds but being limited by ur credits.
if i wasn't an active player when i use to play, idk how i would have come up with the credits needed to retrain so many times.

veneeria -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/4/2012 17:57:52)

What Depressed Void said and PvE + (PVE) drops + merge + daily missions+Rare Loot+improved NPC Interaction(in which the player really interacts with the npc and not blindly read and obey) +More fresh and awesome animations + different types of in-battle consumables and emotions + improved UI (user interface).

That is all pretty much summed up.
Right now, the most remarkable feeling once you are done leveling, is boredom. Having "something else than not the usual" might help on that.

The Astral Fury -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/4/2012 18:09:41)

Are enchaments being remove?

rej -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/4/2012 18:18:30)

There are several ways to make strategy come into play more. As of now, certain abilities are more powerful, or combine better than other abilities (I.E., strength based abilities for Blood Mages are more useful as a group than one strength based and one dexterity based ability.)
So, two obvious ways to increase strategy and support build diversity is either to make abilities more equally valuable, or to lessen the way that certain abilities compliment each other (not recommended, this would basically make all classes more Tactical Mercenary-like, which would obviously be a bad thing.)

goldslayer1 -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/4/2012 19:34:02)

heres an example of what i meant.

add in a new row of customizable skills that should be purchased.
these would not go with the skill tree but rather be separate. (so u dont have to do the long chain to get to the botton, and get skills u dont use)

again, this could be an optional varium perk.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/4/2012 20:31:46)

Adding more skills would definitely spread out the diversity of builds... I'm really hoping they do this! Of course, it'd be a pain to balance.

@dragonman: Based on your other posts, you seem extremely fixated on the idea that varium players have pretty much a 100% win chance against nonvars. I have lost to many extremely skilled nonvars who don't use boosters, so I'm quite unfavorable of your minor "discrimination." Just because they didn't pay real-life money for varium or anything, doesn't mean they shouldn't have a somewhat decent chance of winning. Just remember this statement, which applies in most cases: power = corruption. I may be wrong, but judging from the amount of other posts which state varium's supremacy over nonvar characters, I'd say you aren't trolling for laughs in some cases. All players deserve respect, whether or not they choose to support the game makers with money.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/5/2012 4:16:46)

@goldenslayer1 if adding custom skills trees, we might as well delete all classes since you can have the skills of a mage a bounty hunter and a mercenary in one. it will not make each class unique and as i said to not have a class at all.

Drianx -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/5/2012 5:25:04)

I would trade all those for one thing:


goldslayer1 -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/5/2012 14:48:59)

u misunderstand my idea....
the custom skills wont exist in any of the classes we have now.
so u cant use a tech mage skill reroute on BH

the skills made for customization will be new unique skills that should be purchase-able in a shop, and IMO should be varium only.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/5/2012 19:27:10)

@Drianx: I totally understand and agree with you. Games are supposed to be FUN. Why the heck is everyone making repetitive, overused str BH, TLM focus, BM focus/strength, etc...? Because they want to show off their record and get wins, rather than have fun. While those builds may be fun for a short amount of time, I doubt it stays fun after a couple weeks of usage. It's also never fun for me to fight str BHs, just because so many people use the build now. It totally ruins the fight and makes it boring, as I can predict pretty much the exact attack pattern.

goldslayer1 -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/5/2012 19:31:12)

remove losses from the game, and all of a sudden records become pointless.

and players will be free to try whatever they want knowing that they wont be penalized for using weaker builds.

Vegafire -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/5/2012 21:29:38)

Not Supported it would completely overpower us BloodMages, If we could Get a Str Boost and Malf or Smoke, or even a mineral armour, Reroute and expecially the Mercs rage gaining ability, no other player would stand a chance against us :s sorry its a noble concept but would destroy gameplay and also if more skills would be added would we not need more skill points? instead of the base 3 we would need about the base 3 +5-15 to make a decent build.

Now to completely Blow your Minds, Give Bloodmage Shadow Arts, resistance skill and Smoke. Theres the three i would choose...... anyone see where im getting? i do 30 damage normally 50+ with a skill and 60-70 with criticals? non abusing any stat and you want to give me the oppertunity to make them stronger? with my bloodlust i would eat you up :P

goldslayer1 -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/5/2012 21:46:21)

u misunderstood
in the expanded skill custom skill tree i used as an example, u CANNOT get skills that are currently in the game.
so there wont be any passives like reroute or plasma armor for as custom skills.

the custom skills would be completely different, new skills.
these could range from attacks, to stuns, to energy drainers, poisons, buff skills (support buff?)

but it wouldn't be anything we have right now. they would be new skills, that should be able to theoretically speaking, help all classes in some way or another.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: How to Raise the Impact of Gameplay? (12/6/2012 0:32:54)

@vega: Didn't Titan or someone say something like that they want each class to have only skills unique to that specific class? This means that no 2 classes will have the same skill, such as both TM and CH having malf. I think goldslayer is trying to replicate the idea with this topic. Anyways, I'd love to see more skills for each class. It'd definitely make things a lot more interesting, and I can guarantee more good would come than bad from it, except for overly unbalanced skills.

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