KASKUS (Full Version)

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crucafix -> KASKUS (12/5/2012 0:33:30)



The Largest Indonesian Guild

What Are We

Kaskus, is a forum and widely known as one of the largest indonesian community.
our community has spread its wing through a lot of other games, other community and now, AQW is included
We also known as the first indonesian community in this game that has been established circa 2009.
being the one of the oldest community, however, we have gain a quite respect from other indonesian community and
have a quite large member. since 2009, we already have about over 150 member who have joined but currently
we only have about 30-50 active member due to some inactive member and some who had some issue and being kicked.
We have one thing that another guild didn't have, which is, government/administration system.

Our Goal

We have no goal to be "The Strongest PVP Guild", "The Greatest Guild Eva" or whatsoever. We only wish to create one solid community with a strong bond of friendship. We, however, will not accepted any request from those applicant
who only wish to get a < KASKUS > tag below their character name. We only want to accept those who are
seeking a family and friends in this game.
being said, KASKUS guild is our second family.

How to join

Currently. this guild is exclusively available to indonesian player only.
However, we are currently working on creating sub-guild for international player.
To join, you will be required to solo fighting some boss.
The difficulty of the monster will be varied within range of 10 level and must be witnessed by one of our Council Board
and then, you will be required to answer some interview test from one of our Council Board
We usually resides in Nythera in yulgar-9877

Council Board

Our guild, however, are led by several member of council board.
They have the same function with the Parliament Board of any republican government.
However, we also have a democracy in our government.
We allowed our guild member to submit some request concerning our government system, testing, or
anything for the good of our guild. however, that request will be considered fairly and just by all of our council board,
and if it's good enough, we will grant the applicant request.
The Council Board are consist of 5 different segment, which is:

Wali Songo/The Nine Sentinel

Practically, they are founders of our guild back then in 2009. but since they are mostly inactive,
their title is symbolic and they have no authority over our guild though they are able to take over the guild back
if they are planning to be active again.

Prime Minister


Prime Minister, generally is the prime executor, leader and the prime overseer of our guild.
which mean, he is the one who execute any plan regarding of our Council or guild member request and oversee our guild.
he/she is practically our guild leader. But however, the Council Member or normal guild member are
capable to demote him/her if they are dissapointed of his/her leadership.

Grand Vizier

They are our guild general overseer and the right hand of our prime minister. which mean,
they take the leadership while our PM is away. they generally oversee the Council works and being so,
also acting as their advisor. And as the same as the Prime Minister, the Council Member or normal guild member
are capable to demote them if they're dissapointed by their leadership


Paradox XII

Like any other democratic nation's parliament board, they are the main brain of our guild.
They have the absolute authority over our guild but that only work if they have a mutual agreement over it.
Every request are come through them and being processed through them. It is their decision if the request will be granted or not. being said, they are the true leader of our guild. but it's useless if only one working. So we usually have a grand meeting every month to filter any request and to evaluate our work.

Kaskus Legacy


They, however, are not belong to council board. It's an honorary and temporary titles given to those who are dedicated to our clan. They are selected every month. They, however, have some special privileges for being a Kaskus Legacy, such as:
- Getting a privilege of being a guild officer in-game
- Getting the utmost priority when they have a request
- Privilege for being a guild administrator


1. You are required to join Kaskus.co.id
2. Ready to defend our guild and to fight for it
3. No Lollygagging
4. Respect all of the Council Board's Division
5. If you have a post less than 200 post in Kaskus, then you must go through a periode of adaptation for 1 week before
going for the test. otherwise, you are allowed to instantly join by only undergo the test and interview
6. You must online at least 1 time per 2 weeks. if you want to go dormant/resign/quit playing,
you must report to the Council Board and give them the reason why you resign.
7. Stay true with your guild
8. Both rule 9 and 10 are not true
9. Rule 8 is useless and pointless
10. Both of rule 8 and 9 are absurd

Member List

Kaskus ID : AQW ID
access8 : access8
Aerosmith21 : Huskarl
adamridwan98 : littlevoice
adicalvin : 4d1
afrigg : new enemy
agusprayogi : agusprayogicool
akatshuki. : slame slame
AncientDrama : WarCommanderX
akur79 : malinglincah
ali akbar515 : midnight chaos
alivetopurify : edochomper
Amanogawa : Zynga Warrior
Archillezz : Xaveriusz
AriqSSS : Tigrexs
ArvinXS : Arvin711
arsa6d : AR_Archa_RevoL
asdqua : asdqua
aska69 : King Fulk
astral95 : O Astral O
ayammania : jinx pro alung
Azteczz : Azteczz
Azulazoi : Vr3nzi
b3nr1nd4n9 : Phantom Cosmo
Baqioyee : Orps
Bang.dul : Strada Crown
BardalefBoys : D_Iend
BeeKnighttKuro : BloodViperz
BumbleBoy : Tukang Ngaskus
BuyogV : BuyogV 2
Bluesilver : Rakawae
cancerus : cancerus
Choco69 : The_Cry_Off_DevilZ
copo505 : blank2
CyberNin : Cyber94
Cysero : Glam Fire Emblem
Dagesparrow : Dage Sparrow
darkbite : invisiblekage
dearyfulllove : drakflem
derry.chelsea : cassanova_gps 
destinypower : heat blades
devilisme : Black Thunder Magician
doubleboys98 : Bubble man
diadalos : Leanees
eijigin : Eiji Gin
eksle : saga119
elangsatu : Kaskus AQW Clan
Elektron0 : Kaihatsu
Eliteslayer : Eliteforces
EvoViking : Evolution from Viking
Exkage : Nightblade Female
faizsusantoo : Mr Adr
falconblad3 : falconblad3
Force Down : Force Down
Gallade : galladestyle
ghafara : galihganteng
Gelodon : Gelodon
Gembelngelayang : Gembelngelayang
Gliese581c : ThunderBlaz
Gobron : Gobron
gopecepe : Sacred50
Hariskage : Kenjihikaru
HelpMeGrils : Leprechaun Collection
heriyy : king heriy
holic1997 : Holic10
hq_zone : hakimsupit
ilneline : iLne
isad213 : Kyo 25 Exp
ja0108 : xxxdiehellxxx
just_fadhyl : dian_cool
JustAnormalppl : Xrink257
Keijiro13 : Keijiro13
Kgs.Firly : Sacrivice
Kh4ris : xeonctr
Kibajoe : Kibajoe98 
killersun28 : killersun28
killuanna : sasori145
KucingKiller : Zodiark Eschuteon
leo123123 : Marc Schizald
Madrid.quote : Skivers
Mandaladewa12 : mandala rogue
Markheroes10 : thefourthhokage4 
mariooooooooo : 12jrs
masterxf : masterxf
Meong Gila : darklord722
mbaunkz : mbaunkz
mickbrock : corpsegrinder666
miezuo : miezuo
MonsterGula : Esbatu777
Narun : Narun
naufalnfal : autislo
noociage15 : greencan 13
panduaditya : Dosq22
peabanget12 : peabanget
okartamus : okartamus
OxHega : OxHega
r4nc1db0y : Choshech
rafihilmy : rafi djelevic draigneel
Ravez : Deleopatrie
razor. : Razor rozaR
rea055 : saika isiro
Reffrroz : Reffroz
reintt198 : RichardRv
rhnsangtdewa : Cacad X
Risadhit96 : Rizky Adhitama
rizkyhady : bsr13
RizkySupra : tikus_kalen
rizzsan : _Rizzkun_
rrakhananta : rrakhananta
sarapannasi : anum un rimi2
s4kr0n1 : zorc_necrophades
scaglietti : Le Crozz
scrolls99 : Josh Mcgroger
seezuka : Iampinkywarrior
SharVaan : Snovax
Sincerely.yours : inferno_007
Sincin : sincin
Slyvester07 : SlyvesteR Hawk
Snivy23 : Snivy23
splitszter : Fataliser
staray : steven ben10
Stef123 : Kaskuser Newbie
sunzjr : cute_angels
tenggu2212 : tenggu
teogantoeng : alexandercupha
Thypooz : Junoichi
tikuspes : pembencihackerid
ToPaZ69 : CNS_a7x
Trinkrack : Trinandut
Tristanck : Doom_fox
Tritama : Bl4ck Dragon
UndeadShaman : Thieno
UsherNames : Bamsinson
vandeventer9 : draconian evl
veronidas : veronidas
volksraad : Raxaa
wahab37 : wahab37dc
Warerick : Deddy Surya
William Comodo Coolz : William Comodo Coolz
Xansos : Ninja Sagaaaaa
yogaarya : Drakmaster212
yoshikage : yoshikage
Zero.Kevlar : Aramid Kevlar
Zennezi : Cahyoo
Zoarasdasd : Greenburr

Kaskus's Subordinate

This contain the list of guild which have given themselves under our rules.

Peace of Life

Our sign and what does it means



This sign, was originally made by me (Crucafix). it's symbolizes most of our identity as a guild.

The Color

The Red and White symbolizes our nation's flag. You might find it just an inverted poland flag. but actually,
it was a ripped part of the former holland invader. Our ancestor ripped out the blue part of the flag and
then the red and white remain.
But let's just skip that. we know you're here not to receive any lecture about our boring country's history.

The Skull

It symbolizes our ferocious nature when it come to fight. we are ready to fight back any invader
that come to our region and we does not afraid to lose to them.
we will never surrender to fight even if we are beaten on the fight.
we only will grant those invader death trip to our region.

The Sword

It symbolizes our readiness to fight. We will always ready to fight any of you if we are challenged and fight an honorable battle.

The Tech Circle

It symbolizes that we are educated people. We are different from those savage-barbaric in AQW who only think to fight,
fight and fight. We also will take any challenge into any fight in educated way such as debate or a peaceful discussion.
We will never lose to the common savage troll in the internet.

The Background

Seriously, why would you bother with the background? it's just our way for the symbol to be cool. nothing more.

For more information, please visit Kaskus AQW Clan in Kaskus.co.id

killersun28 -> RE: KASKUS (1/17/2013 6:22:59)

my aqw acc

azka69 -> RE: KASKUS (3/25/2013 5:51:21)

my aqw account
Join us !!

crucafix -> RE: KASKUS (6/26/2013 8:42:57)

no more applicant? okay :x

aurel_bali -> RE: KASKUS (6/27/2013 6:40:16)

I am kaskuser also. Let's make alliance and spread PEACE and FRIENDSHIP among Indonesian Guild.


crucafix -> RE: KASKUS (6/27/2013 10:08:07)

come to our HQ if you wish to form an alliance

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