goldslayer1 -> BM/CH/TLM Unique skill trees (12/6/2012 0:49:50)
Blood Mage, Cyber Hunter, and Tactical Mercenary should all have their own unique skills and skill trees. what do i mean? TLM should not have reroute. bloodmage should not have bloodlust. and CH shouldn't have SA. in fact, none of the new classes should have any skills from the old classes. (aside from field medic) why? its simple, several of the balance problems stem from the newer classes sharing skills. so when 1 class is "OP", and they want to nerf that class (lets take TLM as the example) they want to nerf TLM, because TLM has skills from the merc tree, they end up nerfing merc as well. how? well they share skills, i remember when they were nerfing TLM's hybrid armor, but they were "accidentally" nerfing the old merc (which was by far the weakest class at the time) aswell. for these reasons, the staff should REALLY consider redoing the skill trees for BM, CH, and TLM. so that when a need to nerf one arises, they nerf only one.