What should stay var and what not? (Full Version)

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Mysterion. -> What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 2:15:42)

Well, with this new system the gap between var and F2P will get smaller and smaller.

But will the devs go to far with this?
There should always be things that are meant only for var users or no one will ever buy var again.

These should always stay var only in my opinion:
Weapons/Armors with Special Ability's
Powerful robots
Name change

The things that can turn from var only to also credits are:
All weps without specials (special legacy items excluded)
Some house items that are var now.
Non Rare Vehicle's.

What do you want as var only, and not var only?

Ranloth -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 2:42:09)

Everything will be either Credits or Varium, no exception. You shouldn't have more power than F2P that worked for it, you used Varium to get it quicker. Simple as. No bonus power to you, at all. You will still get promos which are exclusive but that's about it. Cosmetic items could stay exclusive, they don't affect the gameplay.


There should always be things that are meant only for var users or no one will ever buy var again.

Why is that an issue to you? First players moan how they must buy Varium very often and now you don't and there's a problem..? Their money shouldn't bother you, at all.

Shift3r -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 2:46:32)

Wait for Omega,even if you're going to purchase Varium,you better not to until the Omega release becomes official.

Because,I'm positive that they will keep some privileges to the varium users..So the "gap" won't be gone 100%..otherwise,why would make ppl buy varium large packages,aye?

Mother1 -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 2:54:59)

@ trans

We both know most likely the staff is going to make an omega promo and last I checked all promos have been for varium players only. Unless they decide to stop making promos then there will always be something for just varium players.

Ranloth -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 3:03:48)

Well I meant that in terms of them Powerful Bots he's mentioned. Of course they will be exclusive at times but still the same power, and promos yeah, that too but still power of any other weapon (unless they keep the Rare+Promo bonus to stats/damage).

zion -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 5:29:13)

@Trans: I assume the promos will keep their +1 stat advantage that they currently have over the highest in-game items (i.e. 10 enhance versus 9), but I hope you are right! It seems stats will finally be balanced among all players with equip-able specials being the new OP perk. Hopefully that won't get out of hand...

midnight santa -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 5:30:51)

titan, pls make no more variums. to be fair square to all player, rich or poor ok.

T.600 -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 5:34:00)

^Yes, the devs should all work for free...shouldn't they?

midnight santa -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 5:35:42)

freedom is good to all so yes titan, be free!

odsey -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 5:41:28)

@ Midnight santa
If there is no varium, how can developer make money to pay the server cost?

Mysterion. -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 9:54:44)

@ Midnight santa

The game needs to sell varium because its their only income.

If everybody stops buying var for like 1 month, they are already in a big problem.
They already have to cut budgets, fire people.

So yeah, they always need stuff so we actually buy var or else this game will go bankrupt and the game will be shutdown.

@ Trans

They should always keep some Var only features/items.
Otherwise people will not buy the promos if they are avaible for credits.
Why whould you buy Var for something that is free but takes a bit longer too get?
I think no one ever would (except extremely lazy rich people).

Weapons with abilitys should always stay Var only, because then they do have a little advantage, and shouldnt they, they payed for it?
Credit users can already copy everyones build with this new system, so they should not be able to also get special abilitys.

because then there is no point at all to even have varium in this game. Then they can delete the whole varium concept.
Because your suggestion is a bit selfish for the F2P, you want to have the same as someone who payed 50 dollars for it?
That is outrages, even if you can buy it faster, no one would pay for getting it a bit faster.

Post edited. ~Mecha

Deiselman -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 10:11:09)


i got to agree with you there i wouldn t buy variume if i could get things for free thats for shure

DestruRaGe -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 10:29:57)

From what I understood there still will be weapons for varium only. Normal weaps and rares alike. Promos only for variums of course. Other features that was varium will stay varium I think (Or did they mentioned something abt it?).
So what really changes is that you can make any weapon lvl 35 and you can assign stat points as u like a bit cause you cant put all stats in one mod.
So that will help non vars to adjust their stats precisly for their build and no weap reqirements will help too.
We dont know yet how will new enchatments system work but I think that its still gonna be varium and credits only but more friendly.
I think that most weapons with skills will be varium only.

zion -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 11:49:50)

Assuming the devs stay on the current path, anything having to do with actual battles will have varium and (expensive) credit options. There are already bots and weapons with special abilities that are credit-only! However, they are keeping fancy things like name changing and promotional items as Varium-only perks.

Ranloth -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 12:49:41)

Yeah I do realise that, but giving Varium more power. They may get small bonus perhaps - +1 slot or something like now - or unique skills like you said but not something that will give them advantage over other players because you pay real money for it. So not something like say new exclusive type of equipment that only can be obtained via Varium (like when Bots were introduced). That's what I meant.

Post edited. ~Mecha

Vypie -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 13:22:12)

Varium should not give more battle power than credits. Im sure they have talked about getting rid of the gap.

However, I can see awesome, interesting abilites/special effects that only varium can buy.
These abilities would not be of higher power than other abilities, but they would grant extra customization, giving your build a twist and uniqueness.
Promos would probably provide items with those specials.

What do you want guys? Getting rid of Stats Gap to then create a NEW Gap for abilities? Really? That does not even make sence...
Varium will be for convenience, time saving, extra NON battle perks such as +friend slots, +inventory, boosts, cool looking weapons and armours, special items from promos with unique abilities, etc.

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 14:08:02)

As far as those kinds of things are concerned, it's probably going to be similar to how it is now.

Post edited. ~Mecha

Mecha Mario -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/6/2012 15:28:49)

Deleted/edited some posts. For some, if your going to troll, don't bother posting it.

Hard boy -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/7/2012 14:54:21)

i think varium should only enchance the looks, and more beautiful weps with abilities, while non vars can get same wep dmg and stas but no abilities and less attractive weps.

Assassin01 -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/7/2012 15:06:16)

Why should weapons,armors etc. stop costing varium? I thought they just meant with the new enhancement system plus better balancing the gap would get smaller.

Mother1 -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/7/2012 15:13:00)

@ assassin01

They still will cost varium the varium ones that is. However they aren't going to be anymore powerful then non varium armors. They are removing the gap and putting everyone on an equal playing field. Non varium's days of being punching bags because of the varium advantage with power are over.

Assassin01 -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/7/2012 15:51:06)

Thanks for the clarification,but now that I do understand,that seems really strange...at least we won't have to wait too long to find out how much this is true.

kosmo -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/7/2012 19:42:40)

Whit the new changes, varium users will have a good reason 2 stop payng all that money, and they should be happy of this! At the same time im sure that players r gonna continue 2 get var, the most of them r not able 2 farm 100k credits for a wep set.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/7/2012 19:46:31)

If there isnt any great features that varium offers I will probably only buy varium when I have spare money to support the game I play.

That probably includes a promo package every month or so.

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: What should stay var and what not? (12/8/2012 10:26:46)

Hehe, your missing the point! Hence the reason Titan is so secretive.. Have you not noticed the "perks" these will mostly only be available (the good ones) to VARIUM ONLY players, this means there will still be a gap in the market.. Stop squabbling on about "oh no, the weps are going to be bad"... The omega weps will have a limited perk (To research) therefore, promo's will still be 100% intact. Titan's not stupid. He's an incredibly clever man, and so are his colleagues.. Especially the financial side(!)

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