RE: Omega Marathon (Full Version)

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rene196 -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/9/2012 15:19:15)

@Above: Offtopic much?
And also what are you talking about?
Wasn‘t that just a hologram of baelius‘es face?

On topic: Waiting for Omega with excitment.
I hope non variums don‘t get too left out in this.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/9/2012 15:33:59)

I'm really excited for Omega as well. I believe that this update can only be really good or really bad. I hope its really good. But deep down I feel like it might not be as good as I thought it would be. For the same reasons I stated in my previous post. But I'm gonna stay positive and hope this update is gonna be great.

Lord Barrius -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/9/2012 16:36:58)

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The Astral Fury -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/9/2012 16:53:17)

Arghh I can't wait any longer, which weaponds pack are you guys getting? Also what about these new balance changes what to you think they'll be will they finially bring balance?

Rayman -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/9/2012 18:52:41)

Dam It seems that I can't wait to use BunnyChompers, E eggzooka, Bunny Borg, Imperial ACP again.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/12/2012 14:06:28)
sorry but ripping off blood elf mages from world of warcraft is finalised? please tell me it's not too late to change that new mage model.

am I the only person who doesn't want to be a blood elf mage on Epicduel?

I will post some comparisons tomorrow when my net has been topped up.

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ND Mallet -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/12/2012 14:10:57)

Mages always had pointy ears if I remember right(at least I know a majority of their hairstyles do). And aside from that and wielding a staff, there is really nothing in common between them. The blood elves all seem to be(at least from what my school filter lets through on Google images) mainly wearing robes, capes or cloth rather than just plain armor.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/12/2012 19:42:06)

ND you are correct and the pointy ears where really weird in the Alpha SS's

RabbleFroth -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/13/2012 22:49:24)

Sorry about the super late reply on this, haven't had time to make my rounds on the forums lately :P


I'm a level 33 player,who has some varium/credit items range between lv30-34 and lv31-35..
The question here is : when Omega comes,and if i didn't level up,am I going to find my items as Lv31 (lowest requirement),or Lv33 (my current level) or Lv34-35 (highest requirement) ??

A few examples to explain how we're handling this:
Let's say you are level 25.

Any items that are lower level than you will have stats appropriate for that level. So a level 22 item will have level 22 stats. If you want to upgrade its stats to your level, you will be able to do so.

Any items that are *higher* than your level will have stats appropriate for your level. So a level 34 item will have level 25 stats. This is so you can equip all of your items the moment you log in after we launch Omega.
HOWEVER, it will be pre-unlocked to level 34, so when you level up, you'll pay a very small retrain fee to boost its stats until you reach the unlocked level.

Remorse -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/13/2012 22:53:30)


I know some items substitute the appropriate stats for extra damage, or vice versa.

Such as Nightwraiths gun( Forgot name) which substitutes damage for stats.

Are you planning to keep this style since it seems fair balance wise.

But Im not really fussed if you deciede to keep it all the same each level.

od -> RE: =ED= December 6, 2012 - Omega Marathon (12/13/2012 23:23:14)

All I can say, after not seeing ED for 6 months and deciding to randomly look at the design notes is wow. This looks sweet. I may actually return to ED. Great job ED devs!

RabbleFroth -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/13/2012 23:23:30)


I know some items substitute the appropriate stats for extra damage, or vice versa.

Such as Nightwraiths gun( Forgot name) which substitutes damage for stats.

Are you planning to keep this style since it seems fair balance wise.

But Im not really fussed if you deciede to keep it all the same each level.

I kicked this idea around a bit, but ultimately decided against it, at least for the immediate future.
If you could trade stats for damage or extra armor points, it might be unclear if it's a good idea to do so, which feels pretty bad.

Alternatively, if it's *always* a better trade or *never* worth doing, then there's no point to having the system since there isn't any choice.

It's possible we could find some system that would make this interesting, but otherwise we'll avoid it.

Remorse -> RE: Omega Marathon (12/13/2012 23:29:16)

^ After seeing your avatars in game weapons I thought the idea of having a spell book or other subsitutes for a side arm is an interesting concept.
Perhaps something like a spell book for tech mages which provides no damage but say a (+1 plasma bolt) and extra stats or something like that, could be something to look into in the future.

But I agree that this sort of thing should be put on hold until balance becomes a lot more sorted out.

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