Nexus... -> RE: Omega #BadFeatures (12/11/2012 14:39:25)
It seems the whole AQ thing is more about rarity, where as this (for me at least) is about the Art. I sold my Spectral Blaster a while back for the sole reason that it was extremely underleveled, outstated, outdamaged, and outdated, and I knew I was never going to use it again. Oh what I would give to have that thing back now. I think its one of NW's best...ever. Thats not the only thing either, and I'm sure others have many similar stories. I spent 45 minutes looking for this buried quote, and I finally found it. I couldn't remember which Design Notes it was in, but eventally stumbled upon it elsewhere. To clarify, I think this pretty much solidifies that all of us who have sold any rare whatsoever have a pretty valid point when it comes to compensation (or at least an apology?) quote:
As a general rule, no buffs will be granted to rare items. This is regardless of their status as Limited, Seasonal, Promotional, etc. In order to achieve a more balanced system of play, buffs cannot be guaranteed or handed out on a regular basis. This policy has been decided by the game staff and is not likely to change. Prophet