Possible skills with sword (Full Version)

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dont give up -> Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 12:12:59)

hi you know how surgical is use able with sword or club. would it be bad if all skill can be use by either sword or staff or claw? like super charge with sword and mass with sword, will that unbalance the game battle. please discus on what you think of this.

Winters Key -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 12:16:01)

Ooh, that'd be interesting. I can imagine a move like "sword slash", which does a double slashing effect that steals energy then HP. Of course, to nerf it the amount would be powered by energy xD
-Winters Key

Midnightsoul -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 12:16:03)

Dude, um...you can post this in the Balance section instead and...
the AE staff said they're only taking requirements off of weapons, not skills.

Thanks for trying to be considerate though.

Mother1 -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 12:22:30)

Well surgical strike unlike supercharge and massacre comes from a cannon in space. A club wouldn't be needed to fire this laser.

However with supercharge it is a stronger version of plasma bolt which is a magic attack which would only make since to come from a magic/tech staff.

Massacre on the other hand with a sword? Seems interesting. Would need some different animation when you use it with a sword but I think it would work and still be logical.

kosmo -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 12:50:22)

I agree whit "dont give up", its not fair u can use only surgical strike whit sword, it would make more sence if u could use it only whit club

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 13:01:06)

I really do think this should be moved to balance, but whatever.

The major concern with this is that people are already complaining heavily about massacre being overpowered (which in truth really isn't), and making supercharge sword-usable would be pretty bad...

Swords as a weapon give higher stat modifiers and damage to compensate for the fact that they can't perform certain class-specific skills. Plus, surgical strike is already far weaker than massacre or supercharge. Here are some reasons why:

1. Costs a heck of a lot of energy. You might not think this is a problem, but it definitely is if you want to heal with TLM or use other skills with normal merc
2. It may reduce rage, but that literally only stalls it for on average 1 more turn. Is it really worth 32 energy?
3. Its damage is minimal. Supercharge penetrates resistance and can be paired up with malfunction. Massacre is unblockable, deals massive damage, and can be easily paired up with smokescreen.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 13:13:15)

Swords have extra stats than class specific items, if we could use all spells with sword then no body will use class specific weapon.

Maybe some spells look fine with sword but when i think massacre with sword it would look kinda funny and not logical.

kosmo -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 13:28:41)

I just think u should be able 2 use surgical strike only whit club.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 13:46:16)

@kosmo did you even read what I posted? I gave 3 strong reasons why surgical strike is far less effective compared to the other 2 skills. Plus, why would you need a club to use a satellite laser? It makes sense to cast magic and shred your opponent with quick attacks with wrist blades and staves, but it makes absolutely no sense at all of why you would need a club rather than a sword to activate satellite laser. What you're saying is literally like saying that artillery strike should only be used with a club.

zer00x -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/8/2012 21:00:03)

I never use Surgical Strike because its almost useless... 59 energy and i do just 30 damage sometimes isnt worth it for me, would be better if surgical strike need club and be more powerful, and be able to use atom smasher with sword but i doubt that will happen

RageSoul -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/9/2012 0:22:25)

^That's not true , Surgical prevents people from finishing you off with one attack via Rage .

theholyfighter -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/9/2012 3:26:03)

Have posted about Surgical Strike being Club-only but the response is about its animation....not an excuse IMO. I think it should be par with SC & Mass.

button33 -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/9/2012 12:12:04)

I agree. Why do Mages and Hunters have to use a class specific weapon for their special? Its only logical to make it avaliable to all weapons.

legend tech212 -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/9/2012 12:55:43)

Think before u say. Just imagine plasma bolt or sc while using a sword or mass with sword it just wouldnt make sense.

button33 -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/9/2012 13:41:49)

Well, it does make sense.

For a Mage using Supercharge with a sword, have a huge laser come out of the sword and do damage.

For a Hunter using Massacre with a sword, have them be like a ninja and randomly slash their opponent for damage.

Mother1 -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/9/2012 15:38:57)

@ theholyfighter

when you see the animation for surgical strike what does the character do? Pull out a electronic device uses it and a laser comes from space. You aren't even using your weapon like you would with massacre or supercharge. So how would it make sense to make the ultimate move work only with a club? I can understand if the club was being used like claws are with massacre or the staff is with supercharge, but this isn't the case.

Mysterion. -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/9/2012 15:48:54)

No, swords are there to give extra stats.

When they can also use a sword for their skills,
no one would ever use a wrist blade anymore since they give less stats then a sword.

theholyfighter -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/10/2012 9:49:12)

@Mother1, IMO "animations" is not an "official" excuse. Making is club-only simply evens our other class's ultimates.
Supercharge: Life Stealing and ignores resistance.
Massacre: Has a higher damage
Surgical Strike: Life Stealing, reduces enemy Rage.

In my eyes it's evened out already except for the weapon requirements.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/10/2012 10:52:19)


and when u use super charge, a glowy ball shoots from ur weapon. no one ever said such weapon had to be a staff wep.

and for BH? where ur ramming ur claws into ur enemy, why cant it be a sword?

Mother1 -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/10/2012 11:31:17)

@ goldslayer

Didn't you read an earlier post I made? I said in it I could see then doing it with sword however they choose it to be with their regular weapons.

@ Theholyfighter

They said it in the game that certain moves can be used with a sword while others only with their class weapon. Also Surgical strike while it has a great effect of removing half the opponent's rage attack wise it is the weakest out the 3.

Massacre you can smoke or malf your opponent with that class, and power up the massacre move even more. With Supercharge TM can malf their opponent's plus it already ignores 20% of resistance when being used. For blood mage they got the second benefit of it ignoring 20% of resistance.

However with surgical strike you have no such thing. You are going against your opponent's full resistance, and you are doing damage based off that. So limited it to a club wouldn't be balancing it in the least. It would only be making it weaker damage wise. Plus most people I see using surgical strike even told me themselves they only use it for effect since the attack itself is weak compared to massacre and supercharge.

So while they may seem even in power they are not.

Mysterion. -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/10/2012 11:46:35)

^ Mother1 is right.
They are not even in power.

And making them usable with swords would be even more unfair to the Mercs out there.

Darkwing -> RE: Possible skills with sword (12/10/2012 13:26:27)

lock up to 3 skills for only 3 more stats? it should lock only 1 skill.

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