Delta Weps joined together into a mutating (Full Version)

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Exploding Penguin -> Delta Weps joined together into a mutating (12/8/2012 15:45:26)

By the time omega comes, I'm thinking that delta weps should be recompensed for enhancements if any, then joined into a single, mutating weapon, much like how the staff did with the beta weapons. What do you guys think?

Mysterion. -> RE: Delta Weps joined together into a mutating (12/8/2012 16:11:15)

Not supported

Mutating weps costs more then normal weps.
So you would basically get more then where you paid for so basically you ask for free stuff.

You had the choice to buy that particular kind of delta wep, and now you suddenly ask for the other 2 to?
Sounds greedy to me, if you wanted those you should have bought them.

SCAR -> RE: Delta Weps joined together into a mutating (12/8/2012 16:15:38)

Not Supported at all.

I still have all my Delta weapons, I don't want them to all go away into one weapon.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Delta Weps joined together into a mutating (12/8/2012 16:40:19)

what if you sold all your other delta weapons and are left with a delta staff or claws? changing them to mutating would me those who sold them gaining 2 weapons back, not supported

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Delta Weps joined together into a mutating (12/8/2012 16:45:42)

The Beta gear was made into one weapon to save space and I don't see anything about the file size of the Delta Gear causing an issue so Not Supported

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