The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (Full Version)

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Vypie -> The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 2:15:44)

Everyone hates when someone starts calling you names, or saying offensive things. It seems to happen a lot, from what I see and read!
Saying such things can ruin the fun of a game if you let yourself become affected by them.

But some people are just like that, and most of the time there is nothing we can do to prevent that.
...Or can we? We may not stop them from saying such immature things, but we can start looking at it from a more real perspective.

If they call you noob or worse, it's either one of 3 very similar things:

-They lost/will lose the battle, and they feel SO BAD, they must say something negative to try making themselves feel better.

-They are overpowering you, knowing they will win, or they won. They feel the need to express their superiority, they need to establish they are better, because... they actually feel very insecure about themselves.

-Luck changes the game against them and they lose. Suddenly the game is stupid and UNFAIR, and they try to compensate by calling names, again, to not feel inferior (Because these sort of people let themselves become affected easily, from insecurity)

This is true, it is basic psychology.
So just pity them, because that is the maximum peak of happiness they will ever be able to reach. It's their way of overcompensating themselves.
They absorb and eat so much negativity that they then redirect their frustration towards other players.
You are BETTER than them, so feel better, and don't let yourself be affected by what they are saying. Don't drag yourself to their level.

Remember, it is completely normal to become pissed by a real offensive comment. But if you know the reasons behind their behavior, just be sorry for them. Facepalm in real life if you need to. They wont affect you.
By not responding back to their offensive comments, you wont refuel them.
Saying something nice in the beginning of the match can also help change the bad energies they are carrying, preventing such behaviour.

Battle on.

goldslayer1 -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 2:20:38)

Enemy: *blocks a couple times, deflects, and does a crit*
Enemy: "GG"
Me: "noob, not GG"

ur going to fail -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 2:28:25)

The reason? Kids.

goldslayer1 -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 2:30:44)

Enemy: *blocks a couple times, deflects, and does a crit*
Enemy: "Xd, lol, LMAO"
Me: "noob, whats so funny?"

Vypie -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 2:43:56)

I will leave this here.

-Luck changes the game against them and they lose. Suddenly the game is stupid and UNFAIR, and they try to compensate by calling names, again, to not feel inferior (Because these sort of people let themselves become affected easily, from insecurity)

By the way, many people think that "GG" is something you say when you are going to win. "GG" means Good Game, and I even say it sometimes when i'm going to lose.
Obviously, if the game wasn't balanced in terms of luck, technically it could not be called a "good game".
But luck or not ,it was a Decent, respectful battle until you called him noob.

Saying "lol" is not offensive. Sometimes luck acts in a ridiculous, almost silly way. You took it as a personal attack, and you got affected by it.
I tend to comment something funny when 3 blocks in a row happen, and I just accept it. No need to bash the other player or feel bad.

goldslayer1 -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 2:46:48)

if heavy luck was involved which caused u to win and then u go and say "Good game" then thats really messed up in itself.

my luck is so horrible i even had 1 player tell me i didn't deserve it.
it was on the 4th turn and i was down to like 7 HP, when i had gun rage which should have killed him but he deflected, then he skips his turn on purpose, and it took me 3 more turns to kill him because of blocks :|


Shift3r -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 2:54:43)

The only reason that makes me say "noob" -which isn't listed above- is when my partner does an utterly stupid move that ruins the game for both of us.

As for opponents,if they did stupid moves that would be in my favour lol..Thus,no need to call them noobs XD

Vypie -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 3:10:31)

Hum... that's something I should have adressed. Because I play mostly 1vs1, I forgot that.

There are better ways of making the partner understand how bad he played, without the need for insults. Some players even start playing worse after that! xD
I had situation in the past where the other team got in a fight, and one ruined the game on purpose. This, because of a bad move, or because the other player didn't do what the first wanted him to.

I tend to knock some sense into the head of my partner, without going the "noob" route. Maybe then he even understands and lets me command him in a good direction.

Shift3r -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 3:18:46)

^above,not everyone tends to have the ability to listen and learn.

Example 1: 2 weeks ago,I said "go for 35"..My partner was like "Heck don't tell me what to do" and he messed the whole strategy,and we lost.
Example 2: yesterday,I won a 2v2 battle versus a certain player..Next battle he came in my side,the other team focused me..He refused to heal me saying "now I'll laugh over your dead body" which caused us to lose the fight.

in such cases,a massive "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOB" spam is a must :D

Nexus... -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 3:20:44)

I call people n00bs all the time.

Why you ask?

Because they deserve it.



Vypie -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 3:29:57)

In 2v2 I understand. But this is from a 1vs1 point of view. Now it's late to change :P

Stupidity or simply ignorance is another issue which I was not referring to on this thread. They are fueled and caused by other stuff.
Leave it to some other time ok? This is a different matter. :)

I wrote about the insults without fundament. I would like to discuss the 2vs2 partnership as well, but not here!

Winters Key -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 3:51:00)

I really dislike it when people call me a noob in juggernaut when I lose. :P Also, guys, don't talk back to the person if they call you a noob. It can go completely off topic from battles to "your mom" xD. But, why not just block the word noob?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 3:57:56)

@above they can type: nuub, nub, n00b, noo6, n006, n.o.o.b and nob. so you expect the staff to ban these words? and they can say other offensive stuff.

and yes i feel very sorry for them, their self esteem and other's respect towards them drops to 0% the moment they started name calling and calling others noob. its a pity that they are lvl 35 full varium players and still don't know how this game works XD

Winters Key -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 4:10:12)

Well, I guess we just have to cope with it then, because there are endless ways on how to say it. Or maybe report them...? Meh, I dunno ^^
-Wintey on Teh moon

theholyfighter -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 5:40:44)

*How about having the option to not show your opponent's words?

Shift3r -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 5:58:39)

Ugh c'mon,Half of my chat (not insults) is flagged as "inappropriate language"..the chat filter is messed up.

I was stating my reasons to call them noobs,which are:


Stupidity or simply ignorance

Deiselman -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 7:34:07)

me i only call people noob if they called me noob or they are realy noobs (example: lvl 35 with basic maul)

Jekyll -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 7:49:38)

I never call others noob. I screenshot their abuse and report it.

@above: A level 35 with basic maul might have just gotten hacked, or does not have enough money. Its a terrible situation to be in and we should empathise with them and not further their misery.

kosmo -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 8:02:25)

We wore all nubs once time, so there is no reason 2 call somebody that way. u are angry cause u got unluky?..learn that luk is probably the most FAIR thing in game...

The Astral Fury -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 9:46:36)

Lol an animated person in a game called you a noob. You feel the urge to die and that life is meaningless.... uh no. If that happens ignore it and move on Like were all mature here right are we really bothered by what a random animated pixel called us in a speech bubble, like c'mon guys your basically telling me that your not mature if your bothered by this. Lol this threads a joke. You even brought phycology into this giving reasons why this happends, and what not, lol he called you a noob so what? If you can't handle this, it's sad it really is, have you not experienced life yet you'll meet rude people IGNORE it and if your botherd by this the real world ain't looking too pretty buddy.

Jekll- screen shot there ABUSE lol really like this really sad.

Stabilis -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 9:46:42)

I may call new players newbies but I no longer call people noobs. The last time I had done that was 1→2 years ago, likely 2 years ago.

Up one post,

Geez, angry little man. You really do not care, do you? New: If you manage not to judge who is mature and actually use constructive reasoning I might consider you to be mature too. Right now I do not.

The Astral Fury -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 9:57:45)

Lol I'm not angry though, I'm pretty calm. They are animated pixels calling you a noob in a speech bubble, ignore it and move on if your really bothered by this it show's your immature, like if this was real life I'd be a little more understanding, but it's a game so like whats the big deal? And do not care? There's nothing to care about they are immature 8 yr olds calling you a noob in a game, get over it guys it's really not a big deal. And bringing Phycology into the matter, I mean it's a guy in a game calling you a noob, nothing else to it guys ignore it and move on.

Midnightsoul -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 10:51:40)

I just don't say anything

The Astral Fury -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 11:09:41)

^Smart guy again who cares?

Mother1 -> RE: The reasons for name calling (noob,etc) (12/9/2012 11:20:53)

I don't know how many times I been called a noob because of the third reason listed. It is annoying when that happens to be just because luck/chance intervenes and gives your opponent the win. As for me though I never call people noobs. I go by the rule treat people how you want to be treated.

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