CH---Static (Full Version)

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theholyfighter -> CH---Static (12/9/2012 3:08:10)

From battle, what I noticed is that CHs only invest 1 skill point into Static nowadays. Reason why? Because it doesn't earn you any extra energy enough to use another skill. Only Defense Matrix and Cheap Shot, or a lvl 1 EMP, but on RARE OCCASIONS. Which I mean, it has no use. Normally CHs who put points into Static is because they're his/her remaining/leftover points.
I'd like to see it as a PASSIVE skill, which works just like Blood Lust. You earn energy based on RAW ACTUAL damage.

Lvl 1: 5% regain. Lvl 2: 7% regain.
Lvl 3: 9% regain. Lvl 4: 11% regain.
Lvl 5: 13% regain. Lvl 6: 15% regain.
Lvl 7: 17% regain. Lvl 8: 18% regain.
Lvl 9: 19% regain. Lvl 10: 20% regain.
I'd think it be nice to add a requirement to it. Not strength (encourages strength builds), not support (since Shadow Arts have it already). Any idea?

Comments accepted, but no flaming, trolling, spamming, or offensive words/phrases.

zer00x -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 6:24:44)

Not supported. I think it is a bad idea, i mean just like blood lust you say, that mean there will be even more strenght cybers... Im tired of see str builds especially with hunters.

theholyfighter -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 6:53:40)

^LOL, have you ever experienced using Static Charge?1
You didn't support this just because "Im tired of see str builds especially with hunters", which can always NOT be a good reason. Balancing should be on the perspective of all players, not just saying whether or not you want to fight it, And besides, it wouldn't lead to another generartion of Str Bounties since we won't have Blood Lust and Smoke Screen which means you won't get blocked easily and you won't face a hunter whose health keeps on increasing as he kills you.

Besides the game wouldn't want to see a skill they created being rubbish right?

goldslayer1 -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 6:56:55)

static IMO should be like it was before, but plasma armor should have never been ingame.
its what made CH OP. and its whats keeping it at the top.

zer00x -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 7:00:32)

I see some Cybers gaining a decent amount of energy with malf, static charge, sorry if i dont understand but when you say like bloodlust you mean every atack or every 2 turns like it is now?

Every atack = not supported
2 turns cooldown = i dont have problem with that i think

goldslayer1 -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 7:05:59)

he means static should be like bloodlust in the sense that CH gainss energy by the damage it does.

just like bloodlust does with hp.

theholyfighter -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 7:09:28)

Normally you see CHs gain a decent amount of energy back after malf is because you or the person didn't put on shields. You let them do so, not the CH itself. There are ways to prevent us from gaining energy. The current Static is rather pathetic, I have to say. It has a 2-turn cooldown, it's blockable, and it gains a useless amount of energy.

goldslayer1 -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 7:11:03)

thats what u get for wanting plasma armor.
either u get plasma armor, or a good static.

theholyfighter -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 7:17:38)

TLMs have a passive armor as well, but with the best energy regain skill.

goldslayer1 -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 7:19:44)

not so much on "best"
reroute is predictable.
and u can work reroute to ur advantage, so u decide when the tlm gets his energy and how much.

reroute doesn't rely on offense though, it relies on HP.
in reroute ur limited by how much HP u have, in static u can keep on going forever as long as u survive.

theholyfighter -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 7:25:14)

TLMs have Frenzy and Field Medic loops, thanks to Reroute.<----(NOT to nerf them)
And that's the point. "As long as you survive" is a problem now since CHs can only heal once per battle. Static IS limited by how much hp you have; if you die, you can't use it obviously. Reroute has no cooldown, as long as your opponent keeps on attacking. Static, however, has a 2-turn cooldown. It's blockable, and is based on raw damage.

Mother1 -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 11:44:52)

Not supported for the following reasons

1 It will OP the class. The original static charge was OP since no matter who you went against it ignored defenses since it worked with potential energy. getting 11-15 energy for a strike that can do 3-7 no matter what the build was is extremely OP and you want to make it so people can gain 20% raw energy on every strike? This is even more OP then when static could give you 44% energy every three turns and it is even more OP then BH bloodlust. No one would ever train their energy ever since this would grantee them max energy within 2-3 turns.

2 Cyber hunter would now have three passives giving them an unfair advantage over the other classes. Even if this passive were to hit the game (which I highly doubt it will) Cyber hunter would have to lose one of the other two passive abilities it has.

3 Of course people would complain about this if they are spamming static every chance it came. The way it was originally it was a brainless energy move since no matter what you attacked as long as you connected you would get a set amount of energy because it worked with raw damage (which as I stated is OP) Now that is more strategic (Meaning you got to think and choose when to use it to maximize the effect of it) everyone now hate it. Of course you wouldn't gain back a lot of energy if you are going against a tank player try using it on players who have lower defense/resist instead of everyone. The way it was before it was too useful. I know before the nerf if you would see CH barely anyone of them trained their energy and were overly relying on static. Heck as I stated before some people even wanted the pyro fly's ability chanced cause it had the chance to turn off static.

4 CH aren't UP in the least. Rabble did say that CH were doing well in their fights, and guess what when I fight them with my main and my alts they are still doing well even with this nerf. There is no need to buff a class that is doing well.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 11:46:08)

Supported, it'd definitely mix fights up a little while keeping the class itself balanced... but the scale would probably have to give 60-70% of what blood lust gives at max level. What would really be best for CHs though is to be how they were when delta started, with technician instead of plasma armor, and a strong static.

Metallico -> RE: CH---Static (12/9/2012 23:27:59)

I support the passive sc idea, but mother is right, maybe it would be fair removing plasma armor and giving them back technician

Mother1 -> RE: CH---Static (12/10/2012 0:17:25)

@ Metallico

They aren't going to remove it. It has been said many times that plasma armor is here to stay. Also 20 percent raw damage with static? That even worse the 23% actual damage with bounty hunter since no master what you hit you will get a fixed amount of energy each turn unless you block.

here is an example

16-20 + 35 strength equal 51-55 damage now divide that by 5 and you will get 10.2-11 damage which will be what you would get back every turn with a max out static passive no matter what you hit.

A bounty hunter would need to do a whole lot more damage to get that much energy back every turn. See what I am getting at with the OP'ness of this passive?

Striker44 -> RE: CH---Static (12/10/2012 7:48:06)

IMO maybe a mix between actual amount based on damage (on a less % regain) and a fixed value based on level skill ,let's say : At Level 1 : 2EP + 5% from damage .... Level 10 : 11EP + 23% from damage

Mother1 -> RE: CH---Static (12/10/2012 8:17:39)

@ striker

his idea was 20% raw damage each turn at max. Also 11 energy every time you connect and attack for any build you come across at max? Was too OP and not supported.

theholyfighter -> RE: CH---Static (12/10/2012 9:22:39)


Not supported for the following reasons

1 It will OP the class. The original static charge was OP since no matter who you went against it ignored defenses since it worked with potential energy. getting 11-15 energy for a strike that can do 3-7 no matter what the build was is extremely OP and you want to make it so people can gain 20% raw energy on every strike? This is even more OP then when static could give you 44% energy every three turns and it is even more OP then BH bloodlust. No one would ever train their energy ever since this would grantee them max energy within 2-3 turns.

2 Cyber hunter would now have three passives giving them an unfair advantage over the other classes. Even if this passive were to hit the game (which I highly doubt it will) Cyber hunter would have to lose one of the other two passive abilities it has.

3 Of course people would complain about this if they are spamming static every chance it came. The way it was originally it was a brainless energy move since no matter what you attacked as long as you connected you would get a set amount of energy because it worked with raw damage (which as I stated is OP) Now that is more strategic (Meaning you got to think and choose when to use it to maximize the effect of it) everyone now hate it. Of course you wouldn't gain back a lot of energy if you are going against a tank player try using it on players who have lower defense/resist instead of everyone. The way it was before it was too useful. I know before the nerf if you would see CH barely anyone of them trained their energy and were overly relying on static. Heck as I stated before some people even wanted the pyro fly's ability chanced cause it had the chance to turn off static.

4 CH aren't UP in the least. Rabble did say that CH were doing well in their fights, and guess what when I fight them with my main and my alts they are still doing well even with this nerf. There is no need to buff a class that is doing well.

I only agree with the part about 3 passives...
First, on your 4th quote:

4 CH aren't UP in the least. Rabble did say that CH were doing well in their fights, and guess what when I fight them with my main and my alts they are still doing well even with this nerf. There is no need to buff a class that is doing well.

That's because most of the records are Var-CHs. Non-var CHs have nothing special; they can't make tanks, they cant regenerate energy, and they don't have a good heal. That definitely ruins the class. And besides, this suggestion is for Omega.
Second, the third one.

3 Of course people would complain about this if they are spamming static every chance it came. The way it was originally it was a brainless energy move since no matter what you attacked as long as you connected you would get a set amount of energy because it worked with raw damage (which as I stated is OP) Now that is more strategic (Meaning you got to think and choose when to use it to maximize the effect of it) everyone now hate it. Of course you wouldn't gain back a lot of energy if you are going against a tank player try using it on players who have lower defense/resist instead of everyone. The way it was before it was too useful. I know before the nerf if you would see CH barely anyone of them trained their energy and were overly relying on static. Heck as I stated before some people even wanted the pyro fly's ability chanced cause it had the chance to turn off static.

According to my recordings, the average record of energy I gain through a level 6 Static Charge is 10 energy per fight, including NPC battles. Do you know it's useless in PvPs? As I stated before, it's BLOCKABLE, HAS A 2 TURN COOLDOWN, and is based on RAW ACTUAL DAMAGE.

And btw, you quoted that "20% conversion as damage is OPed". Whereas in battles when facing oppponents that are lvl 33 above, The highest strike ever without rage is 15, which gains 3 energy. On rage, the highest I've hit is 30, which is 6 energy. How can this be Oped?( These records are based on 3 weeks )Btw, ask your Reroute, how much energy do u get normally? On the other hand, not much would MAX it out.

***Percentages are always arguable, of course. I wouldn't mind fixing the percentages.

And please, come up with another idea that'd help improve CH's energy regenerating skill.

Stabilis -> RE: CH---Static (12/10/2012 9:32:54)

Sure, you can replace one of the other 2 passive skills with this passive. Class will need Energy Shield though...


theholyfighter -> RE: CH---Static (12/10/2012 9:41:22)

^Already quoted that PA is never leaving...Can removing Malfunction be posslble? maybe changing it to a buff skill, just like how TLMs get Field Commander?

Mother1 -> RE: CH---Static (12/10/2012 10:43:12)

@ theholyfighter

It is simple math where I got my numbers. The number of strength I got is the build I am currently using and that is a non strength abusing build where the strength is 67. If I could gain back 11 energy each turn as long as it connects just using my level of strength and a decent a level 35 item, image what a strength abuser would get back with this. Plus unlike reroute when your opponent can use planning to actually stop your plans static your opponent has no control over. So what if the original static is blockable, Unlike the original that can be used every 2 turn because of cooldown, and is blockable your idea makes it connect with every attack and every attack since you want it to work like bloodlust and with raw damage (which basically ignores all defense and resist since it what you can get without it Plus bloodlust works with every attack) there are unblockable attacks with cyber hunter, such as massacre, and there are moves that will always grantee damage such as sidearm, aux, and bot special. Every single one of these attacks would give you back 20 percent of the raw damage regradless what you hit since you want it to work like bloodlust.

So if Cyber hunter get back 1/5 of potential damage they do as energy for max level for my build it would look like this

16-20 +35= 51-55 Divided by 5 which will give me 10.2-11 energy for every melee attack I use
16-20 +35= 51-55 Divided by 5 which will give me 10.2-11 energy for every time I use my sidearm regradless of what I hit
14-17 +39= 53-56 Divided by 5 which will give me 10.6-11.2 energy (which will be 11 no matter what) every time I use my aux
28-32 +30= 58-62 divided by 5 which will give me 11.3-12.1 energy every time I used and connect damage with my bot.

And this is at the max for this passive with raw damage for my build. The original static only worked with once every 3 turns and only would work when you hit. However bloodlust as I stated works with all attacks, as long as they do damage. Plus bloodlust with raw damage would work with whatever stat the attack is based on and even if you limited the raw damage only to your melee stat in terms of gaining back energy you would always no matter what gain back your range of strength + your weapon damage divided by 5 for whatever attack you used. Plus with the way you have it people would just use their unblockable moves to gain back energy granteed. Energy abuse will come back once again, and Cyber hunter would be OP.

theholyfighter -> RE: CH---Static (12/11/2012 9:41:41)

First of all, sorry, my bad. Didn't mean to say "raw" damage. Was thinking about the "actual damage" and put the wrong word. I, myself, deeply agree that "raw damage" is definitely too Oped.

As I said again,

***Percentages are always arguable, of course. I wouldn't mind fixing the percentages.

And please, come up with another idea that'd help improve CH's energy regenerating skill.

And please, read this too:

I'd think it be nice to add a requirement to it. Not strength (encourages strength builds), not support (since Shadow Arts have it already). Any idea?

Overall, just trying to come up with ways to make Static Charge really something.

Mother1 -> RE: CH---Static (12/11/2012 14:48:41)

@ theholyfighter

It would still be OP even if it works like bloodlust. Because if it works like bloodlust then it is no longer blockable. As I stated bloodlust works with every attack and to make this passive the energy version of that even with actual damage would cause energy abuse. People would just use their sidearm, aux, robot special (which is unblockable) and unblockable skills to gain back granteed energy which is still OP.

Also static charge is something right now. Remember you can still get energy back with it, which is more then the merc class since they can't get back energy at all, with the way it is now as I stated it is now you have to actually pick and choose the time to use it. Before you didn't need malf and you could spam it on any build and always get a percent of your potential damage which mean there was no control over it, and the energy gain ignored defense and resist. Now image if all move were like this would that not be OP?

Maybe lowering the max percent and have it work with strikes and it would be more fair and balanced.

arthropleura -> RE: CH---Static (12/12/2012 18:36:20)

You... want them to have a energylust? No.... that would... umbalance things. Imagine a massacre build like that :D
Nah, i think its fine as it is. when i played it i could regenerate more than 10 on average which is enough to cheapshot again with infernal :3

Stabilis -> RE: CH---Static (12/12/2012 19:05:04)

^ Teach me how to Cheap Shot with the Infernal Android, master.

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