This is NEEDED :D (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Winters Key -> This is NEEDED :D (12/9/2012 4:34:31)

Come on, we need level 35 varium sidearms. Please. Without them, it is winter without the snow, or cake without the icing, or ice cream without the cream xD

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: This is NEEDED :D (12/9/2012 4:47:18)

trust me a powerful one is gonna come soon :D

Vypie -> RE: This is NEEDED :D (12/9/2012 5:05:52)

Well, even without any new gun, it would be the same in terms of stats/level :P

UNLESS it had a special ability! ;)

Ranloth -> RE: This is NEEDED :D (12/9/2012 5:36:32)

We do need them? Omega says otherwise. You'll be able to upgrade any weapon to Lvl 35 so no, it's not needed.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: This is NEEDED :D (12/9/2012 7:35:24)

Once Omega, every weapon is level 35 damage ... Your choice. All you need is Credits/Varium :)

Mysterion. -> RE: This is NEEDED :D (12/9/2012 7:39:04)

Just like Trans and Soul said.
Every single gun in the game can become a 35.

So we do not need a new 35 anymore.

Stabilis -> RE: This is NEEDED :D (12/9/2012 15:12:35)


Eventus -> RE: This is NEEDED :D (12/10/2012 1:49:15)

As others have mentioned before me, when Omega comes out on its anticipated launch date (December 14, 2012), this should no longer be a problem, because you will then be able to "upgrade" the damage/stats/skill on various weapons to your liking, including sidearm weapons.

Since there seems to only have been reiterations of the same concept in this thread and the OP's suggestion will soon no longer be applicable, I'm also going to padlock up.

Prepare for Omega! [:)]

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