Stun Buff (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> Stun Buff (12/9/2012 19:37:51)

i noticed alot that after stunning someone, their items still recieve a cool down turn.

a good buff for stuns would be to negate cooldowns for another turn.

what i mean is, lets say on my 3rd turn, i stun a str BH, on the 4th turn, he has massacre,
what if stuns delayed cooldowns another turn? so that the BH can only massacre on his 5th turn?

the delayed cooldown would apply to all types of attacks aside from strikes.


Mr. Black OP -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 19:41:59)

Would this apply to warm ups or just cool downs?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 19:43:38)

@mr black ops

Mother1 -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 19:45:32)

Not supported for the sole purpose that a turn is still passing even though you lose a turn.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 19:46:54)


its not a "passing" turn, technically u took the turn away by the stun, it doesn't make sense that the enemy gets a cooldown/warmup while being stunned when he does nothing.

plus, stuns need a buff, right now they are pretty useless.

Edit: heres an exampe of a battle vs a str bh

enemy: Smokes
Me: malf
Enemy: strike
Me: overload *stun*
Me: gun
Enemy on his REAL 3rd Turn: massacre and wins.

this would simply delay his attacks that aren't cooldown/warmed up for another turn.

EDIT: whoops double post. Posts merge. ~Mecha

Ranloth -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 19:52:31)

But turn still passes, otherwise you don't have a turn as well since it didn't pass. <_< Stun needs a buff? Right. Raise the damage or lower EP cost, not modify it to affect cooldowns and such. Turn passes for you and the enemy. If it doesn't pass for the enemy then neither it should to you.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 19:54:24)

except its not passing, its skipping.

basically this stops BHs from using mass on their real 3rd turn. (which would be listed as 4th because of how the current system works)

Mother1 -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 19:58:24)

@ goldslayer

Stuns already give the person who caused it or the person going next a free hit no matter what. There isn't a need to make warm ups and cool downs stop because you are stunned.

Ranloth -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 20:02:54)

You already gain free turn of damage and don't take any damage for a turn, that's more than enough.

Stabilis -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 20:55:38)

Please do not raise the damage on these skills, they will count as 2 turns of attacks at 100% damage and only by random chance while the stunned player is not able to react.

What if the energy cost and damage were removed and the skill level determines what % chance of stun or for how many turns (maximum 2) the skill's stun has.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 22:31:20)

this isn't increasing damage, this is simply just change the stun system so that players who are stunned dont recieve cooldown/warmups since they technically didn't have a turn.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 22:36:09)

If I were to shoot a gun, and the nozzle became burning hot, then I left it and went to sleep, would it have cooled down?
Cooldowns just work with time, not you doing something
The has still passed, so I say a cooldown should still happen

A warm up on the other hand, would make sense to be cancelled for a TM or BH, because their final requires them doing something
A Merc/TLM, not so much

Bottom line, not supported

Xx.Nemesis.xX -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 22:40:41)

I just had the craziest thought. What if blood mage's fireball were to do even less damage but put a cooldown on your gun.
I see a discussion coming on.;)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Stun Buff (12/9/2012 22:42:31)

like in early delta with fireball?
that made BM UP.

ND Mallet -> RE: Stun Buff (12/10/2012 14:58:21)

Well if you prevent stuns from taking up the other guy's cooldowns then you'll also prevent their buffs and shields from wearing off sooner. So that 20+ shield will be there for an extra turn if you change it back. I also think this was removed because it was causing issues with cooldowns and warmups but I may be wrong.

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