NPCs for Juggernauts (Full Version)

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drekon -> NPCs for Juggernauts (12/11/2012 0:09:38)

- 2 new NPCs (probably twins who only fight together)

- Their levels will be randomly set to -10 and -5 of the player's actual level at the start of each battle. Each increasing level increases in difficulty.

Therefore, it would be the equivalent of a level 35 player battling 2 Mirvs (weakest) and going up to 2 Charfades (strongest). If the idea of 2 Charfades terrifies you, then how about the equivalent of 2 Mechachillids(level 30). That should still be challenging, minus the terror. :)

- With Omega's new rules, only Credits and other rewards (if any) will be available for victories.

So for those of you with a great Juggernaut Win/Loss ratio who don't wish to ruin it, this is a good opportunity for you to still earn Credits doing what you do best.

Feel free to refine the idea, if needed, but at least give it some thought.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: NPCs for Juggernauts (12/11/2012 2:37:31)

this sounds good, because of the fact that you might vs harder NPCs. and the difficulty should scale depends on how often you win in this mode.

Mysterion. -> RE: NPCs for Juggernauts (12/11/2012 2:45:09)


SouL Prisoner -> RE: NPCs for Juggernauts (12/11/2012 5:08:39)

We all did experience a little bit of NPC jugg during infernal war, and i liked it :D

So, Supported :)

Crimson Eagle -> RE: NPCs for Juggernauts (12/11/2012 5:13:44)

It would be good to practice builds!

theholyfighter -> RE: NPCs for Juggernauts (12/11/2012 9:57:34)

I don't see any reason to not support.

It should:
1. Give more credits than normal NPCs
2. Requires Skull Cards

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: NPCs for Juggernauts (12/11/2012 10:04:09)

i support again, you see im not always negative towards player suggestions.

drekon -> RE: NPCs for Juggernauts (12/11/2012 11:07:32)

^ Hehe, I see and acknowledge your positive feedback. +1 internets for you my friend. :)

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