Gjappy -> De Nederlandstalige spelers (Dutch Players) (12/11/2012 13:48:10)
Nederlandstalige spelers "Dutch players" [image]http://i846.photobucket.com/albums/ab29/Gjappy/ForumPic_zps6d058368.png[/image] [[[AE Games]]] [Milestones] * Formed 9th of june 2011 By Gjappy, the Human Angel * First meeting with members of the Group in may 2012 * Hit 100 members in Juli 2012 * Hit 150 members in January 2013 * At May 2013 the in-game guild got full. So we annexed a second one named "The Royal Dutch" * Hit 200 members in June 2013 quote:
TABLE OF CONTENT: - About us - Ranks - Membership List - Other Info - FAQ quote:
[About Us] We are a group united with 1 thing in common, we all speak one and the same language. we are united as one, we are the community of the dutchies! together with the Admins of the group, we form "Nederlandstalige Aqw spelers" the group was created to unite Dutch AQW players. But then we started to recruit Dutch Players from all AE games in general, from that moment on we started growing rapidly. (And we still are!) We now form one united group of friends. To join, make sure you speak Dutch. This is the only requirement. If you fit this requirement: Click the picture Above and join our website! you can start topic's and talk to your new friends. [ranks] Members: all the members that are in the in-game guild but are not on the out-game guild but fit the requirements. Members: all the members that are in the in-game guild and in the out-game guild and fit the requirements. Officers: members with a special task, in-game officers for AQW/ED/HS guild and skype. Admins: the persons that coöperate with the leader in running the guild on the main site. Leader: this is only 1 person, and 1 person only even when we get more guild, there can only be 1 leader! (place has been taken by Gjappy) [Member List] Aeternum vale Almelow Aqua Water Heart Vinc Black Rockhopper Black Wizzard99 Blade Master0123 Canberk_070 Chaos Lord_pirate Chessmaster2000 Chessmaster3000 CoD Pro Dome Dargon of god Dark Madician DeMaffe93 Devil Cant Cry DJ Icewolf Dragon4ever11 Dragonnyt1 Dropju Dutch Windmill Dylanx123456789 Florian139 Fr3sh Moon Gjappy Hellgirlxd Himeji Hippp Killer Insumorable Jonas dude3 Justgetmyrespect King brandon123 Koepiner1 Luvhart Mac259 Niels159 Olifantendrol Rolling Sun Ruru Roozbeh31 Roroth Super Mand90 Thedragonfire11 The Desire Warkiller Time to Heal Tombis16 Torndao Tripple D Tszzzz Ressiehennes Zeeleeuw 20 Sub-Guild: Nederlandstalige AQW Spelers Remember, the members of the sub-guild are not all in the AQW guild, most of them have an individual guild, but we are all members of one group. [Other info] Founded by Gjappy had member of the AE staff inside before they became in-game staff. We only have one main rule, the rest should come with common-sense. We have a Facebook page [FAQ] quote:
Q: Who is Gjappy? spoiler:
A: He is an Dutch AQWorlds player that started playing in 2009. He got active on Facebook, and came in contact with some AE staff. Later he met more Dutch players in AQWorlds, then he decided to create the Nederlandstalige AE Gamers group in june 2011. Since then he has been the leader of this group, making friends and having fun in the AE games. In August 2012 AE hired him as voluntary staff, and in march 2013 he got a golden name in AQWorlds. For AE he leads the AQ3D testing team and hunts on bugs in AQWorlds. Besides that, he still leads the group helped by the admins. quote:
Q: Why did Gjappy make this group? spoiler:
A: To make friends with the Dutch people he got to know and maybe meet them irl (happened already a few times). Now the group has getting bigger, the main goal is mainly to unite the Dutch speaking players. quote:
Q:Are there any requirements to join? spoiler:
A: Yes, you need to speak dutch quote:
Q: Are there any other things your group has to offer? spoiler:
A: Yes, we've got 2 AQW guilds, a Facebook group and a Skype chat. And sometimes even meetings in real life. Tholdir is in charge of the second in-game guild which is still attached to the same group. quote:
Q: Are there any restrictions? spoiler:
A: Yes, you can obviously not join if you don't understand our language (Dutch). And you have to keep the AE rules. quote:
Q: Can I be an guild-admin/officer? spoiler:
A: All admins are chosen based on the opinion of the other guild members. For every 25 members there is an admin, and with every 25 members extra a new admin gets chosen. Officers however, are chosen/appointed by the admins and have a leading role in either the guild, skype, twitter or have a special task and responsibilities. quote:
Q: Which persons are leading the guild? spoiler:
A: The guild have been led for a long time by Gjappy on his own, when we became bigger admins joined in at the Facebook group. With every 25 members there will be a new admin. Admins help in both the Facebook group, as in-game or on the chatrooms etc. We also have officers, these are specifically bound to either the guild in-game or to a chatroom/website. quote:
Q: What is so special about this guild? spoiler:
A: First of all that the guild contains 3 AE staff members; Gjappy (the guild leader) is Moderator and Tester, Aqua Dragon Master (Guild Officer) is Tester and Roroth is an Artist for AQworlds. Besides that the guild is way bigger then it appears. Out game it even contain(ed) other AE staff members that speak Dutch; like Vokun, Elnaith, Disturbed, Roroth, Razgriz, Aqua and Basicball. Also we do meeting ups in real life, often situated in a city in Holland or Belgium. These meetings are organized by the admins in the Facebook group. And last but not least we try to have an contest in the group each month for a reward of Artix Points or special items. quote:
Q: Name some known or fun facts? spoiler:
A: 1. Aqua, Gjappy and Roroth visited Artix in real life and visited the Secret Underground Lab and were at DragonCon in august/september 2013. They appeared in the Design Note post of Artix on Artix.com 2. Aqua starred in the Promotion Video of BattleGems 3. We featured on a Dutch Game Blog in September 2013, and brought AE games under attention of the European game blogs. For more questions please contact either: Gjappy Aqua Vinc Tholdir Luvhart Roroth Thanks to Aqua Dragon Master. ~ Gjappy