The Focus Trap will Break! (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> The Focus Trap will Break! (12/11/2012 15:32:06)

As we know in Omega, weapons lose requirements. That means, as the level cap increases, our weapons will no longer have growing stat requirements. Stat requirements before, would increase over time. In a few months, like 3 months, we could have had multiple stat requirements over 40, bringing us closer to Focus. Now that stat requirements are marked for death, what do you think of Focus?

In my opinion, even though Focus is one of Titan's creations from the past, in-game it is... not to say ugly, but like a duck, yes? Focus is like a duck. Dolan Duck. Focus relies on 4 different stats to progress, not it's own stat. Adding a 7th stat is likely monumental as a task... but now we have extra help and a more streamlined game as opposed to 1 year ago or 2 years ago. Why I am suggesting that Focus become a new stat is because of certain undesirable results stemming from having Focus. Splitting 100 stats into 4 stats to reach 5th Focus is draining on stat points meant for Health or Energy. 111 Health maximum, and the main weapon, Robot, is not even solely dependent on Focus, Technology is nearly equally important as a damage-improving stat! Focus improves 1 thing out of all of EpicDuel, and Technology does it better! Focus stops at 30 damage yet Technology surpasses 30! All I am saying is that Focus needs independence to truly prosper as a stat instead of mooching the Fantastic 4 for life.

goldslayer1 -> RE: The Focus Trap will Break! (12/11/2012 15:36:43)

focus will survive one way or another (unless they remove it), u just have to improvise ur builds.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: The Focus Trap will Break! (12/11/2012 19:39:06)

I don't think focus should be a separate stat. I can see your point, as its purpose originally was to keep people from putting most/all of their points into one stat, but its really not doing that anymore. Its just bot damage now, which makes it have some properties of a full stat.

I don't think it needs any major changes, but maybe a name change? I don't understand the name at all... focus means "focusing" on 1 thing, which is exactly the opposite of focus. *Confusion*.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: The Focus Trap will Break! (12/11/2012 20:25:24)

I don't really think focus builds themselves are OP (mainly addressing all those people who complain about OP BM focus), it's just that skill conjugations on certain classes can either make them stronger or weaker. Take normal merc for an example: they have a pretty effective focus skill tree, but effective focus builds can't use bunker without totally draining energy. Focus mercs have to resort to heal, intimidate, blood commander, atom smasher, and adrenaline, which, all together, don't create a very good combination, especially with tech-abuse level 7 emp foes. On the other hand, BMs have 2 defensive buffs, blood lust, and intimidate. Energy shield is the best resistance-raising skill, reflex boost is also very strong, but not as good as matrix, blood lust is hands-down the best defensive passive in the game by far, and intimidate is a low-energy costing skill which allows you to deal damage at the same time, effectively countering many strength builds. Therefore, focus itself as a build doesn't really need buffing/nerfing, it's skill trees that need modding (notice I don't say nerfing), because the skills themselves increase the effectiveness of focus based on the class.

Stabilis -> RE: The Focus Trap will Break! (12/11/2012 22:22:58)


The aim here is not about deciding a nerf or a buff, but if you would like to discuss those on Focus then proceed. The aim here is freeing Focus from the 4 stat conjunction that it is since stat requirements on weapons will be irrelevant to having to NEED to use Focus. As of Omega, Technology builds could outdo Focus builds but not in Robot damage... yet.

Darkwing -> RE: The Focus Trap will Break! (12/13/2012 14:10:33)

5 focus will still be good. they got the robots, and 100 split in 4 is not a bad thing. you're good at many things but not a master in something.

Vypie -> RE: The Focus Trap will Break! (12/13/2012 16:36:07)

The purpose of focus is to give something extra to a balanced distribution of stats.
Focus has a huge potential to make build choices interesting. Currently it's not really doing it's job... but if we separate it, it will become just another stat. A very dull stat.

In my opinion, Focus should not be a stat we spend points on like all others. It represents a combination of stats.
I don't think +robot power is the best "extra" we could have, though. It could be something more... passive, and interesting, you know? (hum... maybe a reduction in skill energy cost, maxed up to 10%?)

Anyways, it should atleast be renamed to "Balance" stat.

rayniedays56 -> RE: The Focus Trap will Break! (12/14/2012 2:23:37)

I just can't wait to see all the 5 focus Infernal Android BloodMages taken down.

*butthurt a little :/*

Focus is brilliant imo. However, the android hurt it

(stop the butt hurt*

Ok. I'm done ranting...

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