Zhilo (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Zhilo (12/12/2012 5:51:58)

Wind Element
Level	9	19	39	59	95	
XP	37	46	110	391	6472	
Gold	37	48	110	391	6470	
Power	2	2	2	2	2	
Melee	37	40	45	50	60	
Ranged	27	30	35	40	50	
Magic	27	30	35	40	50	
EstHP	130	270	700	1340	3160	
EstMP	100	140	210	280	410	

STR	15	35	70	110	175	
DEX	15	30	65	100	160	
INT	0	0	0	0	0	
END	15	30	60	85	140	
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	
LUK	0	0	0	0	0	
Fire	60	60	60	60	60	
Water	60	60	60	60	60	
Wind	40	40	40	40	40	
Ice	60	60	60	60	60	
Earth	40	40	40	40	40	
Energy	80	80	80	80	80	
Light	80	80	80	80	80	
Dark	80	80	80	80	80	
  • Regenerates «» SP per turn.
  • If he has at least «» SP, he spends that much and throws his axe at you, followed by a swift punch, for increased damage.
  • When defeated, he says:
      Zhilo: You have proven yourself worthy. Let me reward your victory with this...
    You can then take his weapon. This is a temporary weapon and level matches the monster's level.
    Level	9	19	39	59	95	
    Regen	15	20	30	40	58
    SP Cost	45	65	110	161	271
    A warrior in a quest to become the greatest of all Axe Masters. Be careful, he's short-tempered, and you don't want to be on his bad side, which happens to be bladed and heavy.

    Updated stats from evitableweapon. Element from donedude385. Image from Stephen Nix and SCAKK. Updated stats by In Media Res.

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