Arakkna (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Arakkna (12/12/2012 6:12:13)

Darkness Element
Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130
XP	74	145	426	1762	8588	45425	253301
Gold	26	46	140	587	2860	15153	84433
Power	2	2	2	2	2	2	2
Melee	18	24	30	36	42	47	52
Ranged	18	24	30	36	42	47	52
Magic	18	24	30	36	42	47	52
EstHP	260	730	1190	1800	2640	3310	5310
EstMP	160	240	330	440	570	670	770

STR	30	70	120	160	200	200	200
DEX	0	0	15	30	50	150	200
INT	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
END	0	0	0	0	0	0	50
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
LUK	20	75	115	160	200	200	200
Fire	150	150	150	150	150	150	150
Water	120	120	120	120	120	120	120
Wind	100	100	100	100	100	100	120
Ice	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
Earth	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
Energy	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
Light	150	150	150	150	150	150	150
Dark	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
  • Regenerates «» SP per turn.
  • If she has at least «» SP, then she spends that much to attack with her minions, for increased damage.
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130
    Regen	12	16	20	24	28	32	36
    Cost	47	89	137	193	255	324	399
    The queen of the Arakkin, giant intelligent spiders, is spinning a web of lies...

    Credits to BlackAces.

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